login}'"); /* ------------------------- */ ?> \n"; if(isset($_GET['x'])) { $dbres = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `[weapons]` WHERE `name`='{$_GET['x']}' AND ((`area`>=-4 AND `area`<=4) OR `area`=4+{$data->type})"); if($item = mysql_fetch_object($dbres)) { if($data->type == 1) $item->costs = round($item->costs*0.95); else if($data->type == 2) { $item->attack = round($item->attack*1.05); $item->defence = round($item->defence*1.05); } else if($data->level == 14) { $item->attack = round($item->attack*1.10); $item->defence = round($item->defence*1.10); $item->costs = round($item->costs*0.90); } if($item->costs <= $data->cash) { if(eval($item->eval) > 0) { $data->cash -= $item->costs; $data->attack += $item->attack; $data->defence += $item->defence; $data->{"$item->name"}++; mysql_query("UPDATE `[users]` SET `cash`={$data->cash},`attack`={$data->attack},`defence`={$data->defence},`{$item->name}`=". ($data->{"$item->name"}) ." WHERE `login`='{$data->login}'"); print " \n"; if(($data->attack+$data->defence)/2+$data->clicks*5 >= 10000) mysql_query("UPDATE `[users]` SET `showonline`=1 WHERE `login`='{$data->login}'"); } else { $type_s = Array("","junkie","kloon","agent"); $type_s = $type_s[$data->type]; $type_p = Array("","junkies","klonen","agenten"); $type_p = $type_p[$data->type]; eval("\$item->error = \"{$item->error}\";"); print " \n"; } } else print " \n"; } } if($_GET['s'] >= -4 && $_GET['s'] <= 4) $dbres = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `[weapons]` WHERE `area`='{$_GET['s']}' ORDER BY `costs`"); else if($_GET['s'] == 5) $dbres = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `[weapons]` WHERE `area`={$_GET['s']}+{$data->type}-1 ORDER BY `costs`"); else $dbres = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `[weapons]` WHERE (`area` >= -4 AND `area` <= 4) OR `area`=4+{$data->type}"); $lastarea = 1; while($weapon = mysql_fetch_object($dbres)) { if($data->type == 1) $weapon->costs = round($weapon->costs*0.95); else if($data->type == 2) { $weapon->attack = round($weapon->attack*1.05); $weapon->defence = round($weapon->defence*1.05); } else if($data->level == 14) { $item->attack = round($item->attack*1.10); $item->defence = round($item->defence*1.10); $item->costs = round($item->costs*0.90); } eval($weapon->eval); $type_s = Array("","junkie","kloon","agent"); $type_s = $type_s[$data->type]; $type_p = Array("","junkies","klonen","agenten"); $type_p = $type_p[$data->type]; eval("\$weapon->max = \"{$weapon->max}\";"); if(($_GET['s'] < -4 || $_GET['s'] > 5) && $lastarea != $weapon->area) print " \n"; print <<
Je hebt een {$item->name} gekocht
Je hebt niet genoeg geld om een {$item->name} te kopen

ENDHTML; print "
\n"; print " \n"; print " ENDHTML; if($data->cash >= preg_replace("/,/","",$weapon->costs)) print " \n"; else print " \n"; print << ENDHTML; $lastarea = $weapon->area; } } else if($_GET['p'] == "sell") { print " \n"; if(isset($_GET['x'])) { $dbres = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `[weapons]` WHERE `name`='{$_GET['x']}' AND ((`area` >= -4 AND `area` <= 4) OR `area`=4+{$data->type})"); if($item = mysql_fetch_object($dbres)) { if($data->type == 1) $item->costs = round($item->costs*0.95); else if($data->type == 2) { $item->attack = round($item->attack*1.05); $item->defence = round($item->defence*1.05); } else if($data->level == 14) { $item->attack = round($item->attack*1.10); $item->defence = round($item->defence*1.10); $item->costs = round($item->costs*0.90); } if($data->{$item->name} > 0) { $data->cash += (int)($item->costs/2); $data->attack -= $item->attack; $data->defence -= $item->defence; $data->{"$item->name"}--; mysql_query("UPDATE `[users]` SET `cash`={$data->cash},`attack`={$data->attack},`defence`={$data->defence},`{$item->name}`=". ($data->{"$item->name"}) ." WHERE `login`='{$data->login}'"); print " \n"; } else print " \n"; } } $dbres = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `[weapons]` WHERE (`area` >= -4 AND `area` <= 4) OR `area`=4+{$data->type}"); $lastarea = 1; while($weapon = mysql_fetch_object($dbres)) { if($data->type == 1) $weapon->costs = round($weapon->costs*0.95); else if($data->type == 2) { $weapon->attack = round($weapon->attack*1.05); $weapon->defence = round($weapon->defence*1.05); } else if($data->level == 14) { $item->attack = round($item->attack*1.10); $item->defence = round($item->defence*1.10); $item->costs = round($item->costs*0.90); } $num = $data->{$weapon->name}+0; $weapon->costs = (int)($weapon->costs/2); if($lastarea != $weapon->area) print " \n"; print <<
\n"; if($weapon->attack != NULL) print " \n"; if($weapon->defence != NULL) print " \n"; if($weapon->max != NULL) print " \n"; if($weapon->costs != NULL) print " \n"; print <<
Attack: {$weapon->attack}
Defence: {$weapon->defence}
Max.: {$weapon->max}
Kost: \${$weapon->costs}
name}\" style=\"color: #000000\">Koop
Je hebt een {$item->name} verkocht
Je hebt geen {$item->name}

ENDHTML; print "
\n"; print " \n"; print " ENDHTML; if($num > 0) print " \n"; else print " \n"; print << ENDHTML; $lastarea = $weapon->area; } } else { print << ENDHTML; } /* ------------------------- */ ?>
\n"; if($weapon->attack != NULL) print " \n"; if($weapon->defence != NULL) print " \n"; if($weapon->max != NULL) print " \n"; if($weapon->costs != NULL) print " \n"; print <<
Attack: {$weapon->attack}
Defence: {$weapon->defence}
Aantal: $num
Prijs: \${$weapon->costs}
name}\" style=\"color: #000000\">Verkoop
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