Mascot Search Results

Peptide View

Found in mALS3.5eoc, |predicted| C. albicans |CA0591| 886 aa agglutinin-like,5-prime end

Match to Query 34: 1688.749048 from(845.381800,2+) intensity(17467.3906)
From data file cw0134_q1.pkl

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Monoisotopic mass of neutral peptide Mr(calc): 1688.75
Fixed modifications: Carbamidomethyl (C)
Ions Score: 142  Expect: 2.3e-011  
Matches (Bold Red): 44/158 fragment ions using 54 most intense peaks
# b b++ b* b*++ b0 b0++ Seq. y y++ y* y*++ y0 y0++ #
1 161.04 81.02         C             16
2 308.11 154.56         F 1529.72 765.37 1512.70 756.85 1511.71 756.36 15
3 409.15 205.08     391.14 196.08 T 1382.65 691.83 1365.63 683.32 1364.64 682.83 14
4 480.19 240.60     462.18 231.59 A 1281.61 641.31 1264.58 632.79 1263.60 632.30 13
5 537.21 269.11     519.20 260.10 G 1210.57 605.79 1193.54 597.28 1192.56 596.78 12
6 638.26 319.63     620.25 310.63 T 1153.55 577.28 1136.52 568.76 1135.54 568.27 11
7 752.30 376.66 735.28 368.14 734.29 367.65 N 1052.50 526.75 1035.47 518.24 1034.49 517.75 10
8 853.35 427.18 836.32 418.67 835.34 418.17 T 938.46 469.73 921.43 461.22 920.45 460.73 9
9 952.42 476.71 935.39 468.20 934.41 467.71 V 837.41 419.21 820.38 410.70 819.40 410.20 8
10 1053.47 527.24 1036.44 518.72 1035.46 518.23 T 738.34 369.67 721.32 361.16 720.33 360.67 7
11 1200.54 600.77 1183.51 592.26 1182.52 591.77 F 637.29 319.15 620.27 310.64 619.28 310.15 6
12 1314.58 657.79 1297.55 649.28 1296.57 648.79 N 490.23 245.62 473.20 237.10 472.22 236.61 5
13 1429.61 715.31 1412.58 706.79 1411.59 706.30 D 376.18 188.59 359.16 180.08 358.17 179.59 4
14 1486.63 743.82 1469.60 735.30 1468.62 734.81 G 261.16 131.08 244.13 122.57     3
15 1543.65 772.33 1526.62 763.81 1525.64 763.32 G 204.13 102.57 187.11 94.06     2
16             K 147.11 74.06 130.09 65.55     1

Error Distribution

(Parameters: blastp, nr protein database, expect=20000, no filter, PAM30)
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