Mascot Search Results

Peptide View

Found in 17394.3, CONTIG=Contig10184 POSCDS1=13739 POSCDS2=16993

Match to Query 32: 1671.733848 from(836.874200,2+) intensity(3704.0520)
From data file cw0134_q1.pkl

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Monoisotopic mass of neutral peptide Mr(calc): 1670.55
Fixed modifications: Carbamidomethyl (C)
Variable modifications: 
N2     : Deamidation (NQ)
N3     : Deamidation (NQ)
N5     : Deamidation (NQ)
N6     : Deamidation (NQ)
N7     : Deamidation (NQ)
N9     : Deamidation (NQ)
Q10    : Deamidation (NQ)
N11    : Deamidation (NQ)
Ions Score: 18  Expect: 51  
Matches (Bold Red): 9/104 fragment ions using 24 most intense peaks
# b b++ b* b*++ Seq. y y++ y* y*++ #
1 129.07 65.04 112.04 56.52 Q         14
2 244.09 122.55 227.07 114.04 N 1543.49 772.25 1526.47 763.74 13
3 359.12 180.06 342.09 171.55 N 1428.47 714.74 1411.44 706.22 12
4 522.18 261.60 505.16 253.08 Y 1313.44 657.22 1296.41 648.71 11
5 637.21 319.11 620.18 310.60 N 1150.38 575.69 1133.35 567.18 10
6 752.24 376.62 735.21 368.11 N 1035.35 518.18 1018.32 509.67 9
7 867.26 434.14 850.24 425.62 N 920.32 460.67 903.30 452.15 8
8 938.30 469.65 921.27 461.14 A 805.30 403.15 788.27 394.64 7
9 1053.33 527.17 1036.30 518.65 N 734.26 367.63 717.23 359.12 6
10 1182.37 591.69 1165.34 583.18 Q 619.23 310.12 602.21 301.61 5
11 1297.40 649.20 1280.37 640.69 N 490.19 245.60 473.16 237.08 4
12 1411.44 706.22 1394.41 697.71 N 375.16 188.08 358.14 179.57 3
13 1525.48 763.25 1508.46 754.73 N 261.12 131.06 244.09 122.55 2
14         Q 147.08 74.04 130.05 65.53 1

Error Distribution

(Parameters: blastp, nr protein database, expect=20000, no filter, PAM30)
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