LCDinc, Assembly library for interfacing with Hitachi LCDs in 4-bit mode

I've made a library to control an Hitachi HD44780 driven LCD in 4 bit mode. Most DIY LCDs use this chip, so there is a lot to find on this subject, but most projects use 8 bit mode which uses more pins on your AVR. So I made my own library.

Example of using the LCDinc library

You only need to configure and include the .inc file in your AVR project and call the subroutines. All main functions are working, but I'm still adding additional functions.

This prints the decimal number 11001111 followed by two spaces and an ! on the display. There are much more functions you can use. They can be found in the download below. A bigger example is also included.

Note: This code only works with devices that support the call command.


- LCDinc Library with example and readme