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Chapter 1: The Starlight Museum

     "You don't have to watch me every second...I'm not that bad..." Natasha said coughing into her hand and pulling it away to see a bit of blood. "I'm dying...aren't I?"
     "I won't allow that Natasha, you'll be fine. Just rest." Chad said as he turned to look at Joe who came sliding down a ladder that led to the rooftop.
     "Chad, can I see you up on the rooftop?" Joe said as he swung his sniper rifle to the side, tossing Chad some binoculars. "You'll need them, I wanna show you something."
     "Hurry up," Chad said as he got up and looked back to Natasha, worried about how she was. "I don't want to be long."
     The two went up the ladder, Joe swinging his rifle back around and looking through the scope pointed at the Starlight Museum's rooftop. "Look over there Chad, do you see it?"
     "See wha...wait...the sign." Chad said as he looked through the binoculars, reading the sign on the rooftop. It read that there was six people inside, one wounded and they needed help. That the museum had some kind of big creature inside. Of course, the sign was less detailed but it read off to them in that manner. They looked to each other. "I can't leave Natasha alone though and if I leave her with Chip, if by some chance she doesn't make it. We'd risk losing both of them. For some reason I'm immune so if she bites me, I won't worry about it. If Chip gets bit, he may turn too."
     "We'll have to talk to him and risk it. Or we all go and hope she can open the door for us when we get back. If theres more survivors, our duty should be to get them here. If nothing else, they'll be extra hands to shoot the creatures if we have to make a run for it. As well as we should make a run for my house eventually. My house has a bigger blast room and more supplies. Alot of canned food that never goes bad, a few more shotguns and all my extra ammunition that I don't have here. I only keep the primary resources here, so that I don't risk losing anything."
     "I'll talk to Natasha. You go talk to Chip. For all we know they aren't there anymore though." Chad said as he set down the binoculars and went back to the ladder.
     "No," Joe said quietly. "I scan the area everyday at this time and that was not there yesterday. So its up in the past twenty-four hours. Theres no way they left already if they are trapped."
     Chad just nodded as he slid down the ladder, Joe following right behind.

     "I don't mind...I'll be okay if you even want to leave me fully alone...I feel alittle better." Natasha said as she coughed, pulling her hand away to reveal a bit more blood on her hands.
     "You are not okay if you are coughing up blood. Chip, should, stay and look after you. I'll go with Joe to check out the museum and see if we can get any more people here. We'll be fully armed so we will return just fine. Get some sleep, okay?" Chad said as he checked her forehead, feeling she had a fever, easily.
     "Okay..." Natasha said weakly as she rolled over towards the wall and closed her eyes, trying to get some rest.
     "Chip said he'd look after her." Joe said as he walked into the room with Chad and Natasha.
     "So where's the shotguns, automatic rifles and all the heavy weaponry, my friend?" Chad said as he stood up and ushered Joe out of the room that Natasha was in. They cocked their pistols and opened the metal door, rushing out and shooting any of the undead fiends outside. They cleared the front of the store out quickly so they could gather a few medium to high caliber weaponry. Chad got a shotgun with a strap, pump shotgun. A rifle that holds thirty bullets per clip and a few magazines for his desert eagle. Joe gathered a few more shotgun shells for his shotgun as well as more high caliber rifle shots for his sniper rifle. As well as some 9mm magazines for more close range combat. While Joe was gathering the last of the ammunition he wanted, Chad was looking outside to see if any of the bigger creatures were out there. As of the current time he looked, he couldn't see any. Chad and Joe took that as a sign and went running for the museum, pistol shooting any undead fiends that got in the way, or just running around them seeing as they couldn't run very fast.

     "So we're here." Chad mumbled under his breath, the latter sentence much louder that Joe could hear it. "The question is where is the survivors?"
     "It is a big museum, I'd say our best bet is to check either the aquarium exhibit, because of the security room being there. As well as the prehistoric one as theres an upper level in that exhibit which would allow them to watch what come and go, but at the same time able to escape easier." Joe explained as he looked in the two directions each exhibit was, changing directions after a few seconds each look.
     "We should split up, that is, if you think you can handle being alone." Chad said jokingly as he turned to the prehistoric exhibit. "I'll take the dino world. You take the sea world."
     "Aye, Captain." Joe said teasingly right back as he slowly started off for the aquarium exhibit. He did have to wonder what the fish in the aquarium was gonna be like now after all this. Broken out and eaten? Turned into some mutant sea creatures?
     "Cut the captain crap out Joe. You know you were always squad leader." Chad said as he poked Joe in the back with his rifle.
     "And you always wanted to be squad leader." He laughed as he was soon out of Chad's sight.
     "Smartass." Chad mumbled under his breath as he headed into the prehistoric exhibit. "At least everything here, is gonna be dead for positive unless the bones get up and move themselves."

     Chad spent short work to examining the place, at least the lower level. There was bones of a t-rex in the middle of the room, trees surrounding it. A sculpture of another t-rex in a case that looked as if the skin was peeled off of it to show the internal organs and all things of which it was made of. There were bones of a pterodacytl swinging from wires and...a shadow moving behind the exhibit cases. He quickly swung around with his rifle and got ready to fire at whatever it was. The shadow almost instantly went busting through a case and let off a loud noise similar to what you might here on jurassic park.
     "What the hell, it even is bringing back dinosaurs!" Chad said as he started to fire on the velicoraptor, though it didn't look exactly like one. No it was almost as if the skin had been dropping off, flesh dangling inside its jaw but those teeth never decayed. The raptor went down too easy for his liking but he shrugged it off as he started slowly up the stairs when he heard a thud that shook the whole stairs even.
     "Mister! Mister! Run!" He heard a little girl shout as she was taken back by her father.
     "Hurry, into the upper levels my fellow survivor. If you don't, that thing will get you." The man pointed as the sculpture busted through the glass. It wasn't one, it was one of the creatures.
     "Jesus am I in some kinda movie?" Chad shouted back as he went running up the steps and shoved them back into a room that the mother had been in as well. The creature had took a bite out of the upper level floor but soon as they were out of the sight of it. The creature settled down as they didn't hear anymore thuds.

     The group sat in a circle after a few minutes, relaxing a bit as they had placed chairs, anything they could against the door so nothing could get in if there was more little ones.
     "So who are you?" The father had asked Chad.
     "I'm Chad," He said as he shook the guy's hand. "Me and my friend Joe saw the sign so we came out here to see if there were any survivors."
     "The name is William, but my friends call me Bill." He paused a second before asking the hard question, in his mind anyways, "Did Joe make it?"
     "We split up, he went into the aquarium area and I went here. We decided to split up to cover more ground. He is a strong survivor, so I highly doubt he won't survive. He was a squad leader back in the day." Chad responded proudly.
     "Oh no," The little girl said, she couldn't have been older then four years old, held tightly by her mother. "Dat area is floated."
     "Floated?" Chad asked in confusion.
     "She means flooded." The mother responded softly, as she stroke the little girl's red hair. Chad immediately slapped his forehead and mumbled something that could only be considered a curse, yet it wasn't one as he was very aware of the young girl.
     "What made the flood? If I know Joe, he'd made a circle around and was heading for here but if he does. Hes gotta take care of big boy out there. I don't have tank rounds. William is there any kind of gas, alcohol, or anything around here? Maybe we can set it on fire and burn it. If we can injure it, we may be able to shoot it down. We need to get out and get back to Joe's shop, get you guys armed up and then head to Joe's house. That'll give us the best protection." Chad said and to add emphasis to what he said, he slammed his right fist into his left hand. He slipped out of the room almost right after that, his eyes never stopped scanning the area until he spotted a small generator that controlled the mechanical pterodacytl. He knew that was gas-powered and thats all he needed. William had been of no help, having refused to even step out of the barricade they had made. He knew if he had to enter back, he'd have to have taken that creature down. A t-rex, in modern day. He quickly ran to the generator, the t-rex had spotted him, never having left. It started to slam its head against the upper level ground, the ground was shaking voraciously and a few times Chad had fallen on his back. Chad had a bit of worry that Joe would appear but this is what he needed to do and there was no way to speed the process up. He had gripped the generator, it wasn't anything more than a panel control attached to a console. He ripped it out, wires dangling and sparks flying but what he needed was what was inside the panel. The t-rex let off a loud roar that broke glass near it and thats when Chad took the opening, throwing the generator off the second floor and into the t-rex's mouth and with a quick movement he also had pulled out his desert eagle and let off two bullets heading straight for the gas tank. The combination should blow the head clean least Chad hoped. It looked successful even as the explosion threw Chad back a few feet from the blast radius. The t-rex's lower jaw fell completely off and the t-rex left off a small roar but it didn't stop slamming the upper jaw against the second floor.
     "What the fucking hell? I blew your jaw off!" Chad shouted in anger as he just started to let shots from his desert eagle off, most shots bounced right off but one stray bullet hit the snout, bounced back towards the second floor and hit a railing and bounced back like it was playing ping-pong with the t-rex. It did this a few times until the t-rex had the bullet hit its eye and the t-rex fell down flat. Chad slowly walked to the edge of the second floor to look down at the fallen t-rex. It didn't take him long to swing around and shout back to the family.
     "I got the beast, he's deaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh." Chad's words had been cut off as the floor underneath him gave way between the ramming of the t-rex, the blast, the thuds and now Chad's weight. It finally gave way and he fell down to the first floor, landing into the back of the t-rex. His body had slipped through one of the bones and his back was sitting in some slimey substance from the inside of the creature. He just looked up as the family looked down, finally having came out. He shook his head as he slowly pushed himself up, cocking his desert eagl back and getting ready for more creatures.
     "You guys coming or you just gonna stay up there and rot?" Chad said in a rude way, honestly he didn't mean it to be rude but he was really tired of the creatures, the accidents and everything that was happening today.

     "Chad!" Joe shouted as he leaned against the directory of the museum waiting for Chad's return.
     "So how was it inside hell Joe? I heard it was flooded." Chad asked as he placed his hand on Joe's shoulder and squeezed. A sign they use to show when they met back together, meaning they were happy to see the other.
     "Well, let me tell you. Though I suggest we first start to move on. We got unarmed civilians." Joe said as he stopped to clear his throat before he went to the door, starting to speak up. "Well after you left I went to the aquarium exhibit, pulled the doors back and nothing gave. So you know me, I couldn't help but try a challenge so I shot the door handles a few times and then went to pull it when boom! The door impacted me hard and inside there was water pouring out and because of the impact I hit the ground hard. Was on my back with this water going over me and all but it wasn't even then, it was right as I was knocked out that I saw some tentacles move about me and when I focused my eyes to the water I could see that if I had not been knocked down. I'd lost my head. The creature was a shark and it was his intestines that had been those tentacles. Its mouth was in the spot my head would've been. So I quickly make quick work of it and enter the exhibit. It was horrible, four legged small creatures were ripping some of the creatures to shreds. To me they looked like deformed baby aligators or something. Anyways I got a quick scan of the area, shot a few of the small creatures and was quickly back out. It wasn't until I tied the doors shut that I was grabbed from behind and nearly bit, the fucker got me in a death grip I swear! But you know me Chad, nothing holds me down." Joe finally finished as they were outside the gun shop now, nearly having returned with not too much harm. Though just as Joe grabbed the handles to the shop they could hear a muffled roar. Chad's keen eye caught a foot kicking at the front door of the museum.
     "Fuck!" Chad shouted as he pushed Joe into the shop and ushered the others in. "That t-rex beast wasn't dead!"
     "T-rex?!?" Joe shouted back in shock as he tossed his one gun back and grabbed a shotgun and pumped it just as fast as it hit his hands.
     "Yeah in the prehistoric visit, I was visited by skinless rex." Chad said as he looked out the window, it was busting through the museum. "We should get into the back room with Natasha and Chip. That way we'll be safe."
     "Uh...Chad, get your gun ready." Joe said as he pulled out a pistol and pointed it towards the blast door, that was open with blood spread across the one wall near the opening of the room. Chad waved Joe to keep his back before he slowly entered the room and almost as soon as he entered Chip grabbed Chad's hand and pulled it close as sharp piercing teeth bit into Chad's wrist. Chad screamed in pain as he kneed Chip in the stop and as Chip was shoved back a piece of Chad's skin had been bitten off, blood dripping fast from his wrist and his wrist hurting but he didn't take a second to point it at Chip's head and shoot him repeatedly, as well as the heart. He wasn't taking no chances. Two bullets in each spot.
     "You were bitten!" William shouted, "You're gonna turn!"
     "I've been bitten before. I apparently can't die." Chad said as he slumped down onto the bed and took a piece of his shirt and tore it off, tying it onto his wrist so that the wound at least was bandaged then.
     "But, everyone I've known that was bitten was turned." William said as he pulled a pistol from the gun store and pointed it at Chad's head, clicking the trigger. Though thats exactly what happened. A click. It was unloaded. Soon as that happened Joe hit him with the stock of his shotgun, knocking William out to protect Chad.
     "I'm sorry miss and little girl but Chad's not a liar. I saw his bite when he came here. He has been bit before and I knew another one that was bit and didn't turn. Its most likely not the case in most cases but Chad wouldn't put us at risks." Joe tried to sooth them as the little girl was crying from the attack on Chad and her father. As well as the mother going for William quickly and glaring at Joe with disapproval. "If I didn't do it he'd shot Chad! Chad? Chad where are you?"

     Chad had moved as soon as his senses came back, he went to the roof and started to shove on the door. He couldn't get it to lift right away and the whole time he heard Joe calling before Joe slowly started to enter the room but by that time he had already pushed the door open and slipped up onto the roof and out of Joe's sight. When he got up top he could see Natasha next to the door. She had been bitten on her arm and she was passed out. She must've ran up onto the roof, hid from Chip and laid on the cover to make sure he couldn't get in until she just passed out.
     "Natasha?" Chad said softly as he tapped her on the face lightly, trying to bring her around without hurting her or startling her. "Natasha?"
     "Cha...Chad?" She said looking up weakly. "I tried to get away...I didn't make it...Now theres no doubt...I'm infected. Please...if I turn, shoot me."
     "Natasha," Chad said shaking his head to say no, "You're not gonna turn and I'm not gonna let you die. I'll look after you. Some don't die from the bites. Look I got bit, its gonna make the survivors feel better if I stay away for abit. We can stay up on the rooftops together. I'll make sure you're okay."
     "Chad? Is she okay?" Joe said as he pushed the cover up and looked down at them. Chad had positioned Natasha to being leaning against his body, she was shivering and you could tell she was very very sick. More than when they left.
     "Bring me a couple blankets, a pillow or two and a bandage or anything to tie her wound as well. We're gonna sleep up here tonight. I'll look after her since I'm immune somehow. I won't let you guys risk yourself but at the same time I'm not gonna leave Natasha, she needs someone right now." Chad said as he stroked her unwounded arm gently. She had passed back out but he had his hopes that she'd pull through and honestly, thats all it was. Hopes, he couldn't think she would pull through. When he got bit, he didn't show any signs of being sick. She was literally dying, he had no faith she'd pull through but he refused to accept it and started to believe she'd pull through. One Joe returned with the blankets gently moved Natasha down. Then played a blanket down on the rooftop, placed one of the pillows on it, wrapped a second blanket around her and laid her down on the other blanket. He then took the second pillow and laid down next to her, slipping his right arm around her.

     There was a small snarling sound in Chad's ear as he started to wake up. The sunlight blinding him as it rose up, his mind was trying to register what last happened to him and he quickly registered. His mind snapped him to attention, he woke up hand went quickly to his desert eagle. It was then that he spotted the source of the noises, it was Natasha. It was then that he gripped his eagle tightly but couldn't help but refran from shooting her. It was just a little girl. His hand was shaking faster and making his aim off so much more than it would on average.
     "Natasha! Snap out of it! You're better than the disease. I haven't gotten it, you won't either!" Chad shouted out to her trying to stop her even though she wasn't Natasha anymore, she wasn't even human anymore and he couldn't shoot her. It was then that Joe pushed the door open to the rooftop and shouted up to Chad and Natasha that dinner was ready when he heard the snarl. He quickly climbed up the rest of the way.
     "Chad take her down! I'm sorry that she was infected but don't let her get you killed!" Joe said as he pointed a pistol towards Natasha's head and just as he did that, Chad pointed a pistol to Joe.
     "Don't you shoot her! It's my problem, go down, get away and lock the door. I'll knock if I can't get her to change, maybe theres a way since I never changed!" Chad said in anger and frustration, he fired a shot towards Joe and with that Joe slipped back down before he gave Chad another chance to shoot him, the door locked tightly. Natasha had at this time got to Chad and grabbed her hands tightly on Chad's shirt, gripping it tightly. She pulled him closer and went to bite him on the neck, he didn't jerk out of the trance until her teeth had already bit his neck hard. When she bit hard, Chad's pain jerked him out of his trance and his gun came to Natasha's temple, with his eyes shot, he pulled the trigger. She was blown back down to the ground with part of his skin from his neck, his neck bleeding rapidly. Chad placed his hand to his neck, slowly walking towards the end of the rooftop. He looked up at the sunlight.
     "God, what the hell did we do to deserve this? To deserve this pain? To deserve children being lost." Chad said with a few underlined curses. He pulled his pistol up and looked down at it, one left in the chamber. Joe quickly came up when he heard the shot, gun ready, when he got up he could see where Chad was. Chad was positioned on the ledge of the rooftop and pulled the trigger to his desert eagle, the bullet going clean through his chin and out the back of his head. His body falling off the rooftop.
     "Chad! Nooooooooo!" Joe shouted as he went running to the ledge to look over to find Chad's body broken on the ground below. Joe's hand was clenched tightly and.....

     Chad gasped out loudly, grabbed his desert eagle but slowly eased out of the nightmare. His eyes went quickly to Natasha who was still breathing but faintly, her hands had slipped out of the blanket and gripped his shirt tightly, her head buried in his chest and once he relaxed he placed his arms around her and held her close, trying to comfort her. He hoped that nightmare was wrong....dead wrong. The noises were from on the street, growls, snarls and even a few screams off in the distance. Every once in awhile Chad could hear a huge thud as no doubt the T-rex from before was still running around somewhere. A few more creatures could be heard on the ground, the main reason was that they were far too loud to be the little ones. He let his eyes drift back off to sleep, trying to relax until the morning.

     "So why is Chad up there?" Julia said as she stroked her little girl's hair lightly, she had been sleeping in her mother's lap.
     "Don't tell William," Joe said and before he continued, she notted her head. "Theres a teenage girl on the rooftop. She was very ill and Chad thinks she is infected. On top of that she was bit by that man that was here. So I don't think she is gonna make it but Chad's really attached to her. Since he hasn't ever been affected by the bites and stuff, he wants to stay up there until she gets better or changes. So he wants me to stay down here and make sure you guys don't know about it or go up there. The door's locked so we can only go up there, they can't come down. I'll check on them in the morning."
     "That poor man," Julia said shaking her head at the sadness that was plaguing them all. "I don't know what I'd do if I lost my little girl. Did the girl lose her family?"
     "I honestly don't know her history. Chad, that man that was here turned and this teenager known as Natasha were coming to me. I had been holding up here for a bit but I planned to head to my house tomorrow. In my house I have a blast room that holds whatever my shop doesn't for inventory and food, things that won't spoil. We could live a few months in that room."
     "I hope we're invited too then?" Julia said with a nervous laugh but she had assumed if they risked their lives for them, they weren't just going to leave them here.
     "Can you shoot a gun?" Joe said with a laugh and shook his head, "I wouldn't expect you too. Though your husband could. One has to make sure the girl keeps up. We'll need to move fast and well thought or we're gonna end up being over ran. In the morning we'll have easier time going, or at night through the sewer systems. Either way, we'll need to make sure we stay tight together and we don't get outnumbered or find ourselves in a dead end. I could do much better above ground but it won't be too hard to do it by sewer systems."
     "So you and Chad were in the military or something together?" Julia asked softly as she started to close her eyes without her knowledge of it. Joe and Julia were the last ones to be awake at least in the store.
     "We use to be buddies and we went off to be cops, military, we did it all. Always together. Then we split up and we still talk but not alot. I opened a gun shop when I retired." Joe replied with a shrug of his shoulders. He was started to get tired too but refused to sleep yet. He went into his pocket and pulled out some meds, popping a couple pills and turned back to Julia who had drifted off to sleep. Joe pushed himself up and kept watch over the group, even if they were in a sealed room, he didn't really have much assurance in the doors since they had creatures that were as huge as a house. He wasn't even so sure Chad and Natasha on the rooftop were safe. What if something could fly?

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