Mascot Search Results

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Search title    : 
MS data file    : cw0341_q1.pkl
Database        : spombe  (5049 sequences; 2391832 residues)
Timestamp       : 23 Sep 2006 at 16:08:07 GMT
Significant hits: SPAC13G6.10c  |||serine-rich protein|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual
                  SPAC1705.03c  ||SPAC23H4.19|involved in cell wall biosynthesis |Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual

Probability Based Mowse Score

Ions score is -10*Log(P), where P is the probability that the observed match is a random event.
Individual ions scores > 28 indicate identity or extensive homology (p<0.05).
Protein scores are derived from ions scores as a non-probabilistic basis for ranking protein hits.

Score Distribution

Peptide Summary Report

  Significance threshold p< Max. number of hits  
  Standard scoring  MudPIT scoring  Ions score cut-off Show sub-sets
  Show pop-ups  Suppress pop-ups  Sort unassigned Require bold red

        Error tolerant   

1.    SPAC13G6.10c                      Mass: 54406    Score: 111    Queries matched: 2
 |||serine-rich protein|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
8   945.89   1889.77   1889.93   -0.16 0  78  3.2e-007 1  K.TLMTSALGFLDGHGSVER.Y
9   1033.93   2065.84   2066.01   -0.17 0  32  0.01 1  R.GLAWIPGTDLGYSDNFVNK.G

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      mSPAC13G6.10c                     Mass: 52568    Score: 111    Queries matched: 2
 |predicted| probably mild-alkali sensitive

2.    SPAC1705.03c                      Mass: 43547    Score: 57     Queries matched: 2
 ||SPAC23H4.19|involved in cell wall biosynthesis |Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
1   409.71   817.40   817.45   -0.05 0  39  0.0076 1  K.GALTVETK.A
2   419.20   836.38   836.44   -0.06 0  17  0.8 1  K.GVSVNFSK.L

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      mSPAC1705.03C                     Mass: 41468    Score: 57     Queries matched: 2
 |predicted|: Predicted GPI protein : Ecm33 family

3.    mSPCC1322.10                      Mass: 23944    Score: 28     Queries matched: 1
 |predicted|: Predicted GPI protein
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
4   423.71   845.40   845.46   -0.06 0  28  0.095 1  -.VSVTSPTR.D

4.    SPAC630.14c                       Score: 13     Queries matched: 1
 |tup1|tup12|transcriptional co-repressor activity |Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 1   409.71   817.40   817.41   -0.01 0  13  2.9 3  K.QTFTGHK.D

5.    mSPAC19B12.02C                    Mass: 57007    Score: 13     Queries matched: 1
 |predicted|: Predicted GPI protein : SIM. TO S. CEREVISIAE GAS1
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
6   526.74   1051.46   1051.54   -0.08 0  13  1.8 1  -.SVSPVHVDGR.Y

6.    SPBC3B8.06                        Score: 12     Queries matched: 1
 |||conserved fungal protein|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 2|||Manual
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 5   435.74   869.46   868.55   0.91 0  12  2.3 2  R.LLAAAAIAR.I

7.    SPBC3E7.10                        Score: 11     Queries matched: 1
 |||methionine aminopeptidase |Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 2|||Manual
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 1   409.71   817.40   817.52   -0.12 1  14  2.5 2  R.KVPPHIK.R

8.    SPCC1739.05                       Score: 11     Queries matched: 1
 |||SET domain|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 3|||Manual
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 5   435.74   869.46   868.55   0.91 1  11  2.7 3  K.VKIPVGTR.I

9.    SPAC1565.08                       Mass: 90354    Score: 10     Queries matched: 1
 |cdc48|SPAC6F12.01|AAA family ATPase|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
5   435.74   869.46   869.52   -0.06 1  13  1.8 1  R.VVRNNLR.V

10.   SPBC3D6.12                        Mass: 104048   Score: 10     Queries matched: 1
 |||WD repeat protein|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 2|||Manual
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 1   409.71   817.40   817.45   -0.05 0  13  3.5 4  K.QTIESLK.D

11.   SPBCPT2R1.08c                     Score: 10     Queries matched: 1
 |||helicase|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 2|||Manual
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 5   435.74   869.46   869.54   -0.08 1  10  3.9 4  K.VVRDIIR.T

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      SPAC212.11                        Score: 10     Queries matched: 1

12.   SPAC2C4.15c                       Score: 9      Queries matched: 1
 |ubx2||UBX domain|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 2   419.20   836.38   836.47   -0.08 1  9  2  K.RFYPVR.S

13.   SPBC14C8.14c                      Score: 8      Queries matched: 1
 |pol5||DNA polymerase V|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 2|||Manual
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 1   409.71   817.40   817.43   -0.03 1  11  5.6 5  K.KNAQETK.Q

14.   SPCC550.02c                       Mass: 40236    Score: 8      Queries matched: 1
 |cwf5|ecm2|RNA-binding protein|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 3|||Manual
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 5   435.74   869.46   869.49   -0.03 0  8  5.8 5  K.VQWGKPR.S

15.   SPAC1952.08c                      Mass: 21868    Score: 8      Queries matched: 1
 |||pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase |Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 2   419.20   836.38   836.42   -0.03 1  8  7.8 3  K.RCLSSSK.Y

16.   SPCC5E4.04                        Score: 7      Queries matched: 1
 |cut1||separin|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 3|||Manual
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 4   423.71   845.40   845.43   -0.03 0  10  5.8 2  K.VSWTPEK.F

17.   SPAPB2B4.03                       Score: 7      Queries matched: 1
 |cig2|cyc17|cyclin|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 2   419.20   836.38   836.42   -0.03 1  7  8.8 4  R.RSCSLSK.F

18.   SPCC162.06c                       Score: 7      Queries matched: 1
 |||involved in intracellular protein transport|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 3|||Manual
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 1   409.71   817.40   817.47   -0.07 1  7  13 8  R.QLKSQSK.N

19.   SPAC27D7.06                       Score: 6      Queries matched: 1
 |||electron transfer flavoprotein |Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 5   435.74   869.46   869.52   -0.06 0  6  8.5 7  R.ILTPLADK.L

20.   SPBC19G7.10c                      Mass: 82983    Score: 6      Queries matched: 1
 |||topoisomerase associated protein |Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 2|||Manual
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
3   421.73   841.44   841.50   -0.06 1  9  5.2 1  K.GMRLLPR.L

Peptide matches not assigned to protein hits: (no details means no match)

      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
7   627.25   1252.48   1250.77   1.71 1  1  28 1  RPTLTIPTPKK

Search Parameters

Type of search         : MS/MS Ion Search
Enzyme                 : Trypsin
Fixed modifications    : Carbamidomethyl (C)
Mass values            : Monoisotopic
Protein Mass           : Unrestricted
Peptide Mass Tolerance : ± 2 Da
Fragment Mass Tolerance: ± 0.8 Da
Max Missed Cleavages   : 1
Instrument type        : Default
Number of queries      : 9


Top scoring peptide matches to query 1
Score greater than 29 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein      Peptide
39.2 -0.05 2 SPAC1705.03c K.GALTVETK.A
14.0 -0.12 7 SPBC3E7.10 R.KVPPHIK.R
13.4 -0.01 4 SPAC630.14c K.QTFTGHK.D
12.6 -0.05 10 SPBC3D6.12 K.QTIESLK.D
10.5 -0.03 13 SPBC14C8.14c K.KNAQETK.Q
9.8 -0.07 M.KEFPGLK.S
7.5 -0.07 R.QYALPVK.G
6.8 -0.07 18 SPCC162.06c R.QLKSQSK.N
5.3 -0.08 K.KLPFWK.K
5.3 -0.07 R.QIFPVSK.L
Top scoring peptide matches to query 2
Score greater than 23 indicates homology
Score greater than 29 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein      Peptide
17.4 -0.06 2 SPAC1705.03c K.GVSVNFSK.L
9.4 -0.08 12 SPAC2C4.15c K.RFYPVR.S
7.5 -0.03 15 SPAC1952.08c K.RCLSSSK.Y
7.0 -0.03 17 SPAPB2B4.03 R.RSCSLSK.F
2.1 -0.15 K.RLPARPK.K
1.7 -0.05 K.RPDFFR.-
1.6 1.94 R.HPRPNSK.G
1.4 2.00 K.NEPFNSK.Q
0.7 1.92 K.AIVYDVR.T
0.7 0.99 R.ERFNDR.T
Top scoring peptide matches to query 3
Score greater than 17 indicates homology
Score greater than 28 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein      Peptide
8.6 -0.06 20 SPBC19G7.10c K.GMRLLPR.L
4.0 -0.10 K.ISALGLLR.L
3.0 -0.97 K.LEEEAPR.E
Top scoring peptide matches to query 4
Score greater than 24 indicates homology
Score greater than 30 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein      Peptide
27.8 -0.06 3 mSPCC1322.10 -.VSVTSPTR.D
9.9 -0.03 16 SPCC5E4.04 K.VSWTPEK.F
4.2 1.92 R.DILEKAR.Q
3.2 1.99 R.VTGDPEAR.A
2.9 0.86 K.SLKTVLGK.G
2.8 1.96 K.VIDSPSAR.H
2.3 -0.03 M.GEVERTR.Q
2.3 -0.00 K.WVGEAER.Q
1.8 1.92 K.DIINTLR.M
1.5 1.97 K.GETIPQLS.-
Top scoring peptide matches to query 5
Score greater than 25 indicates homology
Score greater than 28 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein       Peptide
13.0 -0.06 9 SPAC1565.08 R.VVRNNLR.V
11.7 0.91 6 SPBC3B8.06 R.LLAAAAIAR.I
11.0 0.91 8 SPCC1739.05 K.VKIPVGTR.I
9.5 -0.08 11 SPBCPT2R1.08c K.VVRDIIR.T
7.8 -0.03 14 SPCC550.02c K.VQWGKPR.S
7.6 0.91 R.NLALLLGR.A
6.1 -0.06 19 SPAC27D7.06 R.ILTPLADK.L
5.5 -0.01 R.NQSGIPVR.S
5.3 0.04 K.QPPQSADK.Q
5.2 1.03 K.EPFYVSK.D
Top scoring peptide matches to query 6
Score greater than 17 indicates homology
Score greater than 28 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein        Peptide
12.9 -0.08 5 mSPAC19B12.02C -.SVSPVHVDGR.Y
3.2 0.94 K.VSYLTDEPK.F
2.3 -0.11 R.WTLIPFLY.-
0.0 0.00 K.EGSAWYDPK.N
Top scoring peptide matches to query 7
Score greater than 13 indicates homology
Score greater than 28 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 8
Score greater than 20 indicates homology
Score greater than 26 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein      Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 9
Score greater than 15 indicates homology
Score greater than 25 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein      Peptide