Studying or dying?

It is always good to study a course that you love to do because if you do, it will not be hard to finish the course. This course has been teaching me alot. As the course also says that it is an International Business "INNOVATION" studies, we learn in many ways how to be innovative by not thinking in narrow ways but more out of the box.
The subjects that have been pushing me out of my comfortzones are "What's in my backpack" and "thinking and reasoning".
What's in my backpack thought me how to be comfortable out of my comfortzone. Ofcourse this is not the case at first, but when you are able to take a step out of your comfortzone, you will be able to learn how to be comfortable out of your comfortzone. The thinking and reasoning lecture thought me how to be more open minded when looking into situations. Also did I learn how to look at certain things from different perspectives. I also had to keep up with the lecture by blogging after every lecture.
Also was I able to discover what Metaskills I had been able to develop as I am studying and learning to be a Business Innovator.