Mascot Search Results

Peptide View

Found in 1222.2, |Pga3/Sod5| CONTIG=Contig10139 POSCDS1=124618 POSCDS2=125304

Match to Query 23: 1406.725448 from(704.370000,2+) intensity(16901.7734)
From data file cw0134_q1.pkl

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Monoisotopic mass of neutral peptide Mr(calc): 1406.72
Fixed modifications: Carbamidomethyl (C)
Ions Score: 124  Expect: 1.5e-009  
Matches (Bold Red): 39/128 fragment ions using 57 most intense peaks
# b b++ b0 b0++ Seq. y y++ y* y*++ y0 y0++ #
1 72.04 36.53     A             15
2 143.08 72.04     A 1336.69 668.85 1319.66 660.33 1318.67 659.84 14
3 244.13 122.57 226.12 113.56 T 1265.65 633.33 1248.62 624.81 1247.64 624.32 13
4 341.18 171.09 323.17 162.09 P 1164.60 582.80 1147.57 574.29 1146.59 573.80 12
5 412.22 206.61 394.21 197.61 A 1067.55 534.28 1050.52 525.76 1049.54 525.27 11
6 483.26 242.13 465.25 233.13 A 996.51 498.76 979.48 490.25 978.50 489.75 10
7 620.32 310.66 602.30 301.66 H 925.47 463.24 908.45 454.73 907.46 454.24 9
8 749.36 375.18 731.35 366.18 E 788.41 394.71 771.39 386.20 770.40 385.71 8
9 848.43 424.72 830.42 415.71 V 659.37 330.19 642.35 321.68 641.36 321.18 7
10 905.45 453.23 887.44 444.22 G 560.30 280.66 543.28 272.14 542.29 271.65 6
11 1020.47 510.74 1002.46 501.74 D 503.28 252.14 486.26 243.63 485.27 243.14 5
12 1133.56 567.28 1115.55 558.28 L 388.26 194.63 371.23 186.12     4
13 1204.60 602.80 1186.59 593.80 A 275.17 138.09 258.14 129.58     3
14 1261.62 631.31 1243.61 622.31 G 204.13 102.57 187.11 94.06     2
15         K 147.11 74.06 130.09 65.55     1

Error Distribution

(Parameters: blastp, nr protein database, expect=20000, no filter, PAM30)
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