Last News.
We got 30CM of new snow again!! going up the uniun soon!!
So, here is the last news again!
Haahaha.. We got a second snowmobile Skidoo 500... Way stonger than our Polaris 340.. So now we can drift way better on the ijs and croose trough the mountains.!!
We got snowmobile!! 340 cc 2 cilindir Polaris Colt 340 !! works perfect, soon we get our second one
Truus has here driving license, finally done. So we don't have to worry about that again. Truus found a job to, she works at a juwelerie.
Will put a movie on the internet two about two moose we have in our yard all the time.
For the rest everything goes fine.
The boys went on Saturday 2-12 snowboarding for there first time here. They liked it really good. We are probally gonna buy seasonspasses for Rick and Mark. They can ski for about 15 minutes up the hill. They call is small Switserland here.
Truus has here writtentest done, next week she has to do here driving test (Friday 15-12).
Mark has is learners License, and drives pritty much in the Ford F150 Pickup
Pritty soon pictures of the moose in the yard.
Rob has his driving licence Iam a "exelent driver" the eximator said.
Friday 3 nov has Rob his written test done.(pfffffff)
Last wekend we had a record in 24 hours of snowfall in october. The old record in 24 hours was 16, now we have 62 cm in 24 hours. Will put the pictures on the internet.
To bad, we didn't get the house because we need papers from holland and that can take a while.
Today i got a new job, and i like it really much. I work at All Seasons now.
Sunday afternoon (jaja) rob shot with a gun and he hit the target. Were gonna do this more!
Yes Yes! we bought a house. They accepted the bod. Now only the paperwork!
Because to buy beer it lots of monny we bought our own Homebrew beer and whine maker. So now we can make whine and beer... The pictures are on the internet.
After two months making things of houses by Tricon. I found a new job. An old dream came out. I am going to be a meganic at all seasons! We are starting our own bussiness two, we are starting Casure Memo Auto and Motor shop. See www.carsurememo.com