Mascot Search Results

Peptide View

Found in 29263.1, CONTIG=Contig10136 POSCDS1=5936 POSCDS2=6388

Match to Query 24: 1431.709572 from(478.243800,3+) intensity(2053.4543)
From data file cw0134_q1.pkl

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Monoisotopic mass of neutral peptide Mr(calc): 1431.65
Fixed modifications: Carbamidomethyl (C)
Variable modifications: 
N2     : Deamidation (NQ)
Q10    : Deamidation (NQ)
Ions Score: 14  Expect: 1.5e+002  
Matches (Bold Red): 13/146 fragment ions using 33 most intense peaks
# b b++ b* b*++ b0 b0++ Seq. y y++ y* y*++ y0 y0++ #
1 58.03 29.52         G             14
2 173.06 87.03 156.03 78.52     N 1375.63 688.32 1358.61 679.81 1357.62 679.32 13
3 274.10 137.56 257.08 129.04 256.09 128.55 T 1260.61 630.81 1243.58 622.29 1242.60 621.80 12
4 375.15 188.08 358.12 179.57 357.14 179.07 T 1159.56 580.28 1142.53 571.77 1141.55 571.28 11
5 476.20 238.60 459.17 230.09 458.19 229.60 T 1058.51 529.76 1041.48 521.25 1040.50 520.75 10
6 613.26 307.13 596.23 298.62 595.25 298.13 H 957.46 479.24 940.44 470.72 939.45 470.23 9
7 700.29 350.65 683.26 342.14 682.28 341.64 S 820.40 410.71 803.38 402.19 802.39 401.70 8
8 771.33 386.17 754.30 377.65 753.32 377.16 A 733.37 367.19 716.35 358.68 715.36 358.18 7
9 858.36 429.68 841.33 421.17 840.35 420.68 S 662.34 331.67 645.31 323.16 644.32 322.67 6
10 987.40 494.20 970.37 485.69 969.39 485.20 Q 575.30 288.16 558.28 279.64 557.29 279.15 5
11 1086.47 543.74 1069.44 535.23 1068.46 534.73 V 446.26 223.63 429.23 215.12 428.25 214.63 4
12 1187.52 594.26 1170.49 585.75 1169.51 585.26 T 347.19 174.10 330.17 165.59 329.18 165.09 3
13 1300.60 650.80 1283.57 642.29 1282.59 641.80 L 246.14 123.58 229.12 115.06     2
14             N 133.06 67.03 116.03 58.52     1

Error Distribution

(Parameters: blastp, nr protein database, expect=20000, no filter, PAM30)
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