Mascot Search Results

Peptide View

Found in 8301.2, CONTIG=Contig10236 POSCDS1=308274 POSCDS2=311099

Match to Query 55: 2367.978372 from(790.333400,3+) intensity(2783.9966)
From data file cw0134_q1.pkl

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Monoisotopic mass of neutral peptide Mr(calc): 2368.92
Fixed modifications: Carbamidomethyl (C)
Variable modifications: 
Q5     : Deamidation (NQ)
N13    : Deamidation (NQ)
N18    : Deamidation (NQ)
Ions Score: 6  Expect: 7.7e+002  
Matches (Bold Red): 13/198 fragment ions using 38 most intense peaks
# b b++ b* b*++ b0 b0++ Seq. y y++ y* y*++ y0 y0++ #
1 164.07 82.54         Y             19
2 293.11 147.06     275.10 138.05 E 2206.86 1103.94 2189.84 1095.42 2188.85 1094.93 18
3 406.20 203.60     388.19 194.60 I 2077.82 1039.41 2060.80 1030.90 2059.81 1030.41 17
4 521.22 261.12     503.21 252.11 D 1964.74 982.87 1947.71 974.36 1946.73 973.87 16
5 650.27 325.64 633.24 317.12 632.26 316.63 Q 1849.71 925.36 1832.68 916.85 1831.70 916.35 15
6 763.35 382.18 746.32 373.67 745.34 373.17 L 1720.67 860.84 1703.64 852.32 1702.66 851.83 14
7 862.42 431.71 845.39 423.20 844.41 422.71 V 1607.58 804.30 1590.56 795.78 1589.57 795.29 13
8 1025.48 513.24 1008.46 504.73 1007.47 504.24 Y 1508.52 754.76 1491.49 746.25 1490.51 745.76 12
9 1153.58 577.29 1136.55 568.78 1135.57 568.29 K 1345.45 673.23 1328.43 664.72 1327.44 664.22 11
10 1313.61 657.31 1296.58 648.79 1295.60 648.30 C 1217.36 609.18 1200.33 600.67 1199.35 600.18 10
11 1473.64 737.32 1456.61 728.81 1455.63 728.32 C 1057.33 529.17 1040.30 520.65 1039.32 520.16 9
12 1604.68 802.84 1587.65 794.33 1586.67 793.84 M 897.30 449.15 880.27 440.64 879.29 440.15 8
13 1719.71 860.36 1702.68 851.84 1701.70 851.35 N 766.26 383.63 749.23 375.12 748.25 374.63 7
14 1834.73 917.87 1817.71 909.36 1816.72 908.86 D 651.23 326.12 634.20 317.60 633.22 317.11 6
15 1921.77 961.39 1904.74 952.87 1903.75 952.38 S 536.20 268.60 519.18 260.09 518.19 259.60 5
16 2008.80 1004.90 1991.77 996.39 1990.79 995.90 S 449.17 225.09 432.14 216.58 431.16 216.08 4
17 2139.84 1070.42 2122.81 1061.91 2121.83 1061.42 M 362.14 181.57 345.11 173.06     3
18 2254.86 1127.94 2237.84 1119.42 2236.85 1118.93 N 231.10 116.05 214.07 107.54     2
19             P 116.07 58.54         1

Error Distribution

(Parameters: blastp, nr protein database, expect=20000, no filter, PAM30)
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