Mascot Search Results

Peptide View

Found in mSSR1, |Candida albicans 212 aa - Secretory Stress Response

Match to Query 29: 1627.705048 from(814.859800,2+) intensity(17228.0703)
From data file cw0134_q1.pkl

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Monoisotopic mass of neutral peptide Mr(calc): 1627.70
Fixed modifications: Carbamidomethyl (C)
Ions Score: 118  Expect: 5.4e-009  
Matches (Bold Red): 27/144 fragment ions using 37 most intense peaks
# b b++ b* b*++ b0 b0++ Seq. y y++ y* y*++ y0 y0++ #
1 161.04 81.02         C             14
2 248.07 124.54     230.06 115.53 S 1468.68 734.84 1451.65 726.33 1450.67 725.84 13
3 305.09 153.05     287.08 144.04 G 1381.64 691.33 1364.62 682.81 1363.63 682.32 12
4 418.18 209.59     400.16 200.59 L 1324.62 662.82 1307.60 654.30 1306.61 653.81 11
5 532.22 266.61 515.19 258.10 514.21 257.61 N 1211.54 606.27 1194.51 597.76 1193.53 597.27 10
6 647.25 324.13 630.22 315.61 629.23 315.12 D 1097.50 549.25 1080.47 540.74 1079.49 540.25 9
7 760.33 380.67 743.30 372.16 742.32 371.66 L 982.47 491.74 965.44 483.23 964.46 482.73 8
8 847.36 424.18 830.33 415.67 829.35 415.18 S 869.39 435.20 852.36 426.68 851.37 426.19 7
9 1007.39 504.20 990.37 495.69 989.38 495.19 C 782.35 391.68 765.33 383.17 764.34 382.68 6
10 1120.48 560.74 1103.45 552.23 1102.47 551.74 I 622.32 311.67 605.30 303.15 604.31 302.66 5
11 1280.51 640.76 1263.48 632.24 1262.50 631.75 C 509.24 255.12 492.21 246.61 491.23 246.12 4
12 1381.55 691.28 1364.53 682.77 1363.54 682.28 T 349.21 175.11 332.18 166.59 331.20 166.10 3
13 1482.60 741.80 1465.58 733.29 1464.59 732.80 T 248.16 124.58 231.13 116.07 230.15 115.58 2
14             K 147.11 74.06 130.09 65.55     1

Error Distribution

(Parameters: blastp, nr protein database, expect=20000, no filter, PAM30)
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