Mascot Search Results

Peptide View

Found in 1222.2, |Pga3/Sod5| CONTIG=Contig10139 POSCDS1=124618 POSCDS2=125304

Match to Query 60: 2692.189872 from(898.403900,3+) intensity(3137.1079)
From data file cw0134_q1.pkl

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Monoisotopic mass of neutral peptide Mr(calc): 2692.20
Fixed modifications: Carbamidomethyl (C)
Ions Score: 175  Expect: 8.1e-015  
Matches (Bold Red): 47/246 fragment ions using 59 most intense peaks
# b b++ b* b*++ b0 b0++ Seq. y y++ y* y*++ y0 y0++ #
1 138.07 69.54         H             23
2 195.09 98.05         G 2556.14 1278.58 2539.12 1270.06 2538.13 1269.57 22
3 309.13 155.07 292.10 146.56     N 2499.12 1250.07 2482.10 1241.55 2481.11 1241.06 21
4 422.21 211.61 405.19 203.10     I 2385.08 1193.04 2368.05 1184.53 2367.07 1184.04 20
5 553.26 277.13 536.23 268.62     M 2272.00 1136.50 2254.97 1127.99 2253.99 1127.50 19
6 610.28 305.64 593.25 297.13     G 2140.96 1070.98 2123.93 1062.47 2122.95 1061.98 18
7 739.32 370.16 722.29 361.65 721.31 361.16 E 2083.93 1042.47 2066.91 1033.96 2065.92 1033.47 17
8 826.35 413.68 809.32 405.17 808.34 404.67 S 1954.89 977.95 1937.87 969.44 1936.88 968.94 16
9 989.41 495.21 972.39 486.70 971.40 486.21 Y 1867.86 934.43 1850.83 925.92 1849.85 925.43 15
10 1117.51 559.26 1100.48 550.75 1099.50 550.25 K 1704.80 852.90 1687.77 844.39 1686.79 843.90 14
11 1218.56 609.78 1201.53 601.27 1200.55 600.78 T 1576.70 788.85 1559.67 780.34 1558.69 779.85 13
12 1347.60 674.30 1330.57 665.79 1329.59 665.30 E 1475.65 738.33 1458.63 729.82 1457.64 729.33 12
13 1510.66 755.84 1493.64 747.32 1492.65 746.83 Y 1346.61 673.81 1329.58 665.30 1328.60 664.80 11
14 1625.69 813.35 1608.66 804.84 1607.68 804.34 D 1183.55 592.28 1166.52 583.76 1165.54 583.27 10
15 1740.72 870.86 1723.69 862.35 1722.71 861.86 D 1068.52 534.76 1051.49 526.25 1050.51 525.76 9
16 1827.75 914.38 1810.72 905.86 1809.74 905.37 S 953.49 477.25 936.47 468.74 935.48 468.25 8
17 1990.81 995.91 1973.79 987.40 1972.80 986.90 Y 866.46 433.73 849.44 425.22 848.45 424.73 7
18 2103.90 1052.45 2086.87 1043.94 2085.89 1043.45 I 703.40 352.20 686.37 343.69 685.39 343.20 6
19 2190.93 1095.97 2173.90 1087.45 2172.92 1086.96 S 590.31 295.66 573.29 287.15 572.30 286.66 5
20 2304.01 1152.51 2286.99 1144.00 2286.00 1143.50 L 503.28 252.14 486.26 243.63 485.27 243.14 4
21 2418.06 1209.53 2401.03 1201.02 2400.04 1200.53 N 390.20 195.60 373.17 187.09 372.19 186.60 3
22 2547.10 1274.05 2530.07 1265.54 2529.09 1265.05 E 276.16 138.58 259.13 130.07 258.14 129.58 2
23             K 147.11 74.06 130.09 65.55     1

Error Distribution

(Parameters: blastp, nr protein database, expect=20000, no filter, PAM30)
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