PROCESS_SECTIONS = $process_sections; // check whether to enable synchronisation or not if ( isset( $synchronize)) $this->SYNCHRONIZE = $synchronize; // if a path was passed and file exists, try to load it if ( $path!=null) { // set passed path as class-var $this->PATH = $path; if ( !is_file( $path)) { // conf-file seems not to exist, try to create an empty new one $fp_new = @fopen( $path, 'w', false); if ( !$fp_new) { $err = "ConfigMagik() - Could not create new config-file('$path'), error."; array_push( $this->ERRORS, $err); die( $err); }else{ fclose( $fp_new); } }else{ // try to load and parse ini-file at specified path $loaded = $this->load( $path); if ( !$loaded) exit(); } } } function get( $key=null, $section=null){ if ( $section) $this->PROCESS_SECTIONS = true; else $this->PROCESS_SECTIONS = false; // get requested value if ( $this->PROCESS_SECTIONS) { $value = $this->VARS[$section][$key]; }else{ $value = $this->VARS[$key]; } if ( $value===false) { return null; } // return found value return $value; } function set( $key, $value, $section=null){ // when sections are enabled and user tries to genarate non-sectioned vars, // throw an error, this is definitely not allowed. if ( $this->PROCESS_SECTIONS and !$section) { $err = "set() - Passed no section when in section-mode, nothing was set."; array_push( $this->ERRORS, $err); return false; } // check if section was passed if ( $section===true) $this->PROCESS_SECTIONS = true; // set key with given value in given section (if enabled) if ( $this->PROCESS_SECTIONS) { $this->VARS[$section][$key] = $value; }else{ $this->VARS[$key] = $value; } // synchronize memory with file when enabled if ( $this->SYNCHRONIZE) { $this->save(); } return true; } function removeKey( $key, $section=null){ // check if section was passed and it's valid if ( $section!=null){ if ( in_array( $section, array_keys( $this->VARS))==false){ $err = "removeKey() - Could not find section('$section'), nothing was removed."; array_push( $this->ERRORS, $err); return false; } // look if given key exists in given section if ( in_array( $key, array_keys( $this->VARS[$section]))===false) { $err = "removeKey() - Could not find key('$key'), nothing was removed."; array_push( $this->ERRORS, $err); return false; } // remove key from section $pos = array_search( $key, array_keys( $this->VARS[$section]), true); array_splice( $this->VARS[$section], $pos, 1); return true; }else{ // look if given key exists if ( in_array( $key, array_keys( $this->VARS))===false) { $err = "removeKey() - Could not find key('$key'), nothing was removed."; array_push( $this->ERRORS, $err); return false; } // remove key (sections disabled) $pos = array_search( $key, array_keys( $this->VARS), true); array_splice( $this->VARS, $pos, 1); // synchronisation-stuff if ( $this->SYNCHRONIZE) $this->save(); // return return true; } } function removeSection( $section){ // check if section exists if ( in_array( $section, array_keys( $this->VARS), true)===false) { $err = "removeSection() - Section('$section') could not be found, nothing removed."; array_push( $this->ERRORS, $err); return false; } // find position of $section in current config $pos = array_search( $section, array_keys( $this->VARS), true); // remove section from current config array_splice( $this->VARS, $pos, 1); // synchronisation-stuff if ( $this->SYNCHRONIZE) $this->save(); // return return true; } function load( $path=null){ // if path was specified, check if valid else abort if ( $path!=null and !is_file( $path)) { $err = "load() - Path('$path') is invalid, nothing loaded."; array_push( $this->ERRORS, $err); echo $err; return false; }elseif ( $path==null){ // no path was specified, fall back to class-var $path = $this->PATH; } /* * PHP's own method is used for parsing the ini-file instead of own code. * It's robust enough ;-) */ $this->VARS = parse_ini_file( $path, $this->PROCESS_SECTIONS); return true; } function save( $path=null){ // if no path was specified, fall back to class-var if ( $path==null) $path = $this->PATH; $content = ""; // PROTECTED_MODE-prefix if ( $this->PROTECTED_MODE) { $content .= "PROCESS_SECTIONS) { foreach ( $this->VARS as $key=>$elem) { $content .= "[".$key."]\n"; foreach ( $elem as $key2=>$elem2) { $content .= $key2." = \"".$elem2."\"\n"; } } }else{ foreach ( $this->VARS as $key=>$elem) { $content .= $key." = \"".$elem."\"\n"; } } // add PROTECTED_MODE-ending if ( $this->PROTECTED_MODE) { $content .= "\n; -- END PROTECTED_MODE\n; */\n?>\n"; } // write to file if ( !$handle = @fopen( $path, 'w')) { $err = "save() - Could not open file('$path') for writing, error."; array_push( $this->ERRORS, $err); return false; } if ( !fwrite( $handle, $content)) { $err = "save() - Could not write to open file('$path'), error."; array_push( $this->ERRORS, $err); return false; }else{ // push a message onto error-stack $err = "save() - Sucessfully saved to file('$path')."; array_push( $this->ERRORS, $err); } fclose( $handle); return true; } function toString( $output_type='TEXT', $sect=''){ $out=''; if (isset($sect)) $sect=strtoupper($sect); // check requested output-type if ( strtoupper( $output_type)!=='TEXT' and strtoupper( $output_type)!=='HTML' and strtoupper( $output_type)!=='XML') { $err = "toString() - Unknown OutputType('$output_type') was requested, falling back to TEXT."; array_push( $this->ERRORS, $err); $output_type = 'TEXT'; } if ( strtoupper( $output_type) === 'TEXT') { // render object as TEXT $sections = $this->listSections(); if (isset ($sect) && (in_array($sect,$sections))) $sections = array ($sect); foreach ( $sections as $section){ $keys = $this->listKeys( $section); foreach ( $keys as $key){ $val = $this->get( $key, $section); $out .= $key."=".$val."&"; } } return $out; }elseif ( strtoupper( $output_type) === 'XML') { $out="\n"; $sections = $this->listSections(); if (isset ($sect) && (in_array($sect,$sections))) $sections = array ($sect); foreach ( $sections as $section){ if (!isset($sect)) $out .= "
listKeys( $section); foreach ( $keys as $key){ $val = $this->get( $key, $section); $out .= "\t\n"; } if (!isset ($sect)) $out .= "
\n"; } $out.=""; return $out; }elseif ( strtoupper( $output_type) === 'HTML'){ // render object as HTML $out = "\n"; if ( $this->PROCESS_SECTIONS && !isset($sect)){ // render with sections //$out .= "\t\n"; $sections = $this->listSections(); if (isset ($sect) && (in_array($sect,$sections))) $sections = array ($sect); $num_sections = 0; $num_keys = 0; foreach ( $sections as $section){ $out .= "\t\n"; $keys = $this->listKeys( $section); foreach ( $keys as $key){ $val = $this->get( $key, $section); $out .= "\t\n"; $num_keys++; } $num_sections++; } // summary of table (with sections) $out .= "\t\n"; }else{ // render without sections $keys = $this->listKeys($sect); $num_keys = 0; //$out .= "\t\n"; foreach ( $keys as $key){ $val = $this->get( $key,$sect); //$out .= "\t\n"; $out .= "\n"; $num_keys++; } // summary of table (without sections) $out .= "\t\n"; } // close table $out .= "
There are $num_keys keys in $num_sections sections.
There are $num_keys keys.
"; return $out; } } function listKeys( $section=null){ // check if section was passed if ( $section!==null){ // check if passed section exists $sections = $this->listSections(); if ( in_array( $section, $sections)===false) { $err = "listKeys() - Section('$section') could not be found."; array_push( $this->ERRORS, $err); return false; } // list all keys in given section $list = array(); $s=$this->VARS[$section]; $all = array_keys( $s ); foreach ( $all as $possible_key) if ( !is_array( $s[$possible_key])) array_push( $list, $possible_key); return $list; }else{ // list all keys (section-less) return array_keys( $this->VARS); } } function listSections(){ $list = array(); // separate sections from normal keys $all = array_keys( $this->VARS); foreach ( $all as $possible_section){ if ( is_array( $this->VARS[$possible_section])) { array_push( $list, strtoupper($possible_section)); } } return $list; } } ?>