Mascot Search Results

Peptide View

Found in 15363.2, |Pir1| CONTIG=Contig20045 POSCDS1=52307 POSCDS2=53464

Match to Query 50: 1988.962872 from(663.994900,3+) intensity(2923.3784)
From data file cw0134_q1.pkl

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Monoisotopic mass of neutral peptide Mr(calc): 1989.91
Fixed modifications: Carbamidomethyl (C)
Variable modifications: 
N6     : Deamidation (NQ)
Ions Score: 74  Expect: 0.00011  
Matches (Bold Red): 17/184 fragment ions using 42 most intense peaks
# b b++ b* b*++ b0 b0++ Seq. y y++ y* y*++ y0 y0++ #
1 72.04 36.53         A             18
2 232.08 116.54         C 1919.88 960.45 1902.86 951.93 1901.87 951.44 17
3 319.11 160.06     301.10 151.05 S 1759.85 880.43 1742.83 871.92 1741.84 871.42 16
4 406.14 203.57     388.13 194.57 S 1672.82 836.91 1655.79 828.40 1654.81 827.91 15
5 477.18 239.09     459.17 230.09 A 1585.79 793.40 1568.76 784.88 1567.78 784.39 14
6 592.20 296.61 575.18 288.09 574.19 287.60 N 1514.75 757.88 1497.73 749.37 1496.74 748.87 13
7 706.25 353.63 689.22 345.11 688.24 344.62 N 1399.72 700.37 1382.70 691.85 1381.71 691.36 12
8 819.33 410.17 802.30 401.66 801.32 401.16 L 1285.68 643.34 1268.66 634.83 1267.67 634.34 11
9 948.37 474.69 931.35 466.18 930.36 465.68 E 1172.60 586.80 1155.57 578.29 1154.59 577.80 10
10 1079.41 540.21 1062.39 531.70 1061.40 531.20 M 1043.56 522.28 1026.53 513.77 1025.54 513.28 9
11 1180.46 590.73 1163.43 582.22 1162.45 581.73 T 912.51 456.76 895.49 448.25 894.50 447.76 8
12 1293.54 647.28 1276.52 638.76 1275.53 638.27 L 811.47 406.24 794.44 397.72 793.46 397.23 7
13 1430.60 715.81 1413.58 707.29 1412.59 706.80 H 698.38 349.70 681.36 341.18 680.37 340.69 6
14 1545.63 773.32 1528.60 764.81 1527.62 764.31 D 561.32 281.17 544.30 272.65 543.31 272.16 5
15 1632.66 816.84 1615.64 808.32 1614.65 807.83 S 446.30 223.65 429.27 215.14 428.29 214.65 4
16 1731.73 866.37 1714.70 857.86 1713.72 857.36 V 359.27 180.14 342.24 171.62     3
17 1844.82 922.91 1827.79 914.40 1826.80 913.91 L 260.20 130.60 243.17 122.09     2
18             K 147.11 74.06 130.09 65.55     1

Error Distribution

(Parameters: blastp, nr protein database, expect=20000, no filter, PAM30)
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