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Chapter 10: The Touched One Legend

      Teagan had grabbed Kuno with her tail, lifting him up on her back and running with him. Dragomir swooping down to pick up Jirair and Etzel flying aloneside of them. The darklings didn't stop so they had to make a tactical retreat. Once at the capital they could possibly find out the cause of the war on the dwarves and gain access to the solution as at this rate they'd never make it to the actual Doellion hole. It wasn't long before they all arrived and the dwarves shot flaming arrows into the shadows of the darklings to wound them and keep them back. They perfered axes and close range, heavy weapons, but they had the advantage of fire. Teagan, seeing this, climbed up the tower and went to lighting all the arrows she could hotter and stronger than any of their torches could do. They nodded their thanks as the darklings finally were drawn back. The capital was circled by mountain areas, in the middle of six mountains to be more percise. It was a huge city with six points, a mountain being those points. One in each corner, four total, then one on each side. The six mountains were connected in many ways and the gaps were filled in with stone walls, each wall had a battle tower with archers and on the opening areas there were dwarves, swinging their axes.
      "Kuno are you alright?" Etzel spoke very softly as to not jerk him awake. Kuno had slipped out of conscienceness when the battle was commencing. Dragomir had changed back his body draped in Etzel's silver robes with a black belt around his waist and chainmail armor covering his body under the robe. Kuno hadn't anwsered and yet to really stir since the battle.
      'We just got to axiuson about an hour or so ago and we have found a very disturbing sight. Darklings have come up from the underground, probably wiped out alot of the underground dwarves population. Kuno was having his life drained away by the darklings piece by piece when we arrived and was able to save him. He is still unconscience but he doesn't look pale or weakened anymore. Just resting, regaining his strength. Teagan has turned into a camel and is carrying Kuno further into the capital. Etzel seems to be conversing with Jirair over the darklings while they completely are in their own worlds thinking or protecting I'm making sure to document this wierd occurance. We're finally approaching familiar faces, Berko and Kayin are here now. They are telling us what happened. Something in the hole, I'll refer it to 'The Doellion Hole', was shooting flames out of it and driving the darklings wild. They charged the others in the caverns to feed and get out. They don't know what is causing the fire but they have no doubt that it is the fire that is sending them wild. Once Etzel is going to go into the caverns with Teagan as a salamander belt, that way she can burn anything that tries to get near him and I'm suppose to stay with Kuno until he wakes up which makes sense as too many of the darklings and my ice breath will fail to get them all. I will end up sitting right next to Kuno on the bed. Jirair refuses to leave my side as long as there is breath in his lungs. I really admire the fellow he has been with me since Gobilis and now is going near the hole of Doellion even, not in but still, it is very admirable. A true friend.' Dragomir stopped as Jirair came close to him, placing the pen behind his ear he smiled back at Jirair.
      "Why do you decide to stay with me so long Jirair? If you return you could say I ditched you and you didn't know of the plan to kill me, that you'd happily done it yourself. Some excuse to get back into your half of the province with ease." Dragomir said, wondering what kept Jirair so close. He hadn't asked him, but didn't deny he was glad he had company.
      "Mes likes you. Yous a true pal!" Jirair said as he slapped Dragomir's back hard. Jirair leapt up to a bar above Kuno's bed and stared directly into Dragomir's eyes.
      "You are definitely a friend in my eyes." Dragomir said softly as he looked to the door, where Etzel was.
      "We're going now. If we don't return in an hour or two, don't come looking for us. It'll have been too dangerous and it isn't worth the risk." Etzel said as softly, almost painfully, as he put his hand down and let salamander form of Teagan to climb up and wrap around his waist. Etzel rushed out of city and his wings grew out now, flying out up. His wings had that same feathered look to it, the dwarven race was in awe at it. They had never seen a silver draconian and the beauty of it in its partly transformed body was like an angel of Ouallion to them.

      "There it is!" Dieter said as he saw the jewel that was shooting flames everywhere. The journey in had been harsh with the flames blocking the darklings, the flames from the jewel nearly trying to melt through Dieter and Cordula. Dieter's flames is the only thing that kept the flames from touching Cordula, flames don't really harm him as they actually go into jewel halves. The walls had more of those leeches on it but he was more watchful for such things. There were other creatures in the darkness too but they all feared the flames so they stayed back. The only ones that ventured forward died when the lights burned their skin. Dieter carefully approached the jewel while he kept shooting flames at the shadows until he got to a shadow that didn't faulter with the flames. It quickly grabbed the jewel and was soon gone in the darkling shadows, the jewel vanishing with it.
      "What the hell!" Dieter shouted as he shot flames towards the shadows. How could some shadow take it, how could a darkling take it?
      "That can't be a darkling Dieter." She whispered softly to him as she watched his anger. The darklings had seemed to start to subside and die off.

      "You really shouldn't talk about our master like that." Two kitsunes came out with shamshir scimitars in both hands of each kitsune. They had their arms crossed with the blades back behind them. The way they were standing they looked almost as if they were one being.
      "The name is Bo," The first kitsune said as she slowly moved her arms out and got on guard. The blades facing back in a curve but easily ready to give a tornado of slashes. The other kitsune took the same formation with her shamshir scimitars.
      "And my name is Ming." The second kitsune said as she smiled it was obvious of one detail, the solid red eyes. They were touched ones. Guardians of some kind of master, assumably the darklings. It didn't take even much longer than that to spot two more unique traits of the pair of kitsunes. Bo had a jewel on her neck that had a spiralling wind inside of it while Ming's was dim and seemingly solid black. Both similar to Dieter's jewels and Kuno's.
      "So touched magical users, this shall be interesting." Dieter said softly with a slight irritation shown in his voice. His lips brushed against Cordula's ear before she heard the whisper, "Stay close. Don't go out of the light of my flames."
      Dieter took out his blade and started to swing it back and forth, hand to hand. He was taunting them as his blade went up in flames and the flames shot towards them. Bo's jewel glowed a white dim light and a tornado like wind came out from the jewel and redirected the flames into the wall. Ming smirked as she slammed her blades together, her jewel going up from black to an artifical light that seemed to almost rival the sun, the darklings in the area were crying out as they seemed to vanish. The light wasn't as powerful as the sun but these darklings didn't care either way. Dieter's eyes were blurred from the light and thats when he felt two blades leaving an X pattern on his back, a small yelp from the pain came from Dieter's lips before he turned to block the next fury strike. Cordula was watching but it didn't take her long to lift the kimono to her lower leg, pulling out a short sword. She blocked Bo's strikes towards Dieter. It was at least even for now.
      "Who is your master?" Dieter said with his eyes flaming hot. Any darklings that came into the area either Dieter or Ming blasted them out. The circular area was darkling free, even though mere minutes before the whole area was covered in them. It seemed as if Ming and Bo weren't loyal to the darklings which Dieter made note of. It was the main thing that came to his mind when he asked the question.
      "Hibiki." Both of the kitsunes said at the same time, without missing a beat of Dieter's blade or Cordula's blade, while giving a counterstrike to them.
      "Who is," Dieter paused as he shot flames towards Ming's hand to make her counterstrike jerk in a different direction. His foot meeting her chest with force to knock her down on the ground. "Hibiki?"
      Both Cordula and Bo kept it to just one blade, seemed Bo was the 'good sister' of the two kitsunes. Ming kept up with dirty tactics against Dieter but Dieter just returned them. Neither Cordula or Bo had got the upperhand on each other, both seemingly equal in skills.

      "Hibiki issssss your worssssssst nightmare." A man's voice rung out from the shadows. There was no way to see where he was as the only visable things were the darklings' shadows. Dieter swung around to try to find where the voice came from, his guard down, and got himself struck from behind by Ming. A swift kick to his back, sending him flying into the wall where there was one shadow on it. That shadow wasn't draining him, it was forming into a draconian. A dark draconian. The draconian had a grip on Dieter's wrists, with the muscles of a dragon he threw Dieter over into Bo and Cordula, sending them both into the other wall with Dieter.
      "Bo," The draconian turned to Ming then. "Ming, both of you go take thissssss to Kitsssssssonto. There you ssssssssshould find a matching one. Don't disssssssappoint me you two."
      "Yes master." Ming said and gave him a bow, her brown hair tied up with a long pin. Her body was covered in fur of a fox with the only human clothing being animal leathered top and bottom to be decent. Bo took a short period to recover but it was easily protected as darklings covered Cordula and Dieter, draining them slightly but just enough to change their attention to them. Hibiki, the draconian, tossed Dieter's jewel to Ming as the two sisters darted out at a fast, inhuman speed. Hibiki had a necklace that held seven jewels, the middle one was a big black jewel that seemed to glow with every single darkling's movement.
      "The legendary draconian...the one to harness the darklings..." Dieter shot his flames at any of the darklings that got near him and when Hibiki started to walk near him as well. Hibiki opened his mouth and a eardrum shattering scream came from his jaw. It was so high pitched that Dieter's flames died and he had to cover his ears as well as Cordula had to do the same. They both were in pain from the scream and all Hibiki did was grin. Hibiki bent down with his scaley claws lifting both of them up and smiled in such a cruel way that Cordula was shivering. Flames started to burst behind the three from the entrance to this area.
      "Next time you two." Hibiki said with a smile, throwing the two on the ground and rushing off, the darklings were following him fast as if they were his army.
      "Come...on Cordula..." Dieter said lifting himself up and taking her with him in his arms. He was weakened incredibly but he knew if whoever was coming would find them in this state, he'd never gain his true power again. The unexcepted meeting with a fairy tale creature is a dent in his plan. Dieter shot flames everywhere trying to keep the remaining ones away from Cordula mostly but he had to from himself too, any more draining and he'd be in a death state in no time.

      Etzel shouted down the area of the caverns, seeing a bigger opening and having had to cover his ears during the earth shattering scream. It had alerted him to the prescences of others down here, no darkling could cause such a loud shout. Teagan had stuck tight to Etzel, burning any darkling that got near him but it didn't take long for the darklings to be seen barreling out the other area which is where Hibiki went. It was so strange, and in there. It was obvious there was flames being shot in the middle of the darklings. The pace was too slow to out run Etzel and this is the advantage he took, unknowning to himself that this was his enemy and not injured allies. He rushed, blasting flames at the darklings. When he covered the flames around the 'allies', allowing them to be seen to who they were it shocked Dieter. Dieter jerked and was sent down into the flames, being immuned it didn't hurt him but it caused Cordula to be taken away from his arms, dropping down on her backside. It didn't take long for Etzel to reach Cordula and by this time he had her in his arms and bound before Dieter could fight back.
      "Let her go!" Dieter shouted weakly his flames showing his strength, they were no more then slight flames of what you might see off a candle.
      "You've caused alot of problems Dieter, if you are the cause of this you will come with me. We can get you healed up and then we can see what to do with you." Etzel replied while holding the weakened Cordula, she was far to weak to fight and honestly she could barely speak. She did however get some words out to Dieter.
      Even though her words were broken and unknown to be exactly what her use of words was, it was obvious to Dieter what she was getting at. Dieter threw a dagger at Etzel, hitting him in the shoulder that wasn't holding Cordula. The wound gave Dieter enough time to run, without Cordula he could keep a faster pace but he was hestitant to do it, he wasn't very hestitant knowing if he was caught he couldn't get her free again and he'd lose his freedom. Etzel was actually unsure which one is what caused Dieter to run. It didn't really matter anymore, the truth was he would have to take Cordula back, heal her and see what she could tell them. If she could allow them to know what Dieter is up to or at least where he may have gone, they could have an advantage over Dieter and his terror. Cordula had passed out after Dieter had left, having to be carried by Etzel while Teagan shot flames everywhere. The darklings really seemed to die down and the land above had done the same, the darklings slowly sunk into other areas where only they could know.

      'Still no word on where Etzel or Teagan is, its been quite a few hours and I can only hope for the best but....'
      "Theys're here! Theys're here!" Jirair shouted as he was leaping from rooftop to rooftop, stopping at Dragomir's window, swinging down on his back feet and shouted in the window to him before continuing on again.
      'So, what is Dieter Adler really?' Kuno asked to Kane in the middle of an open plains.
      'Simple Kuno,' Kane replied in his deep voice, his blade very similar to Kuno's pinned into the ground, blade end down. His appearance so close to Kuno it is uncanny, almost as if they are looking into a mirror. 'The thing is, what he has become now. He was a good warrior. Cruel, yes. Though he had some honor to him and he was a nobleman. A prince of his own land. I had to stop him though, I had to destory what I saw as an enemy, what I saw as a threat. At the time it looked easier than I assumed but after getting into it, he was very strong in many aspects of his strengths. I'd be worried if you two came into a fight again, you're not quite as strong with everything as I was. You're missing one of my jewels as well. If you got both, you'd be able to stop him easier. His were busted up into many pieces from what I have gathered. If thats the case, then you already are stronger in power, just not control.'
      'So you're saying I'm a weakling with your powers but more powerful. Thats always what I want to hear.' Kuno said as he stood up and swung his blade towards Kane, when he got it to Kane's face, it just stopped in mid air. He snickered and shook his head, pushing the blade away.
      'I told you, you're not as strong as me with my powers. I can keep your blade in mid air even no matter how hard you push. Gravity is one of the most powerful elements in the world. If you can master it, you master alot of things and talents.' Kane said softly but his deep voice had more of a impact than a softer one would.
      'So train me!' Kuno said as he stood up in a battle stance, his blade being released from the gravitational forcefield.
      'Thats what I like to hear,' Kane got into the same stance.

      "Has Kuno not woken up yet?" Etzel asked as he placed Cordula on a bed in the same room. He examined her for the wounds as Teagan crawled down his leg and off onto the floor, her salamander body slowly moved up in flames to form her former female self.
      "No he has said somethings about Dieter and training but nothing that made any sense. It was gibberish from what I could make out. He seems to be locked into a sleep right now, but his vitals seem to be good and strong, so nothing to worry about." Dragomir said as he adjusted his glasses, placing his journal onto a table near Cordula's bed.
      "This is," Etzel started but was interupted by Dragomir. "I saw someone who looked exactly like her. It was a female kitsune who had broken into the area to steal something, Ouallion knows what. It looked exactly like her but she was burned to death. I wonder...."
      "If they are related?" Etzel ended before continuing on his own assumption, "Its very possible. Kitsunes often have more than one sister. It is actually quite uncommon to have an only child and nine times out of ten the siblings look very similar, only the kitsunes really know how they breed but they are always known to have a big 'litter' if you will, never having just one unless the sibling is weak, which often is assumed that the mother. If there is a mother, was very ill too and could barely have the one."
      "So how is she?" Teagan asked out of the blue, watching her. Personally, she was a shapeshifter but she perfered alot of the kitsune's ways. Though being a shapeshifter she was banned from ever going to Kitsonto, all shapeshifters were.
      "She's weakened from the darklings but with my help of my blood, it should give her some boosting and same goes with her cuts should heal then." Etzel said as he cut his finger and placed the blood drops on her cuts, the blood going into the cut and closing it behind it. The way it healed could freak out any human and even can freak out other beings that were use to unnatural habits and things. It healed instantly always unless it was himself, then that was another story. Cordula slowly started to come around, focusing on Teagan's face with a scowl. She knew by the smell Teagan was a shapeshifter with the scowl, Teagan turned and left the room. She knew she was not wanted, so she decided to leave.
      "We will not hurt you but you do not disrespect my friend and employee, Teagan is a very good shapeshifter, she is far from a thief like alot of them are known to be." Etzel said softly with slight annoyance, knowing that is why Teagan left.
      "Why should I give any of you respect? You kidnapped me." Cordula said coldly, not moving in her laid down position. Her eyes closing shut again, not wishing to even look at them.
      "Because," Dragomir said softly, "I have one question, one question alone. Do you have a sister? That some man burned her in wereilis? She looked exactly like you and he killed her, if you're with him. You could be next."
      "I know he killed her, I told him to. She had the other jewel he needed to..." Cordula mentally cursed herself and then shook her head, "To do nothing you need to know about. He loves me and thats all that matters."
      "If he does so much, why did he leave you? For all he knew I was going to kill you once we got you back here." Etzel said in a more questioning tone then trying to make her angry.
      "Because I told him to leave, are you dense? I mean, if he got caught too. Theres no chance he could get back to his full strength and break me out. Out of either one of us being captured. I'm the weakest and easiest to break out, I'd not be able to break him out." Cordula said softly with a smile as she sat up, "So how did you get me so strong so fast?"
      "My blood, my silver draconian blood is healer's blood. You weren't weak enough for it to take long, it was powerful enough to wake you back up. I gave you a bit more than usual as well as I wished to get you back in action fast so I may get some anwsers. As to why you were with Dieter but the love anwsers that, I still have a question. How do you know he isn't just using you?" Etzel anwsered and asked back. Cordula only laughed as she swung her legs around and stood up. Etzel didn't move to stop her, leaving her to roam but not allow her to leave.
      "Okay," She finally broke the silence. "I worry about that, I do. I just know he really does care, if he didn't, He could've gotten rid of me long ago and he could have let me die down there and ran. He was carrying me out, its what gave him the disadvantage in speed to get caught by you. If he could he'd keep me from all injuries, but he isn't Ouallion Daris, he can't do that."

      In a dark cave outside of Axiuson was a blood streak from the entrance deeper into the cavern. When the blood streak stopped it was stopped on a man bandaging his wounds and candles lit with a small flame all around. That man being Dieter.
      "How will I get her out? I'm wounded, not even sure where she could be. My next two jewels are going or are in Kitsonto. If only I could get her to tell them to go there, then when they are going I can get her inbetween while still going on my route. I have to get her back though." Dieter said as the flames started to rise on his body, the cave being filled with flames. He was lost in revenge and revenge he'd get, as well as his woman.

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