Mascot Search Results

Peptide View

Found in 1222.2, |Pga3/Sod5| CONTIG=Contig10139 POSCDS1=124618 POSCDS2=125304

Match to Query 52: 2201.140572 from(734.720800,3+) intensity(4367.5664)
From data file cw0134_q1.pkl

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Monoisotopic mass of neutral peptide Mr(calc): 2201.13
Fixed modifications: Carbamidomethyl (C)
Ions Score: 95  Expect: 8.2e-007  
Matches (Bold Red): 24/198 fragment ions using 50 most intense peaks
# b b++ b* b*++ b0 b0++ Seq. y y++ y* y*++ y0 y0++ #
1 98.06 49.53         P             20
2 185.09 93.05     167.08 84.04 S 2105.08 1053.04 2088.05 1044.53 2087.07 1044.04 19
3 300.12 150.56     282.11 141.56 D 2018.05 1009.53 2001.02 1001.02 2000.04 1000.52 18
4 413.20 207.11     395.19 198.10 I 1903.02 952.01 1886.00 943.50 1885.01 943.01 17
5 470.22 235.62     452.21 226.61 G 1789.94 895.47 1772.91 886.96 1771.93 886.47 16
6 567.28 284.14     549.27 275.14 P 1732.92 866.96 1715.89 858.45 1714.91 857.96 15
7 714.35 357.68     696.34 348.67 F 1635.86 818.44 1618.84 809.92 1617.85 809.43 14
8 811.40 406.20     793.39 397.20 P 1488.80 744.90 1471.77 736.39 1470.79 735.90 13
9 974.46 487.73     956.45 478.73 Y 1391.74 696.38 1374.72 687.86 1373.73 687.37 12
10 1111.52 556.26     1093.51 547.26 H 1228.68 614.84 1211.65 606.33 1210.67 605.84 11
11 1210.59 605.80     1192.58 596.79 V 1091.62 546.31 1074.59 537.80 1073.61 537.31 10
12 1347.65 674.33     1329.64 665.32 H 992.55 496.78 975.53 488.27 974.54 487.77 9
13 1476.69 738.85     1458.68 729.84 E 855.49 428.25 838.47 419.74 837.48 419.25 8
14 1604.79 802.90 1587.76 794.38 1586.78 793.89 K 726.45 363.73 709.42 355.22 708.44 354.72 7
15 1701.84 851.42 1684.81 842.91 1683.83 842.42 P 598.36 299.68 581.33 291.17 580.35 290.68 6
16 1800.91 900.96 1783.88 892.44 1782.90 891.95 V 501.30 251.16 484.28 242.64 483.29 242.15 5
17 1897.96 949.48 1880.93 940.97 1879.95 940.48 P 402.23 201.62 385.21 193.11 384.22 192.62 4
18 1969.00 985.00 1951.97 976.49 1950.99 976.00 A 305.18 153.09 288.16 144.58 287.17 144.09 3
19 2056.03 1028.52 2039.00 1020.00 2038.02 1019.51 S 234.14 117.58 217.12 109.06 216.13 108.57 2
20             K 147.11 74.06 130.09 65.55     1

Error Distribution

(Parameters: blastp, nr protein database, expect=20000, no filter, PAM30)
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