Mascot Search Results

Peptide View

Found in mCrh11, |predicted| C. albicans |CA0375|: 453 aa

Match to Query 39: 1779.845248 from(890.929900,2+) intensity(1003.1680)
From data file cw0134_q1.pkl

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Monoisotopic mass of neutral peptide Mr(calc): 1779.83
Fixed modifications: Carbamidomethyl (C)
Ions Score: 74  Expect: 0.00014  
Matches (Bold Red): 23/158 fragment ions using 44 most intense peaks
# b b++ b0 b0++ Seq. y y++ y* y*++ y0 y0++ #
1 88.04 44.52 70.03 35.52 S             17
2 175.07 88.04 157.06 79.03 S 1693.81 847.41 1676.78 838.90 1675.80 838.40 16
3 290.10 145.55 272.09 136.55 D 1606.78 803.89 1589.75 795.38 1588.77 794.89 15
4 450.13 225.57 432.12 216.56 C 1491.75 746.38 1474.72 737.87 1473.74 737.37 14
5 537.16 269.08 519.15 260.08 S 1331.72 666.36 1314.69 657.85 1313.71 657.36 13
6 634.21 317.61 616.20 308.61 P 1244.69 622.85 1227.66 614.33 1226.68 613.84 12
7 733.28 367.14 715.27 358.14 V 1147.64 574.32 1130.61 565.81 1129.63 565.32 11
8 830.33 415.67 812.32 406.67 P 1048.57 524.79 1031.54 516.27 1030.56 515.78 10
9 901.37 451.19 883.36 442.18 A 951.51 476.26 934.49 467.75 933.50 467.26 9
10 1014.46 507.73 996.45 498.73 L 880.48 440.74 863.45 432.23 862.47 431.74 8
11 1071.48 536.24 1053.47 527.24 G 767.39 384.20 750.37 375.69 749.38 375.20 7
12 1158.51 579.76 1140.50 570.75 S 710.37 355.69 693.35 347.18 692.36 346.68 6
13 1245.54 623.27 1227.53 614.27 S 623.34 312.17 606.31 303.66 605.33 303.17 5
14 1392.61 696.81 1374.60 687.80 F 536.31 268.66 519.28 260.14 518.30 259.65 4
15 1505.69 753.35 1487.68 744.35 L 389.24 195.12 372.21 186.61 371.23 186.12 3
16 1634.74 817.87 1616.73 808.87 E 276.16 138.58 259.13 130.07 258.14 129.58 2
17         K 147.11 74.06 130.09 65.55     1

Error Distribution

(Parameters: blastp, nr protein database, expect=20000, no filter, PAM30)
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