Mascot Search Results

Peptide View

Found in TRBOTR, trypsin (EC3.4.21.4 ) precursor-bovine

Match to Query 53: 2272.168272 from(758.396700,3+) intensity(9202.4102)
From data file cw0134_q1.pkl

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Monoisotopic mass of neutral peptide Mr(calc): 2272.15
Fixed modifications: Carbamidomethyl (C)
Ions Score: 61  Expect: 0.0022  
Matches (Bold Red): 19/204 fragment ions using 40 most intense peaks
# b b++ b* b*++ b0 b0++ Seq. y y++ y* y*++ y0 y0++ #
1 88.04 44.52     70.03 35.52 S             20
2 201.12 101.07     183.11 92.06 I 2186.13 1093.57 2169.10 1085.05 2168.12 1084.56 19
3 300.19 150.60     282.18 141.59 V 2073.04 1037.03 2056.02 1028.51 2055.03 1028.02 18
4 437.25 219.13     419.24 210.12 H 1973.97 987.49 1956.95 978.98 1955.96 978.49 17
5 534.30 267.66     516.29 258.65 P 1836.92 918.96 1819.89 910.45 1818.91 909.96 16
6 621.34 311.17     603.32 302.17 S 1739.86 870.44 1722.84 861.92 1721.85 861.43 15
7 784.40 392.70     766.39 383.70 Y 1652.83 826.92 1635.80 818.41 1634.82 817.91 14
8 898.44 449.72 881.42 441.21 880.43 440.72 N 1489.77 745.39 1472.74 736.87 1471.76 736.38 13
9 985.47 493.24 968.45 484.73 967.46 484.24 S 1375.72 688.37 1358.70 679.85 1357.71 679.36 12
10 1099.52 550.26 1082.49 541.75 1081.51 541.26 N 1288.69 644.85 1271.67 636.34 1270.68 635.84 11
11 1200.56 600.79 1183.54 592.27 1182.55 591.78 T 1174.65 587.83 1157.62 579.32 1156.64 578.82 10
12 1313.65 657.33 1296.62 648.81 1295.64 648.32 L 1073.60 537.30 1056.58 528.79 1055.59 528.30 9
13 1427.69 714.35 1410.66 705.84 1409.68 705.34 N 960.52 480.76 943.49 472.25 942.51 471.76 8
14 1541.73 771.37 1524.71 762.86 1523.72 762.37 N 846.48 423.74 829.45 415.23 828.46 414.74 7
15 1656.76 828.88 1639.73 820.37 1638.75 819.88 D 732.43 366.72 715.41 358.21 714.42 357.71 6
16 1769.85 885.43 1752.82 876.91 1751.83 876.42 I 617.41 309.21 600.38 300.69     5
17 1900.89 950.95 1883.86 942.43 1882.88 941.94 M 504.32 252.66 487.29 244.15     4
18 2013.97 1007.49 1996.94 998.98 1995.96 998.48 L 373.28 187.14 356.25 178.63     3
19 2127.05 1064.03 2110.03 1055.52 2109.04 1055.03 I 260.20 130.60 243.17 122.09     2
20             K 147.11 74.06 130.09 65.55     1

Error Distribution

(Parameters: blastp, nr protein database, expect=20000, no filter, PAM30)
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