Mascot Search Results

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MS data file    : cw0237_q6.pkl
Database        : CAlbicans dos (20286 sequences; 6720281 residues)
Timestamp       : 25 Aug 2005 at 12:41:30 GMT
Significant hits: TRBOTR      trypsin (EC3.4.21.4 ) precursor-bovine
                  mALS1.5eoc  |predicted| C. albicans |CA0909| 658 aa - agglutinin-like,5-prime end
                  mALS3.5eoc  |predicted| C. albicans |CA0591| 886 aa agglutinin-like,5-prime end

Probability Based Mowse Score

Ions score is -10*Log(P), where P is the probability that the observed match is a random event.
Individual ions scores > 30 indicate identity or extensive homology (p<0.05).
Protein scores are derived from ions scores as a non-probabilistic basis for ranking protein hits.

Score Distribution

Peptide Summary Report

  Significance threshold p< Max. number of hits  
  Standard scoring  MudPIT scoring  Ions score cut-off Show sub-sets
  Show pop-ups  Suppress pop-ups  Sort unassigned Require bold red

        Error tolerant   

1.    TRBOTR                            Mass: 24662    Score: 195    Queries matched: 3
 trypsin (EC3.4.21.4 ) precursor-bovine
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
4   577.34   1152.67   1152.57   0.11 0  50  0.00071 1  K.SSGTSYPDVLK.C
15   1082.58   2163.15   2162.05   1.10 0  110  3.6e-010 1  R.LGEDNINVVEGNEQFISASK.S
16   758.43   2272.28   2272.15   0.13 0  35  0.0099 1  K.SIVHPSYNSNTLNNDIMLIK.L

2.    mALS1.5eoc                        Mass: 69052    Score: 113    Queries matched: 2
 |predicted| C. albicans |CA0909| 658 aa - agglutinin-like,5-prime end
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
9   708.40   1414.78   1414.67   0.11 0  43  0.0029 1  K.STVDPSGYLYASR.V
14   1048.03   2094.04   2092.94   1.10 0  72  2.8e-006 1  K.GLNDWNYPVSSESFSYTK.T

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      13002.2                           Mass: 133694   Score: 113    Queries matched: 2
 |Als1| CONTIG=Contig10233 POSCDS1=72223 POSCDS2=76005
      21498.1                           Mass: 133402   Score: 113    Queries matched: 2
 |Als1| CONTIG=Contig20233 POSCDS1=71475 POSCDS2=75257

3.    mALS3.5eoc                        Mass: 94266    Score: 79     Queries matched: 2
 |predicted| C. albicans |CA0591| 886 aa agglutinin-like,5-prime end
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
12   564.66   1690.95   1690.85   0.10 0  8  8.6 1  K.FTTSQTSVDLTAHGVK.Y
 14   1048.03   2094.04   2092.94   1.10 0  72  2.8e-006 1  K.GLNDWNYPVSSESFSYTK.T

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      12561.3                           Mass: 95687    Score: 79     Queries matched: 2
 |Als3.5'| CONTIG=Contig10129 POSCDS1=15287 POSCDS2=17932
      25511.1                           Mass: 95687    Score: 79     Queries matched: 2
 |Als3.5'| CONTIG=Contig20129 POSCDS1=15283 POSCDS2=17928

4.    mIPF8527|mPga29:                  Mass: 19928    Score: 23     Queries matched: 1
 189 aa - Candida albicans unknown function
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
3   554.36   1106.70   1106.63   0.06 0  23  0.41 1  -.TISSIQLFAK.S

5.    hemogl_alpha                      Mass: 15174    Score: 21     Queries matched: 1
 chain human
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
10   765.43   1528.84   1528.73   0.11 0  21  0.4 1  K.VGAHAGEYGAEALER.M

6.    mCHT2                             Mass: 59565    Score: 14     Queries matched: 1
 583 aa - chitinase 2 precursor Candida albicans
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
1   425.23   848.45   848.40   0.05 0  14  4.2 1  K.FADSAPNK.N

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      15860.2                           Mass: 61554    Score: 14     Queries matched: 1
 |Cht2| CONTIG=Contig10194 POSCDS1=2376 POSCDS2=4127
      19719.2                           Mass: 51350    Score: 14     Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig20194 POSCDS1=2710 POSCDS2=4131

7.    Hemogl_beta                       Mass: 16101    Score: 10     Queries matched: 1
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
7   637.91   1273.81   1273.72   0.09 0  10  6.5 1  R.LLVVYPWTQR.F

8.    13836.2                           Score: 9      Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10146 POSCDS1=76347 POSCDS2=77504
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 1   425.23   848.45   847.44   1.01 1  9  13 2  K.AGKTADSAK.D

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      24991.1                           Score: 9      Queries matched: 1

9.    15219.2                           Mass: 30587    Score: 6      Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10192 POSCDS1=19712 POSCDS2=20545
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
2   520.29   1038.56   1039.57   -1.01 0  6  18 1  -.MATVIPPPSK.K

10.   22496.1                           Score: 6      Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig20215 POSCDS1=337397 POSCDS2=337852
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 4   577.34   1152.67   1151.63   1.04 1  6  18 2  K.KTSLNYWIK.I

11.   2825.2                            Score: 6      Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10254 POSCDS1=121904 POSCDS2=123958
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 3   554.36   1106.70   1105.54   1.15 0  8  12 2  K.SVTNVDCALK.N

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      20326.1                           Score: 6      Queries matched: 1

12.   8830.2                            Score: 5      Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10051 POSCDS1=26847 POSCDS2=28985
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 16   758.43   2272.28   2273.29   -1.00 1  5  10 2  K.QILHALAINANNESVGQKLLK.N

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      26907.1                           Score: 5      Queries matched: 1

13.   312.3                             Score: 5      Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig20169 POSCDS1=4250 POSCDS2=5716
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 3   554.36   1106.70   1106.64   0.05 1  5  22 3  K.KLGYTLLSGR.G

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      15139.2                           Score: 5      Queries matched: 1

14.   2603.1                            Score: 5      Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10253 POSCDS1=28352 POSCDS2=30331
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 16   758.43   2272.28   2273.24   -0.96 1  5  10 3  K.QEVVVPPQVKAQPPNSTNTLK.V

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      20475.1                           Score: 5      Queries matched: 1

15.   3086.1                            Mass: 210462   Score: 5      Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10262 POSCDS1=100861 POSCDS2=106632
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 4   577.34   1152.67   1151.51   1.16 0  5  22 3  R.SMLSEESNQK.K

16.   7351.2                            Score: 5      Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig20057 POSCDS1=21916 POSCDS2=23730
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 4   577.34   1152.67   1151.55   1.13 0  5  22 3  R.SIMSGMVWNK.N

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      29765.1                           Score: 5      Queries matched: 1

17.   4895.1                            Score: 5      Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10052 POSCDS1=19482 POSCDS2=19625
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 4   577.34   1152.67   1152.60   0.07 0  5  25 5  K.AAIVPDIDPDK.N

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      26855.1                           Score: 5      Queries matched: 1

18.   mRBT5                             Mass: 22745    Score: 4      Queries matched: 1
 |predicted| C. albicans fungus|CA2558| 241 aa
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
6   618.85   1235.68   1235.59   0.09 0  4  24 1  R.IYDQLPECAK.E

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      mPga10                            Mass: 23610    Score: 4      Queries matched: 1
 |predicted| C. albicans fungus|CA4381|mIPF20169: 250 aa
      19952.1                           Mass: 24614    Score: 4      Queries matched: 1
 |Rbt5| CONTIG=Contig10231 POSCDS1=6478 POSCDS2=7203
      20169.1                           Mass: 25603    Score: 4      Queries matched: 1
 |Pga10| CONTIG=Contig10231 POSCDS1=59560 POSCDS2=60312
      21543.1                           Mass: 25731    Score: 4      Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig20231 POSCDS1=59564 POSCDS2=60316
      21544.1                           Mass: 25457    Score: 4      Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig20231 POSCDS1=6478 POSCDS2=7203

19.   10565.1                           Score: 4      Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10118 POSCDS1=1695 POSCDS2=2918
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 1   425.23   848.45   848.48   -0.02 1  4  42 3  K.KFIGATVN.-

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      19419.2                           Score: 4      Queries matched: 1

20.   7541.3                            Score: 4      Queries matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10215 POSCDS1=354490 POSCDS2=356679
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 4   577.34   1152.67   1153.65   -0.97 1  4  30 6  K.QETAHIISKK.L

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      22457.1                           Score: 4      Queries matched: 1

Peptide matches not assigned to protein hits: (no details means no match)

      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
8   689.91   1377.80   1378.71   -0.91 0  1  50 1  VSSNSNAAILEFK
5   595.85   1189.69        
11   770.41   1538.81        
13   670.70   2009.08        

Search Parameters

Type of search         : MS/MS Ion Search
Enzyme                 : Trypsin
Fixed modifications    : Carbamidomethyl (C)
Mass values            : Monoisotopic
Protein Mass           : Unrestricted
Peptide Mass Tolerance : ± 1.2 Da
Fragment Mass Tolerance: ± 0.6 Da
Max Missed Cleavages   : 1
Instrument type        : ESI-QUAD-TOF
Number of queries      : 16


Top scoring peptide matches to query 1
Score greater than 22 indicates homology
Score greater than 33 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
13.9 0.05 6 mCHT2 K.FADSAPNK.N
9.0 1.01 8 13836.2 K.AGKTADSAK.D
3.8 -0.02 19 10565.1 K.KFIGATVN.-
0.9 0.01 K.NTIYPNK.F
0.9 -0.03 -.KQTITMK.K
0.0 0.04 K.KQEAMDK.L
Top scoring peptide matches to query 2
Score greater than 16 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
6.1 -1.01 9 15219.2 -.MATVIPPPSK.K
2.9 -0.98 K.SSTTITTTTK.S
2.4 -0.97 K.GITAFEFQK.D
Top scoring peptide matches to query 3
Score greater than 22 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein          Peptide
22.6 0.06 4 mIPF8527|mPga29: -.TISSIQLFAK.S
7.8 1.15 11 2825.2 K.SVTNVDCALK.N
5.2 0.05 13 312.3 K.KLGYTLLSGR.G
2.9 1.10 K.QYVTNAVRR.F
0.2 -0.76 K.EGISDSNACR.T
Top scoring peptide matches to query 4
Score greater than 21 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
5.8 1.04 10 22496.1 K.KTSLNYWIK.I
5.0 1.13 16 7351.2 R.SIMSGMVWNK.N
5.0 1.16 15 3086.1 R.SMLSEESNQK.K
4.5 0.07 17 4895.1 K.AAIVPDIDPDK.N
3.6 -0.97 20 7541.3 K.QETAHIISKK.L
0.0 -1.01 R.VLSPIFHTLK.T
Top scoring peptide matches to query 5
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 6
Score greater than 17 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
4.5 0.09 18 mRBT5 IYDQLPECAK
Top scoring peptide matches to query 7
Score greater than 23 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein     Peptide
10.1 0.09 7 Hemogl_beta R.LLVVYPWTQR.F
Top scoring peptide matches to query 8
Score greater than 14 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 9
Score greater than 30 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein    Peptide
43.2 0.11 2 mALS1.5eoc K.STVDPSGYLYASR.V
Top scoring peptide matches to query 10
Score greater than 30 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein      Peptide
21.4 0.11 5 hemogl_alpha K.VGAHAGEYGAEALER.M
Top scoring peptide matches to query 11
Score greater than 30 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 12
Score greater than 20 indicates homology
Score greater than 30 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein    Peptide
7.7 0.10 3 mALS3.5eoc K.FTTSQTSVDLTAHGVK.Y
Top scoring peptide matches to query 13
Score greater than 29 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 14
Score greater than 29 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein    Peptide
71.5 1.10 2+ mALS1.5eoc K.GLNDWNYPVSSESFSYTK.T
Top scoring peptide matches to query 15
Score greater than 28 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 16
Score greater than 20 indicates homology
Score greater than 28 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide
Score   Delta  Hit  Protein Peptide