Personal information about Idehenre Chris

About me
Good day everyone and welcome to my website!
My name is Christopher Idehenre, a 20 year old young professional that currently studies International Business and Innovation (IBIS) in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Born and raised in Nigeria with vivid exposure of the international world, I finally believe I have found a good fit with this study and my creativity. I moved to The Netherlands at 16 years old and immediately enrolled into a business related study – also at University of Applied Sciences level – which I wasn’t really passionate about. Unfortunately, it took me about 3 years to realize the study was not a good fit for me.
To put it mildly, I am very pleased that I took the courage to make the transition to IBIS in August, 2015. At the end of this study, I aim to become an internationally renowned business innovator.
If I had to describe myself, I would have to say that I am a combination of an extrovert and introvert. I am an introvert person because when I am in a new environment, I tend to initially observe the environment for a while before I start getting comfortable to be outspoken in a social gathering or with a group of people. When I do get comfortable, I have been told on several occasions that one of my strengths is having good communicative and people skills.
This website is intended to encompass a collection of my learning and progress throughout the IBIS programme.
Interests and Passion
My interests and passion include: Travelling, networking, spending time with my family/friends and playing basketball.
Although I haven’t had the opportunity to travel as much as I’d like to, I have thoroughly enjoyed all my travels so far. Coming from a foreign background, I find it highly fascinating how travel can broaden one’s horizons far beyond culture. For me, travel is the only thing one can spend money on that actually makes you ‘richer’. I highly look forward to exploring more of the world!
Networking is a new found passion because of the career I am pursuing. I have always been interested in meeting new people, and more so now that I study IBIS. I find myself striking conversations with total strangers without any hesitation or shyness. My sister has an international business career and I attend various seminars and conferences with her in order to start building my network portfolio. The importance of having the right contacts and network in the business world is inestimable.
Asides from travelling and networking, I love spending time with my family as they totally ground me in every aspect. Basketball has been a major passion of mine from a very young age and I still ensure to make time to enjoy the sport, while bonding with my friends at the same time.