Mascot Search Results

Peptide View

Found in mPhr1, |experimentally validated by us| C albicans |CA4857| 548 aa

Match to Query 33: 1687.760048 from(844.887300,2+) intensity(4354.7466)
From data file cw0134_q1.pkl

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Monoisotopic mass of neutral peptide Mr(calc): 1687.75
Fixed modifications: Carbamidomethyl (C)
Ions Score: 95  Expect: 1e-006  
Matches (Bold Red): 16/130 fragment ions using 23 most intense peaks
# b b++ b0 b0++ Seq. y y++ y* y*++ y0 y0++ #
1 100.08 50.54     V             15
2 171.11 86.06     A 1589.69 795.35 1572.66 786.84 1571.68 786.34 14
3 284.20 142.60     I 1518.65 759.83 1501.63 751.32 1500.64 750.82 13
4 355.23 178.12     A 1405.57 703.29 1388.54 694.77 1387.56 694.28 12
5 470.26 235.63 452.25 226.63 D 1334.53 667.77 1317.51 659.26 1316.52 658.76 11
6 633.32 317.17 615.31 308.16 Y 1219.50 610.26 1202.48 601.74 1201.49 601.25 10
7 780.39 390.70 762.38 381.69 F 1056.44 528.72 1039.41 520.21 1038.43 519.72 9
8 867.42 434.22 849.41 425.21 S 909.37 455.19 892.35 446.68 891.36 446.18 8
9 1027.46 514.23 1009.44 505.23 C 822.34 411.67 805.31 403.16 804.33 402.67 7
10 1084.48 542.74 1066.47 533.74 G 662.31 331.66 645.28 323.15 644.30 322.65 6
11 1171.51 586.26 1153.50 577.25 S 605.29 303.15 588.26 294.63 587.28 294.14 5
12 1284.59 642.80 1266.58 633.79 L 518.26 259.63 501.23 251.12 500.25 250.63 4
13 1399.62 700.31 1381.61 691.31 D 405.17 203.09 388.15 194.58 387.16 194.08 3
14 1514.65 757.83 1496.64 748.82 D 290.15 145.58 273.12 137.06 272.14 136.57 2
15         R 175.12 88.06 158.09 79.55     1

Error Distribution

(Parameters: blastp, nr protein database, expect=20000, no filter, PAM30)
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