Mascot Search Results

Peptide View

Found in 19719.2, CONTIG=Contig20194 POSCDS1=2710 POSCDS2=4131

Match to Query 49: 1938.018648 from(970.016600,2+) intensity(1891.7122)
From data file cw0134_q1.pkl

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Monoisotopic mass of neutral peptide Mr(calc): 1938.01
Fixed modifications: Carbamidomethyl (C)
Ions Score: 34  Expect: 1.3  
Matches (Bold Red): 17/182 fragment ions using 46 most intense peaks
# b b++ b* b*++ b0 b0++ Seq. y y++ y* y*++ y0 y0++ #
1 114.09 57.55         L             19
2 261.16 131.08         F 1825.93 913.47 1808.91 904.96 1807.92 904.46 18
3 360.23 180.62         V 1678.86 839.94 1661.84 831.42 1660.85 830.93 17
4 417.25 209.13         G 1579.80 790.40 1562.77 781.89 1561.79 781.40 16
5 516.32 258.66         V 1522.77 761.89 1505.75 753.38 1504.76 752.89 15
6 613.37 307.19         P 1423.71 712.36 1406.68 703.84 1405.70 703.35 14
7 684.41 342.71         A 1326.65 663.83 1309.63 655.32 1308.64 654.83 13
8 785.46 393.23     767.45 384.23 T 1255.62 628.31 1238.59 619.80 1237.61 619.31 12
9 872.49 436.75     854.48 427.74 S 1154.57 577.79 1137.54 569.27 1136.56 568.78 11
10 986.53 493.77 969.50 485.26 968.52 484.76 N 1067.54 534.27 1050.51 525.76 1049.53 525.27 10
11 1099.61 550.31 1082.59 541.80 1081.60 541.31 I 953.49 477.25 936.47 468.74 935.48 468.25 9
12 1170.65 585.83 1153.63 577.32 1152.64 576.82 A 840.41 420.71 823.38 412.20 822.40 411.70 8
13 1227.67 614.34 1210.65 605.83 1209.66 605.33 G 769.37 385.19 752.35 376.68 751.36 376.18 7
14 1390.74 695.87 1373.71 687.36 1372.73 686.87 Y 712.35 356.68 695.32 348.17 694.34 347.67 6
15 1489.80 745.41 1472.78 736.89 1471.79 736.40 V 549.29 275.15 532.26 266.63 531.28 266.14 5
16 1604.83 802.92 1587.81 794.41 1586.82 793.91 D 450.22 225.61 433.19 217.10 432.21 216.61 4
17 1705.88 853.44 1688.85 844.93 1687.87 844.44 T 335.19 168.10 318.17 159.59 317.18 159.09 3
18 1792.91 896.96 1775.89 888.45 1774.90 887.95 S 234.14 117.58 217.12 109.06 216.13 108.57 2
19             K 147.11 74.06 130.09 65.55     1

Error Distribution

(Parameters: blastp, nr protein database, expect=20000, no filter, PAM30)
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