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Chapter 12: The Prophecy

     "Ah," The two monks say together as they spot their arrivals. The male monk started to speak first, wanting to tell them first about what they do before they actually go into the Temple of Knowledge. It is a rare thing for anyone to enter the temple who are not a monk.
     "Dragomir, Etzel." The male monk shook his head, "It is a sad fate that Kuno could not be with us. He was dire to a scenario in the future and due to what happened we won't be seeing that scenario happen. Either way, Dragomir you are the key to stopping Dieter and you are the door, Etzel."
     "We are the monks and we thrive on watching over the past, present and future. We know all and see all. When we get possible futures in a line, we watch them closely and see if we are suppose to intervene to make it go on the best path to the future. There are dark outcomes, average outcomes and great outcomes. In order for you to survive, you must gain a sword Dragomir. It was forged from dragon scales of a silver dragon. It is pure silver in origin but stronger than any silver blades forged in the dwarven land. It is also powered by an ice dragon. It was the blade of a once great draconian warrior. It is now for you to claim Dragomir. If you get it, you will be able to get to the greatest outcome against Dieter. Our job is to show you how to get it but not exactly how to use it or how to get it." The female monk added her long explaination. They seemed to be switching speaking when it was best to do so.
     "One of the outcomes had Kuno Kron in it but seeing as his untimely death. We won't even show you that outcome, the outcome you need is the one with the blade's best result. Dieter will gain all the jewels, including the one Kuno had. So it is dire that you do as we say. I will apoligize that we sent guards out to gather you but it isn't easy to maintain a shapeshifter here. I had to get permission from the queen herself to allow Teagan to even step foot in this land. So we made sure you were escorted safely here where you were needed. Cordula, Teagan and Jirair must stay outside. If you wish we can place extra guards on Cordula. But you two must follow us inside." The male continued from where the female monk had left off. The new was alittle overwhelming since they know everything about each of the group but Etzel knew at least that when the monks called you or asked you to enter. You did. As it meant serious business.
     "Lead the way, Teagan and Jirair I think can handle Cordula. As well as I don't think she'll be running." Etzel said as he turned to them and nodded his head as he headed off with the two monks into the temple, Dragomir next to him.

     "Sorry we had to leave them outside but this only concerns you and Etzel." The male spoke up as he kept walking, arms in his sleeves of his robe while the female turned slightly to look at them.
     "We really are sorry for your loss, we were watching you and it wasn't until it happened that we saw he wasn't going to be joining us. We had orders for Kuno, you and Etzel to join us but then when we looked deeper to find where you were arriving we saw what happened. It is quicker into Kitsonto but that area is one of the most dangerous around. It holds creatures that have evolved beyond any other creatures and all are dangerous cave dwellers or sea dwellers. Even though we also saw it, we weren't allowed to intervene. As stated we can only intervene when there is multiple futures and only in the ability we were given to. One time long ago a monk intervened with someone's death that they weren't suppose to and it started a war. Anytime we break the time fabric, if you will, we cause a series of dangerous effects." She said with a sad expression but then turned back and walked exactly in sync with the male. It was errie how each of them walked the same it was like watching tons of the same person, only difference between them being obvious is their gender, otherwise they look alike from a glance.
     "We just would like to know more about what you ask of us." Etzel spoke up as he could see Dragomir was still lost in his thoughts and possibly even thinking of what he'd like to write. He knew his cousin and he'd write his thoughts out in his head. His mind working like a pad of paper with a pencil writing or erasing the thoughts that made no sense.
     "Thats where we're getting at." The male monk said as he put his hand on a stone wall and it moved to the side, revealing the crystalized room once more. "Please clear out, freeze the images and don't let it run, we don't want hidden future being shown to our guest."
     The monks quickly scattered while freezing the images on things that was no way to be seen what it was. A dinosaur here, a elf with sword standing like a knight there. Nothing that could be seen as each image was from a different area or time period. The two monks stood with their backs to each other, one facing the right and one facing the left. They slowly started to change the images as Dragomir and Etzel watched the images fly by in fast foreward or rewind. It was when they all stopped at different views of a darkened underground ruins, the ruins were of a blue tint and there were slots for torchs all over.

     Dragomir and Etzel entered the big area in the ruins, becoming visable on the back wall of the crystalized walls. They held torches in one hand while the other was holding long swords. Dragomir's was very thin and very fragile looking while Etzel's was very heavy looking. They were slowly entering the area, looking from side to side. It was unknown what they were looking for at least to a casual viewer. It was then that the ruined area was set ablaze, nearly setting both Etzel and Dragomir on fire only to die down once more. When the flames had subsided it was visable that they could see Dieter standing on a few stone steps, holding a sword with a red jewel in the center of the hilt. The blade was burning with the flames, it had been pulled from a stone and when it was pulled the flames built up had shot out and through the room. His blade was held in front of him in defensive stance as soon as he saw who was in the caverns.
     "Be gone! I will not hesitate to kill you both." Dieter said as he stepped down from the steps fast. He swung the blade in a half circle in front of him to cause flames to linger in front of him and back anyone who tried to get near him.
     "We will not stand back and let you take your throne once more!" Dragomir shouted back as he rose his thin blade in front of him.
     "That butter knife won't do anything to this blade and we shall see who fails." Dieter said as he lunged towards Dragomir and with such a quick movement Dragomir's blade rose up, interlocking with the other blade in a death grip. The blade had grew in thickness of an icey color as well as it started to have cold frost coming off of it, almost like the blade was breathing the coldness out. Just as anyone who isn't immune to cold might.
     "Butter knife eh?" Dragomir uses his free hand to adjust his glasses and then hits Dieter's hand, knocking his blade out of the way and lunging back and out of reach.
     "Keep wearing those glasses bookworm and I'll let the early bird get you." Dieter snarled back as he adjusted himself up and pointed his free hand out, sending a flaming blast towards Etzel to blast him back and down a cavern hole. "This is between me and the bookworm."
     "Etzel!" Dragomir shouted as he turned to look to where Etzel was. Dieter took the turn as an opening and swung at him but it was futile as Dragomir rose the blade up, blocking and sending a kick to Dieter's stomach. "Nice try but you failed."

     The monks sped it up slightly to a point that showed both Dieter and Dragomir powering up their blades to the point that one was covered completely in flames. The flames extending a few inches in all directions from the blade, as well as onto Dieter's hand with him being immune. The other blade extends to a five foot long blade, wide but thin, and sharp as they come. The extensions on the blade is the ice forming out as it is hitting just part of its fuller potentional. The blades continue to clash, over and over but nothing honestly gets better until Dragomir finally gets the upper hand and cracks the jewel on the blade. Thats the point when the tide turns and the jewel's essence went flying out of the blade and the flames went out. The light went flying around the area until it comes back and cracks the jewel halves on Dieter's gauntlets, causing the light to get bigger. Barreling down another cavern hole, sending a tornado of flames back up the hole and then vanishing.
     "Here's the turning point for you two. The powers of Dieter had been sapped when the sword was cracked and all because you had a blade to counter his powers equally. If you continue to watch you end up defeating him once and for all without his powers, he is useless against you." The male monk spoke as he turned to the female and nodded his head.
     "Now to show you this and tell you what you need to know. I can only show you this," She said as she turned back to the crystal walls and focusing back to the image about the sword.

     The female monk was standing in front of them, playing an image of Dragomir running through a darken cavern being chased by a race of ouallionic humanoids with flaming air and arms. The cavern behind them starts to show a lava-like river flowing down towards the group. The cavern's tunnels were filling up so fast that the ouallionic humanoids were covered in lava. Dragomir looked back with a sudden grim expression, the grim expression turned into a dragon snarl as his jaw distorted and sent a blazing stream of ice back at the lava, only blocking it for a few moments as he turned into his full ice draconian form, clawing through the tunnel on all fours at a fast pace until he got to a clearing. Leaping over a hole, he escaped the lava from hitting his body, only burning his tail slightly. Though the lava was rising fast in the hole. Dragomir continued on until he saw a solid icicle covering a rustic looking sword. Dragomir had placed his clawed hands on the icicle just as he heard something behind him, turning around and seeing the ouallionic humanoids again. They shouted some words about protecting that ancient relic and sent flaming blast towards Dragomir. It didn't take long for Dragomir to turn around, open his mouth and swallow the flaming blasts, freezing it as it went down. His tail slamming against the icicle, cracking it as he lunged towards the attackers. Then the image froze and went black.

     "That is all we are allowed to show you. As that is all that was envisioned for us to show you." The male monk explained as he pointed to the door of the crystalized chamber. "You need to head off to help your friend Teagan. Jirair is safe with Cordula, but Teagan is outside this chamber. I have a one favor to ask you. She is going to protect the best she can but she needs both of your help. Make sure they do not enter these chambers."
     "Teagan? Introuble?" Etzel said as he darted for the door, the door opening fast for him, and drew his blade for the future battle. Soon as the door was open he could hear clanking of blades and shouts that the kitsune pair have gone insane. Etzel had gotten to Teagan just in time to block her from being mortally wounded into her chest. The enemies were two kitsunes with twin shamshir scimitars.
     "Surrender or be defeated!" Etzel shouted as he swung his sword in a circular motion before placing it firmly in front of him with his hand just behind the blade, index finger and middle finger firmly in the middle of the back of the blade.      "We never," Ming started.
     "Give up." Bo finished as they both lunged at Teagan and Etzel, one each. The whole time they were fighting, Dragomir was getting to the other monks, getting them into other areas so they were safe while Etzel was taking care of the intruders with Teagan. Etzel and Ming were fighting in a death lock while Teagan slowly was recovering while she fought Bo.

     "Come on everyone! Move it!" Dragomir shouted as he waved the monks to move, he spread his long wings out and started to tap the monks to get going. It didn't take them long to follow Dragomir out of the main area and into another that is away from the fight. Dragomir had led all the monks, except two who had slipped out of the temple while they had been talking, into one room, icing over their chamber in solid ice to make sure they didn't get anyone breaking in. Besides the fact that they'd have to go through Dragomir himself, he rose his longsword up and slowly was reapproaching the main temple area to join in the fight.

     "I told you, you'd need Teagan. She has protected your daughter, and all of the monks. Because of her, we've lost nothing." The male monk told the queen kitsune. "Currently they are fighting Bo and Ming."
     "Why didn't you tell me they were going to attack us!" The queen shouted, very angry at him.
     "You know very well I cannot interrupt what is suppose to happen and cannot tell you even if I knew your life was in danger and you were going to be assassinated tonight. I cannot tell you unless there is a branch in the line of the future. I can only guide what is already going to happen. Trust me though, you're safe for many years. Though you should accept your daughter's request." The male monk explained as he turned around, leaving the chambers as Hanako came into her mother's chambers.
     "Mother, I must speak with you." Hanako said as she got down on one knee, bowing her head. Her long hair covering her face completely.
     "I was advised to accept your proposal but I won't say I will go by that. Now out with it my daughter. You know every well you don't have to bow to me, so you must be thinking of something big. In that, I'll listen to it and thtink it through thoroughly." Hinata replied softly as she looked around.
     "I wish to go with them when they embark on their journeys mother. I know it is alot to ask for your daughter to leave Kitsonto but I don't want to stay now. I need to live my life how I want to. I need to become a warrior and from what I've seen with Teagan, a shapeshifter even, is a strong warrior. They are strong warriors. If the monks are right, that they are going to help some evil. If the monks have to see them to help them along a good path, there must be some serious thing happening. I want to be part of it. I need this mother, let me go." Hanako rose her head to her mouth and draped her hair away from her face.
     "No. Out of the question, I won't send you off with strangers!" Hinata shook her head disapprovingly.
     "Your majesty!" A kitsune guard rushed in. "We have reports now where the two rogue kitsunes went to. They entered the Temple of Knowledge and are in battle with Dragomir, Etzel and Teagan.
     "Send a group of guards to the temple, make sure no one leaves without our permission! Tthose two kitsunes shall not leave after they committed their crime." Hinata ordered in a commanding tone.
     "Yes majesty!" The guard said as she turned and left just as fast as she had entered.
     "Hanako?" Hinata said confused as she looked around. Hanako had left the queen's chambers during the brief talk with the guard.

     Hanako had slipped out and headed straight for the temple, slipping passed the guards before they knew she was even there. She gotten into the temple just to see two massive looking dragon beasts striking at two kitsunes. Teagan had been injured heavily by the last blow she recieved from Ming. Because of this, she stayed back and out of harms way. Hanako went to Teagan and looked at her wound, touching it gently. It was a stab wound in her lower right of her stomach. Her wound was not bleeding anymore but she was very weak. Soon as Hanako touched it, Teagan grabbed her hand and looked at Hanako.
     "Guess....its your turn?" Teagan said with a laugh.
     "Yes." Hanako said as she lifted Teagan up and carried her out of the temple. She wanted to make sure she wasn't going to get hurt anymore and to make sure her wounds healed up. She had originally planned to fight the kitsunes with them but seeing as the wounds were worse. She would deal with them first. She carried Teagan right out of the temple but now the guards easily spotting her, yelling 'halt.'
     "This is your princess! Do not ask me to halt!" Hanako shouted back in a commanding voice and they all split so she could get pass. They hadn't known she was even in the temple at the time, the current situation was going at a fast pace that most of the kitsunes were either in the dark or confused about what was happening. As well as none were going to enter unless asked by the monks, it had seemed the two monks that escaped, the female and male from before, had asked them not to enter. That Etzel, Dragomir and Teagan were to handle it.

     When they arrived in Hanako's room, she placed Teagan on the bed and started to bandage the wounds. As well as clean. Teagan's eyes opened and looked up at her.
     "How'd you learn to clean wounds so professionally?" Teagan asked in a weak voice.
     "Yes, well. When I was young I wasn't allowed to fight at all. Mostly because my mother didn't wish for me to ever be a fighter and if I was she worried I'd be hurt. So she let me train with medicine. Honestly I know more than our resident doctor." Hanako said as she finished the cleaning.
     "Why help a shapeshifter?" Teagan asked now with her eyes closed.
     "Why help a kitsune princess?" Hanako replied with a question and a snickered. "I'm returning the favor and you already proved yourself to not be one of the low down shapeshifters. Gives me hope that not all shapeshifters have a grudge against us and would attack us. Though we haven't really given shapeshifters the welcome here. Only reason my mother let you in is that one of the ten history room monks demanded you would be allowed here. Which if you weren't, I'd be dead now. So I guess I should thank the monk the next time I see him as well."
     "I only did what was right. Those kitsunes were going to kill not only you but all the monks. It was only right I tried to protect you and them." Teagan explained softly as she started to feel stronger already now that her wound had been healed, cleaned, bandaged and even stitched.
     "Most shapeshifters would just have passed on a kitsune in danger. No matter the situation or who else would be in danger. Some would even help their enemy hurt a kitsune." Hanako replied as she went to the chair across from the bed. "I think I should go help your friends out. I hate to sit here knowing a battle is going on in the temple of knowledge."
     "They can handle it....Etzel is very skilled and Dragomir is surprisingly skilled from what I've seen. Draconians have the advantage too. They are born stronger than any race, have wings and powers. Though those kitsunes have some of those magicial jewels. So the powers are slightly not the advantage there."

     "Hanako. Jirair will need your help and if I'm correct you'll need to!" The male monk said as he walked into her room. "I'll look after Teagan. GO! NOW!!"
     "What?" Hanako said a bit shocked but knew all too well that she was not to disobey the monks. They knew things no one can know. Why wars were started. Where races were born. They knew everything. She was out the door faster than she could even ask Teagan if she'd be alright. When she got out near the temple of knowledge down the path which those that do not get entrance into the temple must wait for their companions, she could see a man raising a blade near Jirair, going to strike him down. Hanako quickly pulled out a dagger and flung it towards the man, nailing him in the arm with the dagger. Cordula quickly picked up the blade that the man had dropped. He turned to Hanako and smiled, pulling out the dagger.
     "The princess of Kitsonto is going to save goblin filth?" He said with a laugh as he bowed his head, "Let me introduce myself. I'm Dieter Adler and they kidnapped my beloved Cordula."
     "Leave Jirair alone or I shall strike you down fast!" Hanako's eyes seemed to get more fierce and almost a hiss was added to her voice as she drew a katana.
     "We'll leave, I already got what I needed from their former ally." Dieter said with a laugh as he tossed Jirair a chain from a necklace. He turned to the temple. "Though those two kitsunes I do need something from. They have a jewel of mine. I'd go take it but I'm not quite up to fight two dragon warriors. I'll take it from their corpses." Dieter grabbed the horse, pulling Cordula up in front of him, and letting her take the bridle as his arms were wounded and sore.

     Hanako quickly ran over to Jirair and checked him over, the only injury on him was his head, bleeding a bit from a blow. She had guessed it was the hilt of a sword that hit Jirair. Though her only care at the moment was to get Jirair back to her chambers to treat the wound. She quickly lifted Jirair up over her shoulder and started to carry Jirair away. The guards at the entrance of the castle were in shock that she was actually carrying a goblin, that it wasn't something a queen should be doing but she didn't care either way. She was going to get Jirair fixed up. It didn't take her long to get to her chambers where the male monk had just left out of as she returned with Jirair.
     "Glad you got to him in time. There were two outcomes and sadly," He placed his hand on her cheek. "The second outcome that didn't happen would've caused alot of strife between Dragomir, Yourself and Teagan. Each of you three would've been affected heavily by the outcome. Each blaming yourself for his death. Though none were really the cause nor the failure to stop Dieter Adler. I have one thing to tell you Hanako which you can't tell anyone else unless it comes to Dieter's death."
     "I promise," Hanako said as she bowed her head. Jirair still knocked out.
     "Dieter isn't the worse foe you'll meet. Bo and Ming are just his lackies. The foe will take four people to take him down. Thats all I can say. I wouldn't even say that but if you protected Jirair, the path showed me I would tell you that." The male monk didn't let her respond as he left before she could even say anything. Hanako quickly went in and cleaned up Jirair's head wound, bandaging it up. Just as he started to wake up.
     "The girl...she...escaped...Dieter..." Jirair mumbled as he started to try to get up.
     "Sssshhh." Hanako said as she placed her finger on his lips. "You need to rest, but don't sleep. You may have a concussion. All that matters is you're okay, don't worry about what happened." She stood up and headed over to Teagan, who immediately sat up.
     "Don't worry about my wounds. I'm already healing, but we have a problem. I don't like that Etzel and Dragomir are taking this long." Teagan stated as she started to stand up but fell back, with a grunt.
     "You're not that healed. Rest!" Hanako said as she turned to the door as a guard barged in. She was beginning to think her room had no privacy.
     "Princess Hanako, Dragomir and Etzel have left the temple with the kitsunes. One is dead and the other is wounded heavily. Not sure if she will survive. The queen has actually asked for your skills to look at her. She may be able to be saved but the queen knows you're the best at the way of the healer here."
     "I'll be right there, I wish for you to stand guard at my chambers here and do not let anyone but me, Etzel or Dragomir in." Hanako turned to Teagan and Jirair, and bowed, "I'll be back."

     "Princess Hanako." Dragomir and Etzel both bowed to her as she entered the room with Bo on a bed.
     "Do not bow to me," Hanako looked between the two. "If I can convince my mother I wish to join you two on your journeys. Apparently even the monks wish for me to go on a journey with you."
     "You are always welcome," Etzel said as he made a jesture to Bo. "Do you think you can help her?"
     "Yes," Hanako said simply as she started to clean the wounds, talking the whole time. "Dieter Adler attacked Jirair, and Cordula escaped with him. Both him and Teagan are bandaged up, and are in my chambers. I made sure they were okay when I got to them. Though he mentioned having something from your former ally and tossed this chain to Jirair." She pulled it out and handed it to Etzel inbetween her nursing of Bo.
     "Kuno's necklace?" Etzel said outloud in a questioning manner.
     "Has to be, it's the only 'former' ally of ours that had anything Dieter would want." Dragomir anwsered as he adjusted his glasses and looked closer at the necklace. "If thats the case, Dieter has one more step closer to what he wants."
     "We'll have to go to Elfunton." Etzel stated as he put his hands behind his back and seemed to be lost in thought.
     "Why?" Dragomir asked as he turned to Etzel.
     "Don't you remember what the monks showed us? Those fire people were the volcanic elves. It was probably one of the Figure Eight volcanoes that the sword is at. It was rather easy to figure out, but hopefully our future will be able to stop Dieter before he gets that sword. If there is so many outcomes, maybe we can get the outcome before it is suppose to happen." Etzel explained his thought process as he started to pace. He had been thinking of Kuno, Dieter must've taken the necklace from Kuno's body.
     "We should go check on Teagan and Jirair." Dragomir said as he was trying to get his mind off of the future, it was going to be one Doellion of a time to beat Dieter, gaining the sword and taking the losses in his newly found friends. Hanako pulled a jewel out of Bo's pocket and tossed it to Etzel as he was about out of the door.
     "Dieter also mentioned something on the kitsunes he wanted. I imagine that was it, wasn't it? Make sure you keep it safe." Hanako winked at Etzel, who only laughed.
     "You're full of surprises Princess Hanako, you'll be a great ally on the road." Etzel said as he bowed his head and left the room with Dragomir.

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