Mascot Search Results

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Search title    : 
MS data file    : cw0343_q2.pkl
Database        : spombe  (5049 sequences; 2391832 residues)
Timestamp       : 24 Sep 2006 at 15:56:36 GMT

Probability Based Mowse Score

Ions score is -10*Log(P), where P is the probability that the observed match is a random event.
Individual ions scores > 29 indicate identity or extensive homology (p<0.05).
Protein scores are derived from ions scores as a non-probabilistic basis for ranking protein hits.

Score Distribution

Peptide Summary Report

  Significance threshold p< Max. number of hits  
  Standard scoring  MudPIT scoring  Ions score cut-off Show sub-sets
  Show pop-ups  Suppress pop-ups  Sort unassigned Require bold red

        Error tolerant   

1.    mSPCC1322.10                      Mass: 23944    Score: 25     Queries matched: 1
 |predicted|: Predicted GPI protein
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
2   423.81   845.61   845.46   0.14 0  25  0.18 1  -.VSVTSPTR.D

2.    SPCC63.06                         Mass: 37687    Score: 12     Queries matched: 1
 |||WD repeat protein|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 3|||Manual
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      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
3   435.84   869.67   871.48   -1.81 1  12  2.6 1  K.EPTKLER.A

3.    SPCC5E4.04                        Score: 8      Queries matched: 1
 |cut1||separin|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 3|||Manual
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      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 2   423.81   845.61   845.43   0.18 0  12  3.5 2  K.VSWTPEK.F

4.    SPAC1399.05c                      Score: 8      Queries matched: 1
 |||zinc finger protein|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual
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      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 2   423.81   845.61   845.44   0.17 1  8  9.2 3  M.GEVERTR.Q

5.    SPCC338.16                        Mass: 67109    Score: 6      Queries matched: 1
 |pof3||F-box protein|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 3|||Manual
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      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
1   421.83   841.65   841.53   0.12 0  6  11 1  K.LGILTPTK.A

6.    SPBC106.06                        Score: 6      Queries matched: 1
 |cct4||chaperonin-containing T-complex|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 2|||Manual
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      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 2   423.81   845.61   847.46   -1.85 0  6  14 4  K.TVSILCR.G

7.    SPBC32H8.13c                      Score: 5      Queries matched: 1
 |mok12||alpha-1,3-glucan synthase|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 2|||Manual
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      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 2   423.81   845.61   847.43   -1.82 0  5  16 6  K.TVSTPSEK.L

8.    SPBC2A9.04c                       Score: 5      Queries matched: 1
 |||zinc finger protein|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 2|||Manual
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      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 1   421.83   841.65   843.41   -1.76 0  5  13 2  R.TGVDEPAR.Q

9.    SPBC428.18                        Score: 5      Queries matched: 1
 |cdt1||replication licensing factor cdt1|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 2|||Manual
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      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 2   423.81   845.61   847.45   -1.85 1  5  19 7  K.STSRELR.I

10.   SPCC1672.11c                      Score: 5      Queries matched: 1
 |||P-type ATPase |Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 3|||Manual
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      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 2   423.81   845.61   847.48   -1.87 0  5  19 7  K.STTATVIR.E

11.   SPBP22H7.05c                      Score: 5      Queries matched: 1
 |||TAT-binding protein homolog|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 2|||Manual
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      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 2   423.81   845.61   845.40   0.20 0  5  19 9  K.WVGEAER.Q

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      SPAC31G5.19                       Score: 5      Queries matched: 1

12.   SPAC26F1.13c                      Score: 3      Queries matched: 1
 |||leucine-tRNA ligase |Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual
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      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 1   421.83   841.65   843.53   -1.88 1  3  22 3  R.TLSRVIR.E

13.   SPBC28F2.08c                      Score: 3      Queries matched: 1
 |||SEL1 repeat protein|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 2|||Manual
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      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 1   421.83   841.65   842.48   -0.83 0  3  22 3  K.HYLAAIR.L

14.   b1,6glucanase                     Score: 3      Queries matched: 1
 | ACCESSION: S55325 |Trichoderma harzianum - 430 aa
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      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 1   421.83   841.65   843.41   -1.76 0  3  24 5  K.TELNDPR.W

15.   SPBC29A10.04                      Score: 2      Queries matched: 1
 |psm1|smc1|mitotic cohesin complex |Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 2|||Manual
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      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 2   423.81   845.61   845.47   0.13 1  6  15 5  R.VSDTRLR.L

16.   SPBC543.09                        Score: 1      Queries matched: 1
 |||AAA family ATPase|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 2|||Manual
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 2   423.81   845.61   844.50   1.10 1  4  23 10  R.VTAGLEKK.S

17.   SPCC330.01c                       Score: 1      Queries matched: 1
 |rhp16|rad16, SPCC613.13c|DEAD/DEAH box helicase|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 3|||Manual
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 1   421.83   841.65   842.41   -0.76 0  1  36 6  K.LEEEAPR.E

Search Parameters

Type of search         : MS/MS Ion Search
Enzyme                 : Trypsin
Fixed modifications    : Carbamidomethyl (C)
Mass values            : Monoisotopic
Protein Mass           : Unrestricted
Peptide Mass Tolerance : ± 2 Da
Fragment Mass Tolerance: ± 0.8 Da
Max Missed Cleavages   : 1
Instrument type        : ESI-QUAD-TOF
Number of queries      : 3


Top scoring peptide matches to query 1
Score greater than 18 indicates homology
Score greater than 29 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein       Peptide
6.0 0.12 5 SPCC338.16 K.LGILTPTK.A
5.4 -1.76 8 SPBC2A9.04c R.TGVDEPAR.Q
3.1 -1.88 12 SPAC26F1.13c R.TLSRVIR.E
3.1 -0.83 13 SPBC28F2.08c K.HYLAAIR.L
2.7 -1.76 14 b1,6glucanase K.TELNDPR.W
1.0 -0.76 17 SPCC330.01c K.LEEEAPR.E
Top scoring peptide matches to query 2
Score greater than 26 indicates homology
Score greater than 30 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein      Peptide
24.9 0.14 1 mSPCC1322.10 -.VSVTSPTR.D
11.9 0.18 3 SPCC5E4.04 K.VSWTPEK.F
7.8 0.17 4 SPAC1399.05c M.GEVERTR.Q
5.8 -1.85 6 SPBC106.06 K.TVSILCR.G
5.8 0.13 15 SPBC29A10.04 R.VSDTRLR.L
5.5 -1.82 7 SPBC32H8.13c K.TVSTPSEK.L
4.7 -1.85 9 SPBC428.18 K.STSRELR.I
4.7 -1.87 10 SPCC1672.11c K.STTATVIR.E
4.6 0.20 11 SPBP22H7.05c K.WVGEAER.Q
3.8 1.10 16 SPBC543.09 R.VTAGLEKK.S
Top scoring peptide matches to query 3
Score greater than 24 indicates homology
Score greater than 29 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein   Peptide
11.9 -1.81 2 SPCC63.06 K.EPTKLER.A