We Reached another skill lvl in counter strike. We started low and we beated after a few days alreadya mid -skilled clan. You can now say that [NAH] is mid-skilled
FAIL (the browser should render some flash content, not this).
[NAH] Not A Hax || our powers is our unity! Train hard and join our squad in the ultimate fight against other clans in the hard battle to be victorious
Our clan started at a beautifull sunday a small amount of members were from the other clan UFO. They changed because of serious trouble in the structure of the clan so Sabu decided to make his clan and called it NAH Not a Hax. He recruited some old friends and searched some brand new ones. Already after a few days we gained a skill at the css ladder. ( From base to mid-skilled) When this happened there were some sponsers who were interested in our clan and decided to sponsor us for a few months. Now at this moment there was a webdesigner who made a beatifull site for a verry cheap price (70 EUR).