Mascot Search Results

Peptide View

Found in 9340.1, CONTIG=Contig10123 POSCDS1=257543 POSCDS2=261178

Match to Query 40: 1799.802248 from(900.908400,2+) intensity(9161.3115)
From data file cw0134_q1.pkl

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Monoisotopic mass of neutral peptide Mr(calc): 1800.81
Fixed modifications: Carbamidomethyl (C)
Variable modifications: 
Q3     : Deamidation (NQ)
Q5     : Deamidation (NQ)
Q6     : Deamidation (NQ)
Ions Score: 22  Expect: 19  
Matches (Bold Red): 34/142 fragment ions using 112 most intense peaks
# b b++ b* b*++ b0 b0++ Seq. y y++ y* y*++ y0 y0++ #
1 129.10 65.05 112.08 56.54     K             15
2 216.13 108.57 199.11 100.06 198.12 99.57 S 1673.73 837.37 1656.70 828.85 1655.71 828.36 14
3 345.18 173.09 328.15 164.58 327.17 164.09 Q 1586.69 793.85 1569.67 785.34 1568.68 784.84 13
4 508.24 254.62 491.21 246.11 490.23 245.62 Y 1457.65 729.33 1440.62 720.82 1439.64 720.32 12
5 637.28 319.15 620.26 310.63 619.27 310.14 Q 1294.59 647.80 1277.56 639.28 1276.58 638.79 11
6 766.33 383.67 749.30 375.15 748.31 374.66 Q 1165.54 583.28 1148.52 574.76 1147.53 574.27 10
7 897.37 449.19 880.34 440.67 879.36 440.18 M 1036.50 518.75     1018.49 509.75 9
8 954.39 477.70 937.36 469.18 936.38 468.69 G 905.46 453.23     887.45 444.23 8
9 1067.47 534.24 1050.44 525.73 1049.46 525.23 L 848.44 424.72     830.43 415.72 7
10 1166.54 583.77 1149.51 575.26 1148.53 574.77 V 735.36 368.18     717.35 359.18 6
11 1281.57 641.29 1264.54 632.77 1263.56 632.28 D 636.29 318.65     618.28 309.64 5
12 1410.61 705.81 1393.58 697.30 1392.60 696.80 E 521.26 261.13     503.25 252.13 4
13 1507.66 754.33 1490.64 745.82 1489.65 745.33 P 392.22 196.61         3
14 1670.73 835.87 1653.70 827.35 1652.71 826.86 Y 295.17 148.09         2
15             L 132.10 66.55         1

Error Distribution

(Parameters: blastp, nr protein database, expect=20000, no filter, PAM30)
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