Mascot Search Results

Peptide View

Found in 19785.1, CONTIG=Contig10216 POSCDS1=39381 POSCDS2=42905

Match to Query 36: 1692.804972 from(565.275600,3+) intensity(2390.6990)
From data file cw0134_q1.pkl

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Monoisotopic mass of neutral peptide Mr(calc): 1692.86
Fixed modifications: Carbamidomethyl (C)
Variable modifications: 
N6     : Deamidation (NQ)
N8     : Deamidation (NQ)
Ions Score: 11  Expect: 2.9e+002  
Matches (Bold Red): 8/152 fragment ions using 22 most intense peaks
# b b++ b* b*++ b0 b0++ Seq. y y++ y* y*++ y0 y0++ #
1 130.05 65.53     112.04 56.52 E             14
2 244.09 122.55 227.07 114.04 226.08 113.54 N 1564.82 782.91 1547.80 774.40 1546.81 773.91 13
3 407.16 204.08 390.13 195.57 389.15 195.08 Y 1450.78 725.89 1433.75 717.38 1432.77 716.89 12
4 520.24 260.62 503.21 252.11 502.23 251.62 L 1287.72 644.36 1270.69 635.85 1269.70 635.36 11
5 633.32 317.17 616.30 308.65 615.31 308.16 L 1174.63 587.82 1157.60 579.31 1156.62 578.81 10
6 748.35 374.68 731.32 366.17 730.34 365.67 N 1061.55 531.28 1044.52 522.76 1043.54 522.27 9
7 877.39 439.20 860.37 430.69 859.38 430.20 E 946.52 473.76 929.49 465.25 928.51 464.76 8
8 992.42 496.71 975.39 488.20 974.41 487.71 N 817.48 409.24 800.45 400.73 799.47 400.24 7
9 1120.52 560.76 1103.49 552.25 1102.51 551.76 K 702.45 351.73 685.42 343.22 684.44 342.72 6
10 1234.56 617.78 1217.53 609.27 1216.55 608.78 N 574.36 287.68 557.33 279.17 556.35 278.68 5
11 1347.64 674.32 1330.62 665.81 1329.63 665.32 L 460.31 230.66 443.29 222.15 442.30 221.65 4
12 1460.73 730.87 1443.70 722.35 1442.72 721.86 I 347.23 174.12 330.20 165.60 329.22 165.11 3
13 1547.76 774.38 1530.73 765.87 1529.75 765.38 S 234.14 117.58 217.12 109.06 216.13 108.57 2
14             K 147.11 74.06 130.09 65.55     1

Error Distribution

(Parameters: blastp, nr protein database, expect=20000, no filter, PAM30)
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