Mascot Search Results

Peptide View

Found in 9685.1, CONTIG=Contig10185 POSCDS1=20722 POSCDS2=21477

Match to Query 48: 1905.851448 from(953.933000,2+) intensity(821.2653)
From data file cw0134_q1.pkl

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Monoisotopic mass of neutral peptide Mr(calc): 1905.81
Fixed modifications: Carbamidomethyl (C)
Variable modifications: 
N2     : Deamidation (NQ)
Q4     : Deamidation (NQ)
N15    : Deamidation (NQ)
Ions Score: 8  Expect: 5e+002  
Matches (Bold Red): 27/176 fragment ions using 93 most intense peaks
# b b++ b* b*++ b0 b0++ Seq. y y++ y* y*++ y0 y0++ #
1 72.04 36.53         A             17
2 187.07 94.04 170.04 85.53     N 1835.78 918.39 1818.75 909.88 1817.77 909.39 16
3 300.16 150.58 283.13 142.07     L 1720.75 860.88 1703.73 852.37 1702.74 851.87 15
4 429.20 215.10 412.17 206.59     Q 1607.67 804.34 1590.64 795.82 1589.66 795.33 14
5 516.23 258.62 499.20 250.11 498.22 249.61 S 1478.62 739.82 1461.60 731.30 1460.61 730.81 13
6 613.28 307.15 596.26 298.63 595.27 298.14 P 1391.59 696.30 1374.57 687.79 1373.58 687.29 12
7 710.34 355.67 693.31 347.16 692.32 346.67 P 1294.54 647.77 1277.51 639.26 1276.53 638.77 11
8 809.40 405.21 792.38 396.69 791.39 396.20 V 1197.49 599.25 1180.46 590.73 1179.48 590.24 10
9 937.50 469.25 920.47 460.74 919.49 460.25 K 1098.42 549.71 1081.39 541.20 1080.41 540.71 9
10 1024.53 512.77 1007.50 504.26 1006.52 503.76 S 970.32 485.67 953.30 477.15 952.31 476.66 8
11 1184.56 592.78 1167.54 584.27 1166.55 583.78 C 883.29 442.15 866.27 433.64 865.28 433.14 7
12 1344.59 672.80 1327.57 664.29 1326.58 663.79 C 723.26 362.13 706.23 353.62 705.25 353.13 6
13 1459.62 730.31 1442.59 721.80 1441.61 721.31 D 563.23 282.12 546.20 273.61 545.22 273.11 5
14 1574.65 787.83 1557.62 779.31 1556.64 778.82 D 448.20 224.61 431.18 216.09 430.19 215.60 4
15 1689.67 845.34 1672.65 836.83 1671.66 836.33 N 333.18 167.09 316.15 158.58     3
16 1760.71 880.86 1743.68 872.35 1742.70 871.85 A 218.15 109.58 201.12 101.07     2
17             K 147.11 74.06 130.09 65.55     1

Error Distribution

(Parameters: blastp, nr protein database, expect=20000, no filter, PAM30)
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