Personal information about Idehenre Chris

In this page, I will be documenting my personal Professional Skill Development (PSD) progress throughout my study. I have outlined these skills in different categories accordingly.
Information Skills
To be perfectly honest, I initially had the idea that partaking in this Information Skills course would be a complete waste of my time. Before attending the first class, I thought I knew everything about searching and gathering information online. But to my surprise, I really learnt a lot because after the class, I have been looking for information now in a more thoughtful and structured manner.
I was able to utilize the information skills I gathered from this course to work on some of my assignments from my Fundamentals of Business (FoB) course. In some way, I thought I was cheating with some of the assignments because it was much easier to gather information. This is a skill I know will support me during - and well after – the IBIS programme.
Here is the final assignment
What`s in my backpack
In this course, I was able to understand myself better as a person and as a student. I was also able to capitalize on the knowledge gathered from this course. I was also able to co-construct my learning experience to fit my own motivations and preferred styles.
I was able to learn a new way of viewing things. When someone asks you: “Can you tell me about yourself?” You should be confident to talk about yourself because nobody knows you as you know yourself. I was also able to change my sales pitch on my LinkedIn account with the aid of my lecturer. Instantly, I got a message from the director of a start-up company.
Here is the link to my LinkedIn account LinkedIn
Thinking and Reasoning
In this course, I learnt how to construct, analyze, and critically evaluate arguments; how to identify and avoid common errors in reasoning; how to think logically; and how to communicate thoughts clearly and effectively.
In this course, I learnt how to construct, analyze, and critically evaluate arguments; how to identify and avoid common errors in reasoning; how to think logically; and how to communicate thoughts clearly and effectively.
Here is the link to my WordPress blog WordPress
HTML is the language that you use to mark-up web content and CSS is the language to present that content on screen. With this course, I was able to look further than the front side of a website. I was able to learn the language and the process with its best practices to develop a solid website; a website that will be accessible for everybody, also for people that use assistive technologies to access the content.
This course was one of the most challenging I had from the first block because I was not familiar with using HTML and CSS. But at the second try and with the help of my class mates, I was able to familiarize myself with the language and styling. And now I can confidently I have improved remarkably in HTML/CSS.
This website is a proof of my improvement as I’ve even exceeded my own expectations. I am highly eager to improve my skills.