About me

Let me start off with my name; my name is Vincent Amankwa and I am 20 years old. I was born in Amsterdam but studied in the UK for 5 years. It was a awesome 5 years and a great experience. I still miss it at times but I'm getting use to my old environment.

I studied Business Studies and Accounting my time there and enjoyed the two subjects. Enjoyed Business the most and that's why I chose this course. I want to start my own business and be unique and innovative in my business environment. I strongly believe this course will give me the push into the right direction and help me to make a business plan and exicute it. I am not someone that gives up easily and I am a go getter. The one quote a admire and drives me is that "Rome was not built in a day" and that means all things take time to create. And great things like the city of Rome take a very long time. So we shouldn't expect to accomplish something or achieve success immediately.

Most people have role models and to be honest I don't have one. I admire people that just go hard and do them. So I always tell people don't care what someone else says. You just do you and you will just be fine. No one can love you like you do.