Mascot Search Results

Peptide View

Found in 12297.1, CONTIG=Contig10166 POSCDS1=62870 POSCDS2=63313

Match to Query 38: 1751.836448 from(876.925500,2+) intensity(1944.9486)
From data file cw0134_q1.pkl

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Monoisotopic mass of neutral peptide Mr(calc): 1751.82
Fixed modifications: Carbamidomethyl (C)
Variable modifications: 
Q4     : Deamidation (NQ)
Ions Score: 38  Expect: 0.46  
Matches (Bold Red): 31/140 fragment ions using 90 most intense peaks
# b b++ b* b*++ b0 b0++ Seq. y y++ y* y*++ y0 y0++ #
1 114.09 57.55         I             14
2 277.15 139.08         Y 1639.75 820.38 1622.72 811.86 1621.73 811.37 13
3 392.18 196.59     374.17 187.59 D 1476.68 738.84 1459.66 730.33 1458.67 729.84 12
4 521.22 261.12 504.20 252.60 503.21 252.11 Q 1361.66 681.33 1344.63 672.82 1343.64 672.33 11
5 634.31 317.66 617.28 309.14 616.30 308.65 I 1232.61 616.81 1215.59 608.30 1214.60 607.80 10
6 731.36 366.18 714.33 357.67 713.35 357.18 P 1119.53 560.27 1102.50 551.75 1101.52 551.26 9
7 859.46 430.23 842.43 421.72 841.45 421.23 K 1022.48 511.74 1005.45 503.23 1004.47 502.74 8
8 1019.49 510.25 1002.46 501.73 1001.48 501.24 C 894.38 447.69 877.35 439.18 876.37 438.69 7
9 1090.52 545.77 1073.50 537.25 1072.51 536.76 A 734.35 367.68 717.32 359.17 716.34 358.67 6
10 1218.58 609.79 1201.56 601.28 1200.57 600.79 Q 663.31 332.16 646.29 323.65 645.30 323.15 5
11 1347.62 674.32 1330.60 665.80 1329.61 665.31 E 535.25 268.13 518.23 259.62 517.24 259.13 4
12 1507.66 754.33 1490.63 745.82 1489.64 745.33 C 406.21 203.61 389.19 195.10     3
13 1606.72 803.87 1589.70 795.35 1588.71 794.86 V 246.18 123.59 229.15 115.08     2
14             K 147.11 74.06 130.09 65.55     1

Error Distribution

(Parameters: blastp, nr protein database, expect=20000, no filter, PAM30)
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