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The Prologue

      "Get moving!" Chad shouted back to two people dressed in police uniforms as well as he was dressed. The first one was a teenage girl, she couldn't have been older than fifteen. It was very odd of a police woman being that young, no one on the force could be that young. The other was a very muscular man, in his late thirties. The one known as Chad, seemingly the leader, grabbed the girl quickly and shoved her forward and into a building. He kept waving for the other man but it wasn't looking good. The man had been wounded in his leg and on top of that quite a few angry people were chasing him. The only way they could be described at least. Chad pulled up his police issued desert eagle and shot two shots off passed the muscular man. The bullets connected directly with the head of two of the pursuers.
      "Damnit Davis we don't have all day!" Chad fired off a few more shots and looked up at the sky. The sun was already out of view and down. The sky was the color of blood and it was dropping fast to darkness. He heard the groans of the mob of...things coming for Davis. He had to keep them off until Davis could get to the door. It took only a couple minutes. Chad quickly pushed Davis in and slammed the door shut. When the two made it in safely they quickly slammed the wood down to lock the door as well as pushing the cabinet in front of the door that was near the door.

      "Its been two weeks since it started. Do you think anyone else is alive?" The teenager girl spoke up softly but Chad just lifted his finger up for her to be quiet for a second. Outside the moans and groans of the creatured people could be heard. It took mere seconds of the quieting moans to have Chad, Davis and the teenager making a small circle to talk over what their plan was.
      "We're running out of ammo, the creatures out side are increasing and honestly I do believe theres still life in this city besides those things. It had to have started with the incindent at the zoo. It had to have held some kinda infection or something along those lines." Davis spoke up as he clenched his leg, the wound bleeding through his pants.
      "This isn't a movie. Those aren't zombies...but...they sure do act like them." Chad said half in his thoughts as he got up and walked over to the window, looking through the window to see the creatures moving away from the building. "We're safe for now."
      "They are though!" Davis said turning back, "You saw what happened to those bitten. They turned."
      Chad turned around and pulled up his sleeve, "And that happened a week ago, I'm still me!" He shouted back as both the girl and Davis got a glimpse of the wound resembling a bite wound from a human.
      "Why didn't you tell me?" Davis said as he glared at Chad with an anger, almost like he had held back the meaning of life from him.
      "Because," Chad shrugged, "I didn't think it meant anything and anyways it is healing anyways. So no reason to worry, I'm not turning. The ones that turned into some kind of creatures were turned within an hour or two at the most. Its been a week. Besides, that proves your theory wrong. Because I survived."
      "Maybe theres some kind of immunity or, you'll turn yet when you die?" Davis said without thinking about what he was saying really. Chad just shook his head.
      "Thanks for the encouragement mate." Chad just ignored it and looked back out the window, "Uh...What the fuck is that?"

      Both Davis and the teenager got up fast and went to the window to look out at a three legged creature, one back leg, two front. The creature looked like it was raw flesh, and the teeth were gone except two razor sharp, sharpened bones as if it was a sabertooth in manner. The back had curved spikes going down its spine and when one of the human-like creatures got in its path it bit down and ripped it in half in one yank. The three watched it in amazement as the creature was moving closer to their headquarters, the abandoned building.
      "Crap," Chad turned to the girl. "Natasha go upstairs with Davis and get our guns and ammo, anything we have for weapons and food. We need to get out of here. The backdoor leads to the sewers. We'll go under them and try to get to Joe's Gun Shop in the middle of the city. We'll pray to God if he is even watching anymore that there is nothing down there or at least a low amount of them that we can shoot through."
      "Okay, come on Davis." She put his arm around her and helped him along and up the stairs. Chad pulled out his desert eagle again, dropped the empty magazine and slammed in another, cocking the gun back. He was pacing at the window as the creature approached. He had no idea if he wanted to fire at it, WHERE to fire or anything. He decided to go on the defensive and ran up after them to help. No way he'd take it down with seven bullets. He got to the 'storage' room for their things when he heard Natasha scream. He swung the door open to see her wrestling with Davis on top of her. He was literally drooling around her as he tried to bite her.
      "Davis!" Chad shouted and soon as he did the head of Davis went up and turned to Chad. Davis slowly stood up and away from Natasha, giving her time to slink out from under him and out of the way. Chad took the clear shot and spent one bullet right through the middle of Davis' eyes and through the brain.
      "The fucker said it was the bite and he didn't complain he was bit! I thought he fuckin' cut his leg." Chad said in a quick anger, passing just as fast as it came over him. He rushed to Natasha and checked her over, seeing a few scars on her arms, both of them. He shook his head, "You'll be fine, Natasha. Lets get going. The thing is coming at a slow pace but coming for this building. We can dress the scars up once we get down into the sewers. If nothing else we can bar ourselves up in the sewer technician's station."
      Natasha was shaken up but she grabbed the food bag and let him take the bag of ammo and guns. They rushed down the stairs next to each other when the front door was busted in, the big three legged creature was on the door snarling at them. Chad pushed Natasha foreward and started to fire at the creature. He waved her to keep going and never let his eyes slip from the creature.

      It didn't take long for the creature to snarl and back away from the door, going back out. Chad quickly ran towards where Natasha had gone, seeing her struggling with the manhole, he tossed her his gun and grabbed it quickly. He pushed it to the side and took her by one hand lowering her down into the sewers, then lowering the bags. Then jumping down himself. There was no ladder on this manhole for some reason so the manhole had to stay open and he went running along the sewer's walkway with Natasha. In the middle being green sewage and across the way another walkway. He had clicked his lighter on as well as Natasha had pulled out her flashlight. Both making sure to keep enough light that nothing was going to pop out in front of them, both checking behind them at intervals but neither seeing the creature following them. Though it wasn't long after they slipped into the sewers did he hear a window bust, knowing the creature was following but must have lost the trail.
      "Natasha," Chad turned around as they seemed to not have no company down here. "Lemme take a look at your scars." He took a white cloth out of his police vest, wiping at the scars. "Did he bite you?"
      She looked down and turned away, "Not fully. He scratched my skin a couple times with his teeth. I'm scared I'm gonna become one of those things."
      "We'll find out but now you gotta be focused at the matter at hand. There has to be a way to see who can become those things or who can't. I was bite hard on my arm and never changed. Lets focus on the matter at hand, okay?" Chad wrapped the more serious looking scars. Nothing more than a flesh wound but he could see that literally killed her nervous system and still was killing it. He tapped her gently on her shoulder and shrugged his head to the left, "Let's head to that sewer's technician's station. We can lock ourselves in there and rest. The Joe's gun shop should be this way, the station should be a few sections up from the manholes again, theres one real close to the gun shop. I know as I knew or know Joe real well. I honestly don't know if he is still there, he can probably hold up well there."

      They started to go down the sewerways, seeing no danger, they started to talk a bit. The main goal of the chat was to get their minds off the possible outcomes of this, death being the most feared one. As well as Chad's secondary motive was to keep Natasha's mind off her scratches, to pray she wasn't going to become one of those freaks.
      "So before all this Natasha, what'd you do? Obviously you weren't the officer like I was. I've been through the miltary for a few years, before I moved to the police force and now I'm officially captain, was, of this city. My ex-wife moved away with our only child due to my duty on the force. I couldn't fight come home, she never told me where she went exactly, only sent unaddressed things to me." Chad explained a bit more than he meant to.
      "I was a high school student. The day before it all happened I told my father I hated him, because he wouldn't let me see a friend of mine. Though secretly we were gonna sneak out to see the zoo's newest animal. We heard the rumors of how it was acting and was gonna sneak in the zoo. My friend was the first on the news to be attacked by the escapee animals." Natasha said looking down. To Chad, it was obvious she was leaving some more out. He could only guess it was about what happened to her family or what happened to another friend. Something tragedic enough to leave out.
      "His name was Thomas Issac?" Chad asked in thought about that day.
      "Yes, how did you know?" Natasha asked as she looked up at him.
      "He was the only younger victim during the time when I killed the creature. It was an African lion. It was transferred from another zoo facility over a few cities from what I gathered. It was very vicious and ripped one of the lioness companions it had. The third day, two days after it had killed its companion. They had shut down the zoo on police orders, due to the lion killing one of the handlers. Two days later, we find out that they had a break in from a zoo employee, who was also a relative of that handler. The reason we find out that? Is the lion had been gone when we got there, the employee dead as well as your friend. If it wasn't for the employee, your friend would've been alright. We found it about twelve hours later, feasting on some animals in the city woods. I'm the one that killed it but thats where it all began. Reports came in at an alarming rate that the wounded had 'became zombies', honestly I still say zombies don't exist but I'm sure am starting to believe." Chad then placed his hand on her mouth to keep her quiet as they heard a quiet moan coming from in front of them, his other hand went to his desert eagle and out to his front. His hand on her mouth changed to her wrist to keep her close. He whispered to her to turn off the light and kept his gun in front of him. Chad and Natasha kept moving at a very slow rate, his ears keeping close to where the moaning was coming from. Just as he assumed he knew where it was, it came from a pathway next to them. He swung the gun up and she clicked on the light.
      "WAIT!" They heard a shout. "I'm the sewer tech. I've been hiding out down here, damn am I glad to see some life in here. I thought I was the only one left in the city. Sorry about the moaning. I just assumed if there was zombies around here, they may not come to me if I was like them. So I always moan when I'm traveling freely. Come on in my station I got it all juiced up to guard everywhere. Keep the door locked when I'm not in it even."
      "You fool, you could've gotten yourself shot! I'm Chad and this is Natasha. We are gonna get to Joe's Gun Shop to get some more ammo and see if my friend Joe is alright."
      "The name's Chip, I've been down here for a week or so. I only get out at night and sneak around to grab supplies. I went to the J-Dart Grocery Store down on 6th St. Just yesterday. I was suprised, but when it is dark, it is empty down here but when it is light out. I swear to you, theres some kind of huge creatures going on here. Much bigger than the zombies. One tried to bust into my station. I swear the wall was fucking shaking mate!"
      "We know," Chad said with a sigh. "We had to come down here as one that looked like a three-legged sabertooth attacked us. One of the reasons I'm down to one desert eagle magazine, a few 9mm magazines and a 9mm pistol. The nines will only do good for the small ones. The big creatures will bust right through them."

      "Joe's a good man. He shops over at J-Dart as well. Always meet him there on fridays. Come on, I can help with the plans and lead you in the right direction. As well as I got all the access down here to the tech stations. I can get us in and out easier than if you wander." Chip started to walk off in the direction they had found him, pulling back a huge metal door and entering. He placed his finger on a circle in a map and then placed his other finger on a square about two manholes down and one manhole to the right. "That is Joe's shop. We should go there in less than an hour, we have to get there and back before morning or we risk running into those big creatures."
      "Good plan, we should take supplies too incase we get locked off in these stations too or even in the gun shop. Not all, keep most of it here and count this as our headquarters if you don't mind, Chip." Chad ended on a more statement but at the same time question to Chip.
      "Not at all, you're the chief of police aren't you?" Chip said as he turned and stared at Chad who gave a nod of his head. "I knew it," Chip paused before he continued. "Joe always talked about you Chad. You and him were miltary buddies weren't you?"
      "Yes, we were." Chad said as he looked down and shook his head. "I do hope he is alright. Besides, he is a crack shot with a scoped rifle. Though never was good at speed shooting. That was more my thing but we teached each other the basics of both styles of shooting. He was also more into intelligence while I was more of a solider."
      "I'm sure he is alright, remember his shop is huge if he was there. If not he has the panic room in his house. He was a very paranoid man but at the same time, he was the only one of all of us that were prepared for things like this." Chip said as he grabbed the map, stuffed it into a bag with some canned food and a can opener. As well as he strapped on a machete. "Grab your supplies and that ammo box back there. I found it laying on the streets when I went to get food but no pistol, I figured if I ever found a 9mm I'd be in the clear of some of the zombies."
      "Let's wait," Chad said as he knelt down next to Natasha. "You feeling okay?"
      Natasha just shook her head no. He had noticed her in a chair, looking like she was getting a fever or something. She turned to a door and ran in it, getting sick. She had seen it was the bathroom. Chad held his hand against his forehead. Chip walked over to him and whispered to him, "Was she bit?"
      Chad whispered back, "She was attacked, not completely bit. I'm not sure if its that or not. As if my friend is right, the bites are the cause. Though I know one case that the bite did nothing."
      "Really? Everyone I know that got bit had turned. It acts exactly like zombies, however, the other creatures I have no idea how to explain. Demons is the only thing I can come up with."
      "I'm not one to believe fairy tales. All I can think of is some kinda mutation that caused a virus." Chad shrugged as he shook his head, "I saw an animal from the zoo mutate in front of my eyes before I hooked up with Natasha's group."
      "What happened to the group?" Chip asked as quietly, afterwards he took a peak inside to see Natasha sitting next to the toilet, looking queezy.

      "One second," Chad said, finishing this talking so he could help Natasha. He took a cloth out of his bag and got it wet, then placed it on Natasha's forehead. "Are you okay?"
      "I feel I caught the flu." Natasha said softly as she leaned against the wall opposite of the toilet. "You should go to see Joe...leave me here locked in. I'll be alright...and if I turn, you can kill me when you get back...I don't want to be one of them loose."
      "Out of the question." Chad said as he stood up. "If I have to carry you, you're coming with us to Joe's. Besides, if you do turn and bite me. I'm safe, so don't worry about hurting me. Just relax."
      "No...I'll slow you down and make you unable to fire your weapon. If one of those big ones come...I'll get you killed." Natasha said closing her eyes, within seconds after her last word she passed out.
      "Chip!" Chad shouted out to get his attention. "Pack up, we're moving out now. I'm gonna carry her so you get the guns. Can you use one of them?"
      "Yes," Chip stated. "I got taught by Joe out in his shooting range in the back of the shop."
      Chad didn't reply as he picked Natasha up with one arm keeping her back and neck up, the other keeping her legs up. His guns were given to Chip before he picked her up. She was fast asleep and looked better while she slept. Chad and Chip left out of the sewers, leading the run was Chip. At a run pace, it only took them about twenty minutes to make it to the manhole near Joe's Gun Shop. Chip went up first and pushed the manhole up, gun pointing in front of him. It didn't take long for Chad to hear shouts for him to hurry up and that there was something big out there. Chad adjust Natasha over his shoulder just to climb up the ladder. When he got up he could see the creature. It looked similar to the one from before, three legged. There was also the big differences being this one had a full set of teeth, no saber toothed fangs and had a long table. It was long and slithered around like a snake, smacking towards the ground in front of it. It had no eyes so he could only assume it either heard them or felt their movements as it seemed to 'look' at them.
      "Into the shop!" Chad shouted to Chip as they ran for the shop, swinging the door open. They ended up coming face to face with one of the zombie creatures, before it could bite Chad, it was shot in the head.
      "Into the back, now, through the door." A man with white bandages from his finger tips all the way up to his shirt sleeves, black leather pants with holsters for pistols on it, black boots and a holster on his back for a shotgun shouted.
      "Joe!" Chad went running for the big metal door that Joe had been pointing to. Chip after. Once they were both in, Joe went in and close the door, pushing a metal lock over to lock it.

      "Can't believe of all the damn people to come into my shop," Joe shook his head as he paused, "Chad and Chip. I should've guessed you would survive Chad. Always were the soldier at heart and you, you have the sewer systems to hide in. Is there many of the creatures there?"
      "At night, there isn't any that I can find. They seem to hide in there during the day though. At least the big creatures." Chip explained as he thought back to the moans and banging against his station's door.
      "Of course," Chad said as he looked around. "Do you have any beds for the girl? She's sick."
      "Sick as in, gonna turn? Or sick as in the flu bug?" Joe asked as he seemed to get tense.
      "Joe, at ease, if anything happens. I'll deal with it. Just do you have a bed?" Chad said as he went off to the place that Joe pointed to. He set her down on the bed and sat next to her, listening in a bit on their conversation but only making out about a few comments on Chad being a softie, as well as risking his life for that girl.

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