Mascot Search Results

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MS data file    : cw0252_q2.pkl
Database        : CAlbicans dos (20286 sequences; 6720281 residues)
Timestamp       : 17 Oct 2005 at 13:42:18 GMT
Significant hits: TRBOTR                trypsin (EC3.4.21.4 ) precursor-bovine
                  mCrh11                |predicted| C. albicans |CA0375|: 453 aa
                  mIPF8527|mPga29:      189 aa - Candida albicans unknown function
                  mCHT2                 583 aa - chitinase 2 precursor Candida albicans
                  mALS1.5eoc            |predicted| C. albicans |CA0909| 658 aa - agglutinin-like,5-prime end
                  mEcm33.3              |predicted|m5366.2|CaECM33
                  mSSR1                 |Candida albicans 212 aa - Secretory Stress Response
                  sw|P35527|K1CI_HUMAN  Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 9 (Cytokeratin 9) (K9) (CK 9)
                  mPhr1                 |experimentally validated by us| C albicans |CA4857| 548 aa
                  6365.2                CONTIG=Contig10051 POSCDS1=935 POSCDS2=2311
                  mPga4                 |predicted| mIPF8796 C. albicans CA4800| 451 aa
                  6542.1                CONTIG=Contig10205 POSCDS1=84080 POSCDS2=85885
                  366.1                 CONTIG=Contig2516 POSCDS1=131919 POSCDS2=132122

Probability Based Mowse Score

Ions score is -10*Log(P), where P is the probability that the observed match is a random event.
Individual ions scores > 31 indicate identity or extensive homology (p<0.05).
Protein scores are derived from ions scores as a non-probabilistic basis for ranking protein hits.

Score Distribution

Peptide Summary Report

  Significance threshold p< Max. number of hits  
  Standard scoring  MudPIT scoring  Ions score cut-off Show sub-sets
  Show pop-ups  Suppress pop-ups  Sort unassigned Require bold red

        Error tolerant   

1.    TRBOTR                            Mass: 24662    Score: 280    Queries matched: 7
 trypsin (EC3.4.21.4 ) precursor-bovine
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
4   403.22   804.43   804.41   0.02 0  67  1.8e-005 1  K.SAASLNSR.V
5   403.22   804.43   804.41   0.02 0  (35) 0.029 1  K.SAASLNSR.V
 12   453.76   905.51   905.50   0.02 0  8  16 4  K.NKPGVYTK.V
26   577.32   1152.62   1152.57   0.06 0  47  0.0015 1  K.SSGTSYPDVLK.C
50   721.68   2162.03   2162.05   -0.02 0  (55) 0.00011 1  R.LGEDNINVVEGNEQFISASK.S
51   1082.11   2162.21   2162.05   0.16 0  113  1.9e-010 1  R.LGEDNINVVEGNEQFISASK.S
52   758.42   2272.25   2272.15   0.10 0  45  0.00096 1  K.SIVHPSYNSNTLNNDIMLIK.L

2.    mCrh11                            Mass: 44667    Score: 266    Queries matched: 6
 |predicted| C. albicans |CA0375|: 453 aa
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
17   505.76   1009.50   1009.50   0.00 1  25  0.23 1  K.RFDNPSFK.S
23   548.25   1094.49   1094.49   0.00 0  33  0.031 1  R.YDQAQDDIK.K
25   563.29   1124.56   1124.57   -0.01 0  62  4e-005 1  K.SVLVADYSSGK.Q
43   805.39   1608.77   1607.78   0.99 0  16  1.2 1  K.QGTIDSGSNGLSLTMK.K
46   882.89   1763.77   1763.76   0.00 0  68  7e-006 1  K.QYSYSDQSGSWESIK.A
47   890.94   1779.86   1779.83   0.02 0  62  3.2e-005 1  K.SSDCSPVPALGSSFLEK.F

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      14360.2                           Mass: 46818    Score: 266    Queries matched: 6
 |Crh11| CONTIG=Contig10158 POSCDS1=92919 POSCDS2=94280
      24611.1                           Mass: 47890    Score: 266    Queries matched: 6
 CONTIG=Contig20158 POSCDS1=86016 POSCDS2=87377

3.    mIPF8527|mPga29:                  Mass: 19928    Score: 198    Queries matched: 8
 189 aa - Candida albicans unknown function
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
2   382.23   762.44   762.42   0.01 0  46  0.0026 1  K.TSSITVR.Q
8   439.22   876.43   876.41   0.02 0  13  5.5 1  K.NVNDPYR.Y
11   453.26   904.50   904.50   -0.00 0  27  0.19 1  K.QIFQELK.T
12   453.76   905.51   904.50   1.01 0  (10) 10 1  K.QIFQELK.T
24   554.32   1106.63   1106.63   -0.00 0  51  0.00061 1  -.TISSIQLFAK.S
28   615.83   1229.64   1229.65   -0.01 0  12  4.1 1  K.TDDSAPITIVAK.F
31   638.79   1275.56   1275.56   -0.00 0  13  1  R.YSESEYAVSNK.K
35   679.88   1357.74   1357.75   -0.00 1  36  0.017 1  K.KTDDSAPITIVAK.F

4.    mCHT2                             Mass: 59565    Score: 144    Queries matched: 5
 583 aa - chitinase 2 precursor Candida albicans
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
7   425.21   848.40   848.40   -0.00 0  34  0.037 1  K.FADSAPNK.N
15   495.29   988.56   988.54   0.01 0  66  2.5e-005 1  K.LSSAIEEIK.C
18   510.29   1018.57   1018.54   0.02 0  30  0.096 1  K.GENFVVQVK.N
27   602.82   1203.63   1203.62   0.00 1  2  42 1  K.FADSAPNKNIK.L
49   645.96   1934.85   1933.90   0.95 0  12  2.7 1  -.SNQVALYWGQNGAGGQER.L

5.    mALS1.5eoc                        Mass: 69052    Score: 141    Queries matched: 3
 |predicted| C. albicans |CA0909| 658 aa - agglutinin-like,5-prime end
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
22   532.29   1062.57   1062.58   -0.02 0  31  0.066 1  R.SQSKPFTLR.W
36   708.34   1414.66   1414.67   -0.01 0  39  0.0071 1  K.STVDPSGYLYASR.V
44   843.42   1684.82   1684.82   0.01 0  71  4.3e-006 1  K.YTTSQTSVDLTADGVK.Y

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      13002.2                           Mass: 133694   Score: 141    Queries matched: 3
 |Als1| CONTIG=Contig10233 POSCDS1=72223 POSCDS2=76005
      21498.1                           Mass: 133402   Score: 141    Queries matched: 3
 |Als1| CONTIG=Contig20233 POSCDS1=71475 POSCDS2=75257

6.    mEcm33.3                          Mass: 41984    Score: 127    Queries matched: 3
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 6   410.75   819.49   819.49   0.00 0  6  27 4  R.VSGGFILK.T
13   463.72   925.43   925.43   0.00 0  46  0.002 1  K.LSCSAFNK.L
40   787.41   1572.81   1572.81   -0.00 0  76  1.5e-006 1  K.TIGGALQISDNSELR.S

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      5366.2                            Mass: 43798    Score: 127    Queries matched: 3
 |Ecm33.3| CaECM33 CONTIG=Contig10163 POSCDS1=164904 POSCDS2=166142
      24311.1                           Mass: 42880    Score: 127    Queries matched: 3
 CONTIG=Contig20163 POSCDS1=164513 POSCDS2=165751

7.    mSSR1                             Mass: 20690    Score: 110    Queries matched: 2
 |Candida albicans 212 aa - Secretory Stress Response
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
30   635.83   1269.64   1269.66   -0.02 0  63  3e-005 1  -.APPACLLACVAK.V
45   855.39   1708.77   1707.78   0.99 0  47  0.001 1  K.EICPNGDADTAISAFK.S

8.    sw|P35527|K1CI_HUMAN              Mass: 62178    Score: 49     Queries matched: 1
 Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 9 (Cytokeratin 9) (K9) (CK 9)
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
21   530.78   1059.55   1059.56   -0.00 0  49  0.0011 1  K.TLLDIDNTR.M

9.    mPhr1                             Mass: 58075    Score: 42     Queries matched: 1
 |experimentally validated by us| C albicans |CA4857| 548 aa
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
20   520.26   1038.50   1038.50   -0.00 0  42  0.0041 1  R.SNTDASAFVK.A

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      mPhr2                             Mass: 57243    Score: 42     Queries matched: 1
 |validated by us| C albicans |CA3867| 544 aa pH-regulated protein 2
      4604.2                            Mass: 59477    Score: 42     Queries matched: 1
 |Phr2| CONTIG=Contig20237 POSCDS1=156145 POSCDS2=157779
      14612.3                           Mass: 67274    Score: 42     Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10237 POSCDS1=160121 POSCDS2=161755
      15932.2                           Mass: 60276    Score: 42     Queries matched: 1
 |Phr1| CONTIG=Contig10192 POSCDS1=117957 POSCDS2=119603
      23455.1                           Mass: 60747    Score: 42     Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig20192 POSCDS1=117993 POSCDS2=119639

10.   6365.2                            Mass: 50410    Score: 36     Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10051 POSCDS1=935 POSCDS2=2311
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
19   513.31   1024.60   1024.60   -0.00 0  36  0.018 1  K.IGGIGTVPVGR.V

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      9732.2                            Mass: 50410    Score: 36     Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig20117 POSCDS1=5058 POSCDS2=6434
      22137.1                           Mass: 50636    Score: 36     Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig20218 POSCDS1=144186 POSCDS2=145562
      26916.1                           Mass: 50610    Score: 36     Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig20051 POSCDS1=935 POSCDS2=2311
      28153.1                           Mass: 50636    Score: 36     Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10218 POSCDS1=144463 POSCDS2=145839
      29461.1                           Mass: 50610    Score: 36     Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10117 POSCDS1=5059 POSCDS2=6435

11.   mPga4                             Mass: 47426    Score: 35     Queries matched: 1
 |predicted| mIPF8796 C. albicans CA4800| 451 aa
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
34   677.35   1352.69   1352.71   -0.02 0  35  0.019 1  K.YFQELGINTIR.V

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      8796.1                            Mass: 49422    Score: 35     Queries matched: 1
 |Pga4| CONTIG=Contig10194 POSCDS1=248535 POSCDS2=249890
      23247.1                           Mass: 53324    Score: 35     Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig20194 POSCDS1=251401 POSCDS2=252756

12.   6542.1                            Score: 34     Queries matched: 2
 CONTIG=Contig10205 POSCDS1=84080 POSCDS2=85885
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 4   403.22   804.43   803.39   1.04 0  34  0.039 2  R.GNGSINSR.A
 5   403.22   804.43   803.39   1.04 0  (34) 0.041 2  R.GNGSINSR.A

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      22807.1                           Score: 34     Queries matched: 2

13.   366.1                             Mass: 7759     Score: 31     Queries matched: 2
 CONTIG=Contig2516 POSCDS1=131919 POSCDS2=132122
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 4   403.22   804.43   804.37   0.05 0  31  0.072 3  R.SNDINSR.G
 5   403.22   804.43   804.37   0.06 0  (9) 14 7  R.SNDINSR.G

14.   13836.2                           Score: 30     Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10146 POSCDS1=76347 POSCDS2=77504
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 7   425.21   848.40   847.44   0.96 1  30  0.11 2  K.AGKTADSAK.D

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      24991.1                           Score: 30     Queries matched: 1

15.   3418.1                            Mass: 32974    Score: 26     Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig2405 POSCDS1=1 POSCDS2=876
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
9   444.25   886.49   886.51   -0.03 1  28  0.17 1  R.KEIEQLK.R

16.   13407.2                           Score: 22     Queries matched: 2
 CONTIG=Contig20073 POSCDS1=10653 POSCDS2=12929
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 4   403.22   804.43   804.40   0.03 0  22  0.62 4  K.QTSLNDK.C
 5   403.22   804.43   804.40   0.03 0  (12) 6.6 4  K.QTSLNDK.C

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      29699.1                           Score: 22     Queries matched: 2

17.   1453.2                            Score: 20     Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10237 POSCDS1=88579 POSCDS2=92481
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 18   510.29   1018.57   1019.53   -0.96 0  22  0.51 2  K.GEFDVNLVK.K

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      21121.1                           Score: 20     Queries matched: 1

18.   12080.1                           Score: 19     Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10254 POSCDS1=232588 POSCDS2=234606
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 9   444.25   886.49   886.48   0.01 0  19  1.1 2  K.QLQEELK.N

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      20332.1                           Score: 19     Queries matched: 1

19.   25129.1                           Score: 19     Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig20141 POSCDS1=10162 POSCDS2=11514
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 9   444.25   886.49   886.49   -0.00 1  19  1.2 4  K.QEIKQNK.R

20.   4502.1                            Score: 19     Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10215 POSCDS1=264104 POSCDS2=268306
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 21   530.78   1059.55   1060.50   -0.95 0  19  1.1 2  K.TINDLDENK.V

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      22503.1                           Score: 19     Queries matched: 1

Peptide matches not assigned to protein hits: (no details means no match)

      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
16   496.25   990.48   989.49   1.00 0  13  4.9 1  CVDLNEIK
14   477.27   952.52   951.54   0.98 0  12  4.2 1  AILHEELK
6   410.75   819.49   820.39   -0.90 1  9  14 1  TDKAGSDK
3   385.21   768.40   769.54   -1.15 1  8  10 1  LAVKVIK
29   626.31   1250.61   1249.59   1.03 0  5  22 1  SDLEAQMESLK
10   451.67   901.33   900.49   0.84 1  1  73 1  NPKAVNMK
1   402.24   401.24        
32   662.29   1322.56        
33   664.33   1326.65        
37   716.85   1431.68        
38   478.24   1431.68        
39   747.32   1492.62        
41   532.25   1593.73        
42   797.89   1593.76        
48   894.43   1786.85        
53   1178.89   3533.64        

Search Parameters

Type of search         : MS/MS Ion Search
Enzyme                 : Trypsin
Fixed modifications    : Carbamidomethyl (C)
Mass values            : Monoisotopic
Protein Mass           : Unrestricted
Peptide Mass Tolerance : ± 1.2 Da
Fragment Mass Tolerance: ± 0.6 Da
Max Missed Cleavages   : 1
Instrument type        : ESI-QUAD-TOF
Number of queries      : 53


Top scoring peptide matches to query 1
Score greater than 9 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 2
Score greater than 32 indicates homology
Score greater than 33 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein          Peptide
46.3 0.01 3 mIPF8527|mPga29: K.TSSITVR.Q
16.5 -0.04 R.FKLTVR.N
10.4 0.01 R.TVSSLTR.M
10.4 1.11 R.DGNSNQK.N
6.7 -0.89 K.DGECKR.K
6.6 -0.04 K.KFILSR.S
4.6 0.07 K.CLDLSR.N
2.5 0.07 K.CLVDTR.S
1.6 -0.93 K.GSNMVTR.R
0.0 1.06 R.DWSNLK.T
Top scoring peptide matches to query 3
Score greater than 20 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
8.0 -1.15 K.LAVKVIK.V
7.8 -1.05 R.IHYLPK.M
7.8 -1.05 K.INWIPK.G
7.8 -1.07 K.LSVNLPK.V
7.6 -0.05 K.GKPGVSPK.V
7.0 0.02 K.QDNAPPK.K
5.2 -0.11 K.VSLLIPK.S
4.9 -1.12 K.IGIKAIR.L
4.0 0.94 K.SNILPPK.G
3.8 -0.98 R.QTQEHK.Q
Top scoring peptide matches to query 4
Score greater than 33 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
34.0 1.04 12 6542.1 R.GNGSINSR.A
31.4 0.05 13 366.1 R.SNDINSR.G
22.1 0.03 16 13407.2 K.QTSLNDK.C
13.3 1.04 R.NNKDASR.V
10.9 0.95 K.VESITKK.K
10.3 1.03 K.NAPYPSR.L
9.6 0.98 K.KTELASR.T
8.9 -0.01 R.SIEITSR.E
8.9 -0.01 K.SLTEISR.R
Top scoring peptide matches to query 5
Score greater than 29 indicates homology
Score greater than 33 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
33.9 1.04 12 6542.1 R.GNGSINSR.A
14.5 1.01 K.LDSSNLR.K
11.8 0.03 16 13407.2 K.QTSLNDK.C
11.3 1.03 R.GGGRGASSR.D
10.4 1.01 K.ASTGEIAR.R
8.6 0.06 13 366.1 R.SNDINSR.G
7.9 0.06 R.DSNSINR.R
6.6 1.00 R.DLSASRR.G
5.1 -0.01 K.GATTGTGIK.K
Top scoring peptide matches to query 6
Score greater than 21 indicates homology
Score greater than 32 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein  Peptide
8.5 -0.90 R.TDKAGSDK.V
7.7 -0.92 K.KVCIQSS.-
7.2 0.09 K.DASTGELK.W
5.5 0.00 6 mEcm33.3 R.VSGGFILK.T
5.4 -0.98 R.VLFLSDK.K
5.3 1.04 R.SNASSILK.K
5.2 0.16 K.DADADADK.D
4.8 1.04 K.GKSSEIAK.S
2.9 -0.94 K.KASTETGK.V
2.8 -0.93 K.QFGEGRK.N
Top scoring peptide matches to query 7
Score greater than 33 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
34.4 -0.00 4 mCHT2 K.FADSAPNK.N
29.6 0.96 14 13836.2 K.AGKTADSAK.D
6.5 0.96 K.QEQTSKK.E
4.5 -0.04 K.NTIYPNK.F
3.6 -0.01 K.RGDYPNK.Y
1.9 -0.03 K.IGMMRGGK.T
1.4 1.00 K.RTEEGEK.W
1.0 -0.08 -.KQTITMK.K
0.1 0.95 K.QFSKPNK.F
Top scoring peptide matches to query 8
Score greater than 21 indicates homology
Score greater than 33 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein          Peptide
12.7 0.02 3 mIPF8527|mPga29: K.NVNDPYR.Y
7.3 -1.04 K.DVQTIFR.K
6.3 -0.02 R.LNQSPYR.N
5.1 0.01 K.DDIVNSSK.D
1.3 1.01 R.AGELMAER.S
0.7 0.90 K.AKELFLR.S
Top scoring peptide matches to query 9
Score greater than 32 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
27.6 -0.03 15 3418.1 R.KEIEQLK.R
19.5 -0.03 K.KIQEEIK.K
19.5 0.01 18 12080.1 K.QLQEELK.N
19.0 -0.00 19 25129.1 K.QEIKQNK.R
17.4 -0.03 K.QEEIKLK.S
15.6 -0.03 K.ELKEQLK.L
15.4 -0.03 K.QLEELKK.E
15.0 -1.00 K.AWLKENK.S
12.8 -0.03 K.VASIELQK.G
11.8 -0.03 K.EKQLIEK.I
Top scoring peptide matches to query 10
Score greater than 14 indicates homology
Score greater than 32 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
1.3 0.84 R.NPKAVNMK.R
Top scoring peptide matches to query 11
Score greater than 32 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein          Peptide
26.9 -0.00 3 mIPF8527|mPga29: K.QIFQELK.T
20.7 1.05 K.EEEKLEK.R
18.3 -0.04 K.KELFQIK.E
16.9 1.02 R.SYHKLEK.T
14.7 1.03 K.GDSKQLEK.W
14.2 1.02 K.QQMEKLK.Q
13.5 0.03 R.QMLKEEK.V
13.1 1.08 K.EEEELQK.V
12.9 -0.07 K.KLVSAFIK.D
12.0 0.95 K.FQLKQLK.F
Top scoring peptide matches to query 12
Score greater than 21 indicates homology
Score greater than 32 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein          Peptide
9.6 1.01 3 mIPF8527|mPga29: K.QIFQELK.T
7.9 -0.97 R.FNKELEK.-
7.9 1.05 K.QLQSSNTK.G
6.7 0.04 K.NQFKNQK.L
6.6 0.01 R.QFITNKR.L
5.6 -0.98 K.SVGFKDVR.G
3.2 1.03 K.QLKSGMNK.F
2.9 0.08 K.EIPYCPK.C
1.7 0.94 K.KLVSAFIK.D
Top scoring peptide matches to query 13
Score greater than 20 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein  Peptide
45.8 0.00 6 mEcm33.3 K.LSCSAFNK.L
4.3 -1.08 K.QPQVSLQK.Q
2.4 -1.07 K.KPVTSHMK.A
2.0 -1.12 K.KQLISPNK.S
1.9 -1.00 K.ESVSYTNK.M
0.8 -0.02 -.LSCMFIR.S
0.5 0.86 K.QVKGLGVPK.N
Top scoring peptide matches to query 14
Score greater than 23 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
12.3 0.98 R.AILHEELK.I
12.3 -0.92 K.ASDYEEIK.S
10.1 -1.01 K.SVHIQKDK.D
9.2 1.01 R.SFSSGLNLK.A
8.9 -0.02 K.VLQHESIK.V
8.8 1.05 K.EEYRDLK.W
8.8 1.06 K.EMTTETLK.T
8.8 -1.03 R.MKHQGLLK.N
8.6 -0.94 R.AGNEAHDLK.K
8.4 -0.05 R.VIGANPAAIK.Q
Top scoring peptide matches to query 15
Score greater than 27 indicates homology
Score greater than 32 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
65.6 0.01 4 mCHT2 K.LSSAIEEIK.C
10.1 -0.99 R.NSSLSNLKK.K
9.8 0.03 R.QMLDILEK.F
9.6 0.03 -.MSSDPILVK.K
9.4 0.04 R.IRSEDEIK.R
8.8 -0.02 R.SSILTDLIK.Y
8.6 1.02 K.TVRQDELK.I
8.5 1.04 K.ELEELDLK.R
7.8 -0.92 K.NSIASAGENK.L
7.3 0.06 K.QTEITAGNR.V
Top scoring peptide matches to query 16
Score greater than 24 indicates homology
Score greater than 32 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
12.6 1.00 R.CVDLNEIK.D
12.6 1.00 MENIENLK
10.5 -0.99 R.RDSMGDAIK.H
10.2 -1.02 K.QEGSTIMVK.N
7.9 -1.04 K.KLSLSSDDK.G
7.5 -0.98 K.KDINMDEK.Y
7.0 0.89 K.LNFDLKIK.N
6.8 0.93 K.YDNIKLPK.N
6.7 0.93 K.FGQGLLDLK.L
6.7 0.96 K.KMPPGFWK.T
Top scoring peptide matches to query 17
Score greater than 25 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
25.0 0.00 2 mCrh11 K.RFDNPSFK.S
11.2 0.00 K.CQLMRFR.K
9.0 0.08 K.SESNDETTK.S
8.3 0.03 R.ENFSDASIK.E
7.5 -0.97 K.ESSSTTMIR.N
6.4 -0.98 K.QFTLDEMK.Q
6.4 -0.07 K.RHLSEIQK.D
6.2 -0.03 K.RHQLVDDK.E
4.6 -0.07 R.SALKEGLHR.N
Top scoring peptide matches to query 18
Score greater than 32 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
29.6 0.02 4 mCHT2 K.GENFVVQVK.N
22.3 -0.96 17 1453.2 K.GEFDVNLVK.K
18.3 0.02 K.DANVFVLNK.E
11.3 0.01 R.GGFGEVVKAR.S
10.9 -0.85 K.WESAGEVDQ.-
7.1 -1.03 K.GVYIKVVDK.D
5.1 1.03 K.GQTEIETIK.D
4.9 -0.01 K.KGLTFTQPK.T
4.8 0.06 K.TSRSPQESK.D
Top scoring peptide matches to query 19
Score greater than 19 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
36.0 -0.00 10 6365.2 K.IGGIGTVPVGR.V
4.3 0.08 K.LNIDFFEK.L
3.5 0.02 K.IPLEQRNR.I
2.3 0.04 K.FHGGNIPKR.R
Top scoring peptide matches to query 20
Score greater than 29 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
42.4 -0.00 9 mPhr1 SNTDASAFVK
13.6 1.02 R.GLMDCLMAK.C
13.0 -1.04 K.SSTTITTTTK.S
5.6 -1.08 -.MATVIPPPSK.K
3.6 1.04 R.CMGDEVSLK.F
3.5 0.96 R.RETTTTTTK.T
3.1 0.96 K.SITFKAEDK.R
2.3 -0.99 K.SDIDGKYDK.Y
1.5 0.91 K.HINLSDLVK.I
Top scoring peptide matches to query 21
Score greater than 32 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein              Peptide
49.0 -0.00 8 sw|P35527|K1CI_HUMAN K.TLLDIDNTR.M
18.8 -0.95 20 4502.1 K.TINDLDENK.V
14.5 1.03 K.FFFLDNTR.S
13.6 -0.07 K.TLDIIEKTK.S
12.4 0.11 K.TFFCDNTR.R
5.7 -1.04 K.IFDSLIPTR.F
5.4 -0.95 R.KSETPENEK.V
3.3 -0.05 R.GNGTLKLTTR.A
0.6 -0.06 K.LTIPGEKFR.A
Top scoring peptide matches to query 22
Score greater than 22 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein    Peptide
30.5 -0.02 5 mALS1.5eoc R.SQSKPFTLR.W
6.0 -0.03 R.KSWFAGVLR.R
3.3 -0.03 R.KSITASSLEK.D
3.0 -0.08 R.KLFVQLTSK.L
2.9 0.94 K.SIVFNITLR.S
2.6 -0.05 R.SYLLRINGK.V
0.3 1.02 K.QNNFEALVK.A
Top scoring peptide matches to query 23
Score greater than 24 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
33.3 0.00 2 mCrh11 R.YDQAQDDIK.K
2.4 0.95 K.YNQTAQELK.S
1.9 -0.08 K.WPPPTEGAIK.T
1.5 -1.05 K.VSDYKEVEK.C
1.4 -0.09 R.QMFTNLTIK.W
1.3 0.81 -.PVKTIVNPVK.Q
0.9 0.91 K.DNSYLNKLK.E
0.8 -0.05 R.YQSVIDGWK.I
0.5 0.93 R.NSELYDLIK.S
Top scoring peptide matches to query 24
Score greater than 28 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein          Peptide
50.9 -0.00 3 mIPF8527|mPga29: -.TISSIQLFAK.S
12.0 -0.92 K.YSINQLDGAK.S
0.5 0.93 K.HQLIKLVQK.H
0.5 -0.94 -.MQLINQFSK.S
0.5 -0.00 R.YSELNKILK.T
0.0 -0.83 K.EGISDSNACR.T
Top scoring peptide matches to query 25
Score greater than 23 indicates homology
Score greater than 30 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
61.9 -0.01 2 mCrh11 K.SVLVADYSSGK.Q
7.1 -0.23 K.VSLLKVLLLK.L
6.7 -0.03 K.WIFIGSSSTK.W
3.9 -0.00 K.WLIEENGHK.L
Top scoring peptide matches to query 26
Score greater than 21 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
3.0 -0.00 K.KEIAHTIGER.N
2.6 -1.02 K.QETAHIISKK.L
2.5 -0.90 K.KYSDEDIER.R
0.5 -0.96 R.RHATSAVPCR.A
Top scoring peptide matches to query 27
Score greater than 15 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
2.5 0.00 4 mCHT2 K.FADSAPNKNIK.L
Top scoring peptide matches to query 28
Score greater than 17 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein          Peptide
12.4 -0.01 3 mIPF8527|mPga29: K.TDDSAPITIVAK.F
Top scoring peptide matches to query 29
Score greater than 17 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 30
Score greater than 20 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
63.2 -0.02 7 mSSR1 -.APPACLLACVAK.V
Top scoring peptide matches to query 31
Score greater than 16 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein          Peptide
12.5 -0.00 3 mIPF8527|mPga29: R.YSESEYAVSNK.K
0.1 -1.11 K.EIEFLKQENK.M
Top scoring peptide matches to query 32
Score greater than 30 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 33
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 34
Score greater than 15 indicates homology
Score greater than 30 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
34.7 -0.02 11 mPga4 K.YFQELGINTIR.V
Top scoring peptide matches to query 35
Score greater than 19 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein          Peptide
35.9 -0.00 3 mIPF8527|mPga29: K.KTDDSAPITIVAK.F
Top scoring peptide matches to query 36
Score greater than 18 indicates homology
Score greater than 30 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein    Peptide
39.4 -0.01 5 mALS1.5eoc K.STVDPSGYLYASR.V
Top scoring peptide matches to query 37
Score greater than 30 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 38
Score greater than 30 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 39
Score greater than 29 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 40
Score greater than 19 indicates homology
Score greater than 30 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein  Peptide
75.6 -0.00 6 mEcm33.3 K.TIGGALQISDNSELR.S
Top scoring peptide matches to query 41
Score greater than 30 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 42
Score greater than 30 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 43
Score greater than 15 indicates homology
Score greater than 30 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
16.2 0.99 2 mCrh11 K.QGTIDSGSNGLSLTMK.K
Top scoring peptide matches to query 44
Score greater than 30 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein    Peptide
71.1 0.01 5 mALS1.5eoc K.YTTSQTSVDLTADGVK.Y
Top scoring peptide matches to query 45
Score greater than 29 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 46
Score greater than 29 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
68.2 0.00 2 mCrh11 K.QYSYSDQSGSWESIK.A
Top scoring peptide matches to query 47
Score greater than 27 indicates homology
Score greater than 29 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
61.6 0.02 2 mCrh11 K.SSDCSPVPALGSSFLEK.F
Top scoring peptide matches to query 48
Score greater than 29 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 49
Score greater than 24 indicates homology
Score greater than 29 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 50
Score greater than 28 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 51
Score greater than 21 indicates homology
Score greater than 28 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 52
Score greater than 18 indicates homology
Score greater than 28 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 53
Score greater than 24 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide