Mascot Search Results

Peptide View

MS/MS Fragmentation of TPAALELGDLSGR
Found in mSod4/Pga2, |predicted| mIPF1218 C. albicans |CA4835| 232 aa

Match to Query 15: 1298.704248 from(650.359400,2+) intensity(1244.1941)
From data file cw0134_q1.pkl

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Monoisotopic mass of neutral peptide Mr(calc): 1298.68
Fixed modifications: Carbamidomethyl (C)
Ions Score: 51  Expect: 0.027  
Matches (Bold Red): 17/116 fragment ions using 40 most intense peaks
# b b++ b0 b0++ Seq. y y++ y* y*++ y0 y0++ #
1 102.05 51.53 84.04 42.53 T             13
2 199.11 100.06 181.10 91.05 P 1198.64 599.82 1181.62 591.31 1180.63 590.82 12
3 270.14 135.58 252.13 126.57 A 1101.59 551.30 1084.56 542.79 1083.58 542.29 11
4 341.18 171.09 323.17 162.09 A 1030.55 515.78 1013.53 507.27 1012.54 506.77 10
5 454.27 227.64 436.26 218.63 L 959.52 480.26 942.49 471.75 941.51 471.26 9
6 583.31 292.16 565.30 283.15 E 846.43 423.72 829.41 415.21 828.42 414.71 8
7 696.39 348.70 678.38 339.69 L 717.39 359.20 700.36 350.68 699.38 350.19 7
8 753.41 377.21 735.40 368.21 G 604.30 302.66 587.28 294.14 586.29 293.65 6
9 868.44 434.72 850.43 425.72 D 547.28 274.15 530.26 265.63 529.27 265.14 5
10 981.53 491.27 963.51 482.26 L 432.26 216.63 415.23 208.12 414.25 207.63 4
11 1068.56 534.78 1050.55 525.78 S 319.17 160.09 302.15 151.58 301.16 151.08 3
12 1125.58 563.29 1107.57 554.29 G 232.14 116.57 215.11 108.06     2
13         R 175.12 88.06 158.09 79.55     1

Error Distribution

(Parameters: blastp, nr protein database, expect=20000, no filter, PAM30)
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