Mascot Search Results

Peptide View

Found in 12537.1, CONTIG=Contig2511 POSCDS1=126016 POSCDS2=128523

Match to Query 46: 1861.760248 from(931.887400,2+) intensity(11273.9346)
From data file cw0134_q1.pkl

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Monoisotopic mass of neutral peptide Mr(calc): 1860.10
Fixed modifications: Carbamidomethyl (C)
Variable modifications: 
N3     : Deamidation (NQ)
Ions Score: 12  Expect: 1.8e+002  
Matches (Bold Red): 14/146 fragment ions using 44 most intense peaks
# b b++ b* b*++ b0 b0++ Seq. y y++ y* y*++ y0 y0++ #
1 114.09 57.55         I             16
2 227.18 114.09         I 1748.03 874.52 1731.00 866.00 1730.01 865.51 15
3 342.20 171.60 325.18 163.09     N 1634.94 817.97 1617.91 809.46 1616.93 808.97 14
4 455.29 228.15 438.26 219.63     L 1519.91 760.46 1502.89 751.95 1501.90 751.46 13
5 552.34 276.67 535.31 268.16     P 1406.83 703.92 1389.80 695.41 1388.82 694.91 12
6 649.39 325.20 632.37 316.69     P 1309.78 655.39 1292.75 646.88 1291.77 646.39 11
7 809.42 405.21 792.40 396.70     C 1212.72 606.87 1195.70 598.35 1194.71 597.86 10
8 880.46 440.73 863.43 432.22     A 1052.69 526.85 1035.67 518.34 1034.68 517.85 9
9 993.54 497.28 976.52 488.76     I 981.66 491.33 964.63 482.82 963.65 482.33 8
10 1106.63 553.82 1089.60 545.30     I 868.57 434.79 851.55 426.28 850.56 425.78 7
11 1262.73 631.87 1245.70 623.35     R 755.49 378.25 738.46 369.73 737.48 369.24 6
12 1375.81 688.41 1358.79 679.90     L 599.39 300.20 582.36 291.68 581.38 291.19 5
13 1488.90 744.95 1471.87 736.44     I 486.30 243.66 469.28 235.14 468.29 234.65 4
14 1585.95 793.48 1568.92 784.97     P 373.22 187.11 356.19 178.60 355.21 178.11 3
15 1687.00 844.00 1669.97 835.49 1668.99 835.00 T 276.17 138.59 259.14 130.07 258.16 129.58 2
16             R 175.12 88.06 158.09 79.55     1

Error Distribution

(Parameters: blastp, nr protein database, expect=20000, no filter, PAM30)
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