Mascot Search Results

Peptide View

Found in mALS3.5eoc, |predicted| C. albicans |CA0591| 886 aa agglutinin-like,5-prime end

Match to Query 57: 2547.283448 from(1274.649000,2+) intensity(2703.2361)
From data file cw0134_q1.pkl

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Monoisotopic mass of neutral peptide Mr(calc): 2547.31
Fixed modifications: Carbamidomethyl (C)
Ions Score: 178  Expect: 4.6e-015  
Matches (Bold Red): 61/270 fragment ions using 81 most intense peaks
# b b++ b* b*++ b0 b0++ Seq. y y++ y* y*++ y0 y0++ #
1 72.04 36.53         A             26
2 185.13 93.07         L 2477.28 1239.14 2460.25 1230.63 2459.27 1230.14 25
3 242.15 121.58         G 2364.19 1182.60 2347.17 1174.09 2346.18 1173.59 24
4 343.20 172.10     325.19 163.10 T 2307.17 1154.09 2290.14 1145.58 2289.16 1145.08 23
5 442.27 221.64     424.26 212.63 V 2206.12 1103.57 2189.10 1095.05 2188.11 1094.56 22
6 543.31 272.16     525.30 263.16 T 2107.06 1054.03 2090.03 1045.52 2089.04 1045.03 21
7 656.40 328.70     638.39 319.70 L 2006.01 1003.51 1988.98 994.99 1988.00 994.50 20
8 753.45 377.23     735.44 368.22 P 1892.92 946.97 1875.90 938.45 1874.91 937.96 19
9 866.53 433.77     848.52 424.77 L 1795.87 898.44 1778.84 889.93 1777.86 889.43 18
10 937.57 469.29     919.56 460.28 A 1682.79 841.90 1665.76 833.38 1664.78 832.89 17
11 1084.64 542.82     1066.63 533.82 F 1611.75 806.38 1594.72 797.87 1593.74 797.37 16
12 1198.68 599.85 1181.66 591.33 1180.67 590.84 N 1464.68 732.84 1447.65 724.33 1446.67 723.84 15
13 1297.75 649.38 1280.72 640.87 1279.74 640.37 V 1350.64 675.82 1333.61 667.31 1332.63 666.82 14
14 1354.77 677.89 1337.75 669.38 1336.76 668.88 G 1251.57 626.29 1234.54 617.78 1233.56 617.28 13
15 1411.79 706.40 1394.77 697.89 1393.78 697.40 G 1194.55 597.78 1177.52 589.26 1176.54 588.77 12
16 1512.84 756.92 1495.82 748.41 1494.83 747.92 T 1137.53 569.27 1120.50 560.75 1119.52 560.26 11
17 1569.86 785.44 1552.84 776.92 1551.85 776.43 G 1036.48 518.74 1019.45 510.23 1018.47 509.74 10
18 1656.90 828.95 1639.87 820.44 1638.88 819.95 S 979.46 490.23 962.43 481.72 961.45 481.23 9
19 1743.93 872.47 1726.90 863.95 1725.92 863.46 S 892.43 446.72 875.40 438.20 874.42 437.71 8
20 1843.00 922.00 1825.97 913.49 1824.99 913.00 V 805.39 403.20 788.37 394.69 787.38 394.20 7
21 1958.02 979.52 1941.00 971.00 1940.01 970.51 D 706.33 353.67 689.30 345.15 688.31 344.66 6
22 2071.11 1036.06 2054.08 1027.54 2053.10 1027.05 L 591.30 296.15 574.27 287.64 573.29 287.15 5
23 2200.15 1100.58 2183.12 1092.07 2182.14 1091.57 E 478.21 239.61 461.19 231.10 460.20 230.61 4
24 2315.18 1158.09 2298.15 1149.58 2297.17 1149.09 D 349.17 175.09 332.15 166.58 331.16 166.08 3
25 2402.21 1201.61 2385.18 1193.09 2384.20 1192.60 S 234.14 117.58 217.12 109.06 216.13 108.57 2
26             K 147.11 74.06 130.09 65.55     1

Error Distribution

(Parameters: blastp, nr protein database, expect=20000, no filter, PAM30)
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