Mascot Search Results

Peptide View

Found in 9023.3, |Scw1| CONTIG=Contig10125 POSCDS1=84138 POSCDS2=85121

Match to Query 44: 1846.822848 from(924.418700,2+) intensity(781.2139)
From data file cw0134_q1.pkl

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Monoisotopic mass of neutral peptide Mr(calc): 1846.82
Fixed modifications: Carbamidomethyl (C)
Ions Score: 18  Expect: 50  
Matches (Bold Red): 14/166 fragment ions using 25 most intense peaks
# b b++ b* b*++ b0 b0++ Seq. y y++ y* y*++ y0 y0++ #
1 72.04 36.53         A             16
2 187.07 94.04     169.06 85.03 D 1776.79 888.90 1759.76 880.38 1758.78 879.89 15
3 244.09 122.55     226.08 113.54 G 1661.76 831.38 1644.73 822.87 1643.75 822.38 14
4 341.15 171.08     323.13 162.07 P 1604.74 802.87 1587.71 794.36 1586.73 793.87 13
5 504.21 252.61     486.20 243.60 Y 1507.69 754.35 1490.66 745.83 1489.67 745.34 12
6 618.25 309.63 601.23 301.12 600.24 300.62 N 1344.62 672.81 1327.60 664.30 1326.61 663.81 11
7 689.29 345.15 672.26 336.63 671.28 336.14 A 1230.58 615.79 1213.55 607.28 1212.57 606.79 10
8 818.33 409.67 801.30 401.16 800.32 400.66 E 1159.54 580.27 1142.52 571.76 1141.53 571.27 9
9 946.43 473.72 929.40 465.20 928.42 464.71 K 1030.50 515.75 1013.47 507.24 1012.49 506.75 8
10 1109.49 555.25 1092.46 546.74 1091.48 546.24 Y 902.40 451.71 885.38 443.19 884.39 442.70 7
11 1295.57 648.29 1278.54 639.77 1277.56 639.28 W 739.34 370.17 722.31 361.66 721.33 361.17 6
12 1352.59 676.80 1335.56 668.29 1334.58 667.79 G 553.26 277.13 536.24 268.62 535.25 268.13 5
13 1465.67 733.34 1448.65 724.83 1447.66 724.34 I 496.24 248.62 479.21 240.11 478.23 239.62 4
14 1628.74 814.87 1611.71 806.36 1610.73 805.87 Y 383.16 192.08 366.13 183.57 365.15 183.08 3
15 1715.77 858.39 1698.74 849.88 1697.76 849.38 S 220.09 110.55 203.07 102.04 202.08 101.54 2
16             N 133.06 67.03 116.03 58.52     1

Error Distribution

(Parameters: blastp, nr protein database, expect=20000, no filter, PAM30)
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