Decisions... We make so many of them. We make them every hour,
every minute throughout each passing day of our lives. Some are easy
and some are tough. But why is that? The reason why is because not
all decisions have been made through the same source. There are two
sources; one is Logic and the other is Emotions. The easy decisions are
made by the one dominating source. The tough ones occur when both
sources are colliding, trying to find an answer which is the best for the
person. And it’s up to us which one we allow to dominate.
Logic vs Emotions the struggle lies within.
To write
I desire to write, to write the unwritten stories that lie deeply
within the depths of my mind. To write the stories that will please my audience and myself. To be the author that will be
looked upon, frowned upon and perhaps even laughed upon.
But none of that really matters as long as I keep doing what
I really love to do, and that is writing... For others...