Mascot Search Results

Peptide View

Found in 4913.2, CONTIG=Contig10150 POSCDS1=117412 POSCDS2=121995

Match to Query 47: 1896.817296 from(475.211600,4+) intensity(9350.8105)
From data file cw0134_q1.pkl

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Monoisotopic mass of neutral peptide Mr(calc): 1894.95
Fixed modifications: Carbamidomethyl (C)
Variable modifications: 
N2     : Deamidation (NQ)
N13    : Deamidation (NQ)
Ions Score: 12  Expect: 2e+002  
Matches (Bold Red): 13/170 fragment ions using 30 most intense peaks
# b b++ b* b*++ b0 b0++ Seq. y y++ y* y*++ y0 y0++ #
1 114.09 57.55         I             17
2 229.12 115.06 212.09 106.55     N 1782.87 891.94 1765.84 883.43 1764.86 882.93 16
3 326.17 163.59 309.14 155.08     P 1667.84 834.43 1650.82 825.91 1649.83 825.42 15
4 423.22 212.12 406.20 203.60     P 1570.79 785.90 1553.76 777.39 1552.78 776.89 14
5 480.25 240.63 463.22 232.11     G 1473.74 737.37 1456.71 728.86 1455.73 728.37 13
6 567.28 284.14 550.25 275.63 549.27 275.14 S 1416.72 708.86 1399.69 700.35 1398.71 699.86 12
7 714.35 357.68 697.32 349.16 696.34 348.67 F 1329.68 665.35 1312.66 656.83 1311.67 656.34 11
8 842.44 421.72 825.41 413.21 824.43 412.72 K 1182.62 591.81 1165.59 583.30 1164.60 582.81 10
9 943.49 472.25 926.46 463.73 925.48 463.24 T 1054.52 527.76 1037.49 519.25 1036.51 518.76 9
10 1042.56 521.78 1025.53 513.27 1024.55 512.78 V 953.47 477.24 936.45 468.73 935.46 468.23 8
11 1189.63 595.32 1172.60 586.80 1171.61 586.31 F 854.40 427.71 837.38 419.19 836.39 418.70 7
12 1276.66 638.83 1259.63 630.32 1258.65 629.83 S 707.34 354.17 690.31 345.66 689.33 345.17 6
13 1391.68 696.35 1374.66 687.83 1373.67 687.34 N 620.30 310.66 603.28 302.14     5
14 1505.73 753.37 1488.70 744.85 1487.72 744.36 N 505.28 253.14 488.25 244.63     4
15 1652.80 826.90 1635.77 818.39 1634.78 817.90 F 391.23 196.12 374.21 187.61     3
16 1749.85 875.43 1732.82 866.91 1731.84 866.42 P 244.17 122.59 227.14 114.07     2
17             K 147.11 74.06 130.09 65.55     1

Error Distribution

(Parameters: blastp, nr protein database, expect=20000, no filter, PAM30)
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