A new site, again...
- Posted by Bubbels on .7.2007

It's been a while since my last update, and one of the reasons is that I really disliked my old lay-out.
very busy, and I think I will update on a more regular base if the lay-out is nice, clean and easy to maintain.
I know you miss a lot of my downloads right now, and will see the alphabet on the pages that don't contain downloads (yet), and
it's very very very unprofessional but it's the easiest way for me to work right now. Hihi.
So, have a little patience for new downloads to come up, and enjoy the new lay-out.
And now for something completely different:
Our Statement in the whole "should-paysites-be-forbidden" case: I think they should be forbidden, but I don't see it happen. So to you downloaders I would like to say: don't buy content, keep up the good work downloading on 100% free sites like Bubbels Resource. To other site owners: Let's give the good example. Only place free content. If you use meshes made by other creators; make sure they're free. Only place links/banners to other free sites. In your preview pics: try to use only free stuff. And most of all, to everyone, please respect copyright laws, other peoples privacy and give your compliments (in words, not in money) to the amazing creators that put time and efford in the wonderful creations you can download for free.
If you like to tell me your opinion about this site you can write in the guestbook.
If you would like to see what other people posted in there you can click here.