Mascot Search Results

Peptide View

MS/MS Fragmentation of TCSSNGIFITYK
Found in mALS3.5eoc, |predicted| C. albicans |CA0591| 886 aa agglutinin-like,5-prime end

Match to Query 21: 1389.681048 from(695.847800,2+) intensity(3177.9397)
From data file cw0134_q1.pkl

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Monoisotopic mass of neutral peptide Mr(calc): 1390.64
Fixed modifications: Carbamidomethyl (C)
Variable modifications: 
N5     : Deamidation (NQ)
Ions Score: 76  Expect: 8e-005  
Matches (Bold Red): 19/120 fragment ions using 35 most intense peaks
# b b++ b* b*++ b0 b0++ Seq. y y++ y* y*++ y0 y0++ #
1 102.05 51.53     84.04 42.53 T             12
2 262.09 131.55     244.08 122.54 C 1290.60 645.81 1273.58 637.29 1272.59 636.80 11
3 349.12 175.06     331.11 166.06 S 1130.57 565.79 1113.55 557.28 1112.56 556.78 10
4 436.15 218.58     418.14 209.57 S 1043.54 522.27 1026.51 513.76 1025.53 513.27 9
5 551.18 276.09 534.15 267.58 533.17 267.09 N 956.51 478.76 939.48 470.24 938.50 469.75 8
6 608.20 304.60 591.17 296.09 590.19 295.60 G 841.48 421.24 824.46 412.73 823.47 412.24 7
7 721.28 361.14 704.26 352.63 703.27 352.14 I 784.46 392.73 767.43 384.22 766.45 383.73 6
8 868.35 434.68 851.32 426.17 850.34 425.67 F 671.38 336.19 654.35 327.68 653.37 327.19 5
9 981.43 491.22 964.41 482.71 963.42 482.22 I 524.31 262.66 507.28 254.14 506.30 253.65 4
10 1082.48 541.74 1065.46 533.23 1064.47 532.74 T 411.22 206.12 394.20 197.60 393.21 197.11 3
11 1245.55 623.28 1228.52 614.76 1227.54 614.27 Y 310.18 155.59 293.15 147.08     2
12             K 147.11 74.06 130.09 65.55     1

Error Distribution

(Parameters: blastp, nr protein database, expect=20000, no filter, PAM30)
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