Mascot Search Results

Peptide View

Found in 28462.1, CONTIG=Contig10202 POSCDS1=131306 POSCDS2=132385

Match to Query 59: 2549.234472 from(850.752100,3+) intensity(1105.5087)
From data file cw0134_q1.pkl

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Monoisotopic mass of neutral peptide Mr(calc): 2551.21
Fixed modifications: Carbamidomethyl (C)
Ions Score: 8  Expect: 3.7e+002  
Matches (Bold Red): 10/226 fragment ions using 47 most intense peaks
# b b++ b* b*++ b0 b0++ Seq. y y++ y* y*++ y0 y0++ #
1 164.07 82.54         Y             22
2 277.15 139.08         L 2389.16 1195.08 2372.13 1186.57 2371.15 1186.08 21
3 406.20 203.60     388.19 194.60 E 2276.07 1138.54 2259.05 1130.03 2258.06 1129.53 20
4 543.26 272.13     525.25 263.13 H 2147.03 1074.02 2130.00 1065.51 2129.02 1065.01 19
5 656.34 328.67     638.33 319.67 L 2009.97 1005.49 1992.94 996.98 1991.96 996.48 18
6 753.39 377.20     735.38 368.19 P 1896.89 948.95 1879.86 940.43 1878.88 939.94 17
7 850.45 425.73     832.44 416.72 P 1799.83 900.42 1782.81 891.91 1781.82 891.42 16
8 907.47 454.24     889.46 445.23 G 1702.78 851.89 1685.75 843.38 1684.77 842.89 15
9 1036.51 518.76     1018.50 509.75 E 1645.76 823.38 1628.73 814.87 1627.75 814.38 14
10 1192.61 596.81 1175.58 588.30 1174.60 587.80 R 1516.72 758.86 1499.69 750.35 1498.71 749.86 13
11 1321.65 661.33 1304.63 652.82 1303.64 652.33 E 1360.62 680.81 1343.59 672.30 1342.61 671.81 12
12 1449.71 725.36 1432.69 716.85 1431.70 716.35 Q 1231.57 616.29 1214.55 607.78 1213.56 607.29 11
13 1577.77 789.39 1560.74 780.88 1559.76 780.38 Q 1103.51 552.26 1086.49 543.75 1085.50 543.26 10
14 1690.85 845.93 1673.83 837.42 1672.84 836.93 L 975.46 488.23 958.43 479.72 957.45 479.23 9
15 1804.90 902.95 1787.87 894.44 1786.89 893.95 N 862.37 431.69 845.35 423.18 844.36 422.68 8
16 1918.94 959.97 1901.91 951.46 1900.93 950.97 N 748.33 374.67 731.30 366.16 730.32 365.66 7
17 2032.02 1016.52 2015.00 1008.00 2014.01 1007.51 I 634.29 317.65 617.26 309.13 616.28 308.64 6
18 2163.07 1082.04 2146.04 1073.52 2145.05 1073.03 M 521.20 261.10 504.18 252.59 503.19 252.10 5
19 2234.10 1117.55 2217.08 1109.04 2216.09 1108.55 A 390.16 195.58 373.14 187.07 372.15 186.58 4
20 2362.16 1181.58 2345.13 1173.07 2344.15 1172.58 Q 319.12 160.07 302.10 151.55 301.11 151.06 3
21 2419.18 1210.09 2402.16 1201.58 2401.17 1201.09 G 191.07 96.04     173.06 87.03 2
22             D 134.04 67.53     116.03 58.52 1

Error Distribution

(Parameters: blastp, nr protein database, expect=20000, no filter, PAM30)
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