Mascot Search Results

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Search title    : 
MS data file    : cw0039_q2.pkl
Database        : CAlbicans dos (20286 sequences; 6720281 residues)
Timestamp       : 21 Mar 2005 at 15:56:19 GMT
Significant hits: TRBOTR  trypsin (EC3.4.21.4 ) precursor-bovine
                  mCHT2   583 aa - chitinase 2 precursor Candida albicans

Probability Based Mowse Score

Ions score is -10*Log(P), where P is the probability that the observed match is a random event.
Individual ions scores > 31 indicate identity or extensive homology (p<0.05).
Protein scores are derived from ions scores as a non-probabilistic basis for ranking protein hits.

Score Distribution

Peptide Summary Report

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        Error tolerant   

1.    TRBOTR                            Mass: 24662    Score: 107    Peptides matched: 2
 trypsin (EC3.4.21.4 ) precursor-bovine
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
5   577.30   1152.59   1152.57   0.02 0  42  0.0042 1  SSGTSYPDVLK
14   745.86   1489.70   1489.73   -0.04 0  65  2.2e-005 1  LQGIVSWGSGCAQK

2.    mCHT2                             Mass: 59565    Score: 42     Peptides matched: 1
 583 aa - chitinase 2 precursor Candida albicans
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
1   497.75   993.48   993.49   -0.02 0  42  0.0047 1  FADTLWNK

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      15860.2                           Mass: 61554    Score: 42     Peptides matched: 1
 |Cht2| CONTIG=Contig10194 POSCDS1=2376 POSCDS2=4127
      19719.2                           Mass: 51350    Score: 42     Peptides matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig20194 POSCDS1=2710 POSCDS2=4131

3.    mSSR1                             Mass: 20690    Score: 25     Peptides matched: 1
 |Candida albicans 212 aa - Secretory Stress Response
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
8   635.83   1269.64   1269.66   -0.02 0  25  0.21 1  APPACLLACVAK

4.    15676.2                           Mass: 45070    Score: 19     Peptides matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10123 POSCDS1=223452 POSCDS2=224639
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
6   587.82   1173.62   1173.66   -0.04 0  21  0.63 1  LTGDQLSSILK

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      25635.1                           Mass: 46592    Score: 19     Peptides matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig20123 POSCDS1=223316 POSCDS2=224503

5.    2046.1                            Score: 18     Peptides matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10223 POSCDS1=84555 POSCDS2=85946
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 6   587.82   1173.62   1172.63   0.99 0  18  1.4 2  QVESLDELLK

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      21949.1                           Score: 18     Peptides matched: 1

6.    15038.2                           Mass: 51208    Score: 18     Peptides matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10053 POSCDS1=68670 POSCDS2=70031
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 6   587.82   1173.62   1174.61   -0.99 1  18  1.4 3  LSKDDIDELK

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      26791.1                           Mass: 52262    Score: 18     Peptides matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig20053 POSCDS1=68627 POSCDS2=69988

7.    13631.1                           Mass: 26739    Score: 14     Peptides matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10150 POSCDS1=79625 POSCDS2=80317
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 6   587.82   1173.62   1174.57   -0.95 1  18  1.4 4  GEDKEEDLIK

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      24865.1                           Mass: 28414    Score: 14     Peptides matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig20150 POSCDS1=79729 POSCDS2=80421

8.    10300.1                           Score: 14     Peptides matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10143 POSCDS1=78204 POSCDS2=78950
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 6   587.82   1173.62   1172.67   0.94 0  14  5  MARPTIFPLK

9.    3748.2                            Mass: 69595    Score: 14     Peptides matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10054 POSCDS1=11142 POSCDS2=12968
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
4   568.28   1134.54   1134.62   -0.08 1  14  3.5 1  KASSTNTSVLK

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      26748.1                           Mass: 71602    Score: 14     Peptides matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig20054 POSCDS1=11143 POSCDS2=12969

10.   5013.1                            Score: 12     Peptides matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10251 POSCDS1=31248 POSCDS2=32273
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 6   587.82   1173.62   1172.60   1.02 0  12  4.8 6  SLLDGALNDQK

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      20516.1                           Score: 12     Peptides matched: 1

11.   12579.2                           Score: 12     Peptides matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10223 POSCDS1=44673 POSCDS2=46088
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 6   587.82   1173.62   1173.62   -0.01 0  12  4.9 7  ELTTLINQDK

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      21946.1                           Score: 12     Peptides matched: 1

12.   12460.2                           Score: 12     Peptides matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10141 POSCDS1=53170 POSCDS2=54654
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 6   587.82   1173.62   1173.71   -0.09 1  12  8  VSPSFVKIGLK

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      25121.1                           Score: 12     Peptides matched: 1

13.   9766.2                            Score: 10     Peptides matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10073 POSCDS1=60010 POSCDS2=65451
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 14   745.86   1489.70   1490.80   -1.10 1  10  7.4 2  LGVKSIAVYSDPDK

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      26532.1                           Score: 10     Peptides matched: 1

14.   451.1                             Score: 9      Peptides matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10262 POSCDS1=117829 POSCDS2=121230
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 4   568.28   1134.54   1134.61   -0.07 1  9  9.4 2  EQGYRTLIR

15.   279.1                             Score: 9      Peptides matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10172 POSCDS1=125043 POSCDS2=127385
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 6   587.82   1173.62   1172.68   0.94 1  11  6.8 9  IISVSGDKNIK

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      23990.1                           Score: 9      Peptides matched: 1

16.   9510.2                            Score: 8      Peptides matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig20101 POSCDS1=9265 POSCDS2=10608
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 6   587.82   1173.62   1173.75   -0.13 1  10  7.2 10  NILVSKFILK

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      29538.1                           Score: 8      Peptides matched: 1

17.   6521.3                            Score: 8      Peptides matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10123 POSCDS1=193384 POSCDS2=200325
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 4   568.28   1134.54   1134.56   -0.01 0  8  12 3  SSTSWEPTLK

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      25646.1                           Score: 8      Peptides matched: 1

18.   7775.2                            Score: 8      Peptides matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10163 POSCDS1=85621 POSCDS2=86673
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 4   568.28   1134.54   1134.55   -0.01 0  8  13 4  NVTTTAESQGK

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      24320.1                           Score: 8      Peptides matched: 1

19.   11341.2                           Score: 8      Peptides matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig10202 POSCDS1=212058 POSCDS2=212708
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 5   577.30   1152.59   1151.57   1.02 1  8  12 2  MVNTTSTSRR

20.   14089.2                           Score: 7      Peptides matched: 1
 CONTIG=Contig20159 POSCDS1=8464 POSCDS2=10980
Check to include this hit in error tolerant search or archive report
      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
 4   568.28   1134.54   1133.64   0.90 0  7  15 5  YGIGGGTIGVIK

      Proteins matching the same set of peptides:
      19488.2                           Score: 7      Peptides matched: 1

Peptide matches not assigned to protein hits: (no details means no match)
List sorted by Decreasing Score. Sort by Decreasing Intensity or Increasing Query # / Mr

      Query  Observed  Mr(expt)  Mr(calc)   Delta Miss Score Expect Rank Peptide
15   760.31   1518.61   1517.65   0.96 0  5  20 1  GITYSPYSDNGGCK
2   505.76   1009.51   1009.54   -0.03 1  3  39 1  TPLSSSKYK
10   688.35   1374.69   1374.74   -0.05 0  2  36 1  SKPGDFLEELIK
3   540.77   1079.52         
7   616.77   1231.52         
9   648.80   1295.58         
11   704.35   1406.68         
12   717.35   1432.68         
13   723.34   1444.67         
16   765.34   1528.67         

Search Parameters

Type of search         : MS/MS Ion Search
Enzyme                 : Trypsin
Fixed modifications    : Carbamidomethyl (C)
Mass values            : Monoisotopic
Protein Mass           : Unrestricted
Peptide Mass Tolerance : ± 1.2 Da
Fragment Mass Tolerance: ± 0.6 Da
Max Missed Cleavages   : 1
Instrument type        : ESI-QUAD-TOF
Data File Name         : cw0039_q2.pkl
Number of queries      : 16


Top scoring peptide matches to query 1
Score greater than 21 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide

Score Delta Hit Protein Peptide
42.0 -0.02 2 mCHT2 FADTLWNK
5.7 -1.01 MSDLINFR
5.1 1.04 DTNTTQGEK
2.7 -0.10 FIWILFR
2.5 -0.06 TVATTTTTAK
2.0 -0.04 TVATSPYQK
1.9 1.04 MSNANQSNK
1.8 0.02 FEGTEFHK
Top scoring peptide matches to query 2
Score greater than 13 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide

Score Delta Hit Protein Peptide
2.6 -0.03 TPLSSSKYK
0.7 -1.10 TLLILHSSK
Top scoring peptide matches to query 3
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide

Score Delta Hit Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 4
Score greater than 23 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide

Score Delta Hit Protein Peptide
13.5 -0.08 9 3748.2 KASSTNTSVLK
9.2 -0.07 14 451.1 EQGYRTLIR
8.0 -0.01 17 6521.3 SSTSWEPTLK
7.8 -0.01 18 7775.2 NVTTTAESQGK
7.2 0.90 20 14089.2 YGIGGGTIGVIK
6.9 -0.01 MMVGQAELTR
6.9 -0.99 LSDSLTDTER
Top scoring peptide matches to query 5
Score greater than 23 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide

Score Delta Hit Protein Peptide
7.7 1.02 19 11341.2 MVNTTSTSRR
5.5 -1.13 RTLQPISVLK
4.5 -1.12 TLKPVEQVLK
4.1 0.96 KTSLNYWIK
2.3 -0.99 RYNSLTSASR
Top scoring peptide matches to query 6
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide

Score Delta Hit Protein Peptide
20.8 -0.04 4 15676.2 LTGDQLSSILK
17.5 0.99 5 2046.1 QVESLDELLK
17.5 -0.99 6 15038.2 LSKDDIDELK
17.5 -0.95 7 13631.1 GEDKEEDLIK
14.1 0.94 8 10300.1 MARPTIFPLK
12.0 1.02 10 5013.1 SLLDGALNDQK
12.0 -0.01 11 12579.2 ELTTLINQDK
11.9 -0.09 12 12460.2 VSPSFVKIGLK
10.5 0.94 15 279.1 IISVSGDKNIK
10.3 -0.13 16 9510.2 NILVSKFILK
Top scoring peptide matches to query 7
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide

Score Delta Hit Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 8
Score greater than 14 indicates homology
Score greater than 30 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide

Score Delta Hit Protein Peptide
24.8 -0.02 3 mSSR1 APPACLLACVAK
Top scoring peptide matches to query 9
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide

Score Delta Hit Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 10
Score greater than 15 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide

Score Delta Hit Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 11
Score greater than 30 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide

Score Delta Hit Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 12
Score greater than 30 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide

Score Delta Hit Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 13
Score greater than 30 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide

Score Delta Hit Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 14
Score greater than 26 indicates homology
Score greater than 31 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide

Score Delta Hit Protein Peptide
9.7 -1.10 13 9766.2 LGVKSIAVYSDPDK
Top scoring peptide matches to query 15
Score greater than 17 indicates homology
Score greater than 30 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide

Score Delta Hit Protein Peptide
Top scoring peptide matches to query 16
Score greater than 30 indicates identity
Status bar shows all hits for this peptide

Score Delta Hit Protein Peptide