> > > It is something relevant, but obviously there is no point continuing
> > > discussion. Thanks for you help, please avoid any more in future.
> >
> > That is one of the most ungrateful replies I have ever
> > seen and a perfect example of how not to get help
> > from a newsgroup.
> Indeed.
> This (and like you say everything he says in the thread) is a
> school example of arrogance and ignorance.
> It deserves a nice:
> http://users.pandora.be/vdmoortel/dirk/Physics/Fumbles/Thanks.html
> I also have re-entered his previous entries:
> http://users.pandora.be/vdmoortel/dirk/Physics/Fumbles/Confusion.html
> http://users.pandora.be/vdmoortel/dirk/Physics/Fumbles/DisCont.html
> Same style - Same Schoensmeer.
Why don't you just keep usenet in usenet? I've already explained to you
the harms of such pages. In the same way Brown took the liberty to
defame other posters directly to their employers, because he didn't
like what they had to say, you're doing the same thing with your web
page for reasons explained to you already. But that's fine with me,
you're entitled to your opinion. I just hope you don't mind if your
employer hears mine.