Mascot Search Results

Peptide View

MS/MS Fragmentation of NNPEWNLDLYKR
Found in mPhr1, |experimentally validated by us| C albicans |CA4857| 548 aa

Match to Query 26: 1560.781648 from(781.398100,2+) intensity(1662.3293)
From data file cw0134_q1.pkl

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Monoisotopic mass of neutral peptide Mr(calc): 1560.77
Fixed modifications: Carbamidomethyl (C)
Ions Score: 34  Expect: 1.5  
Matches (Bold Red): 18/118 fragment ions using 38 most intense peaks
# b b++ b* b*++ b0 b0++ Seq. y y++ y* y*++ y0 y0++ #
1 115.05 58.03 98.02 49.52     N             12
2 229.09 115.05 212.07 106.54     N 1447.73 724.37 1430.71 715.86 1429.72 715.36 11
3 326.15 163.58 309.12 155.06     P 1333.69 667.35 1316.66 658.84 1315.68 658.34 10
4 455.19 228.10 438.16 219.58 437.18 219.09 E 1236.64 618.82 1219.61 610.31 1218.63 609.82 9
5 641.27 321.14 624.24 312.62 623.26 312.13 W 1107.59 554.30 1090.57 545.79 1089.58 545.30 8
6 755.31 378.16 738.28 369.65 737.30 369.15 N 921.52 461.26 904.49 452.75 903.50 452.26 7
7 868.39 434.70 851.37 426.19 850.38 425.70 L 807.47 404.24 790.45 395.73 789.46 395.23 6
8 983.42 492.21 966.40 483.70 965.41 483.21 D 694.39 347.70 677.36 339.18 676.38 338.69 5
9 1096.51 548.76 1079.48 540.24 1078.50 539.75 L 579.36 290.18 562.33 281.67     4
10 1259.57 630.29 1242.54 621.77 1241.56 621.28 Y 466.28 233.64 449.25 225.13     3
11 1387.66 694.34 1370.64 685.82 1369.65 685.33 K 303.21 152.11 286.19 143.60     2
12             R 175.12 88.06 158.09 79.55     1

Error Distribution

(Parameters: blastp, nr protein database, expect=20000, no filter, PAM30)
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