ÎÊムlSystem.Resources.ResourceReader, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089#System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetPADPADP¡ÊšÕ×Label1.Text½The command console is a special function of this GUI. It allows you to execute commands directly to wiimms szs tools, but with the nice feature of path-selection. Command format: List of GUI variables: #wszst#, #wkmpt#, #wimgt#, etc. :Start a command with this (replace with it), it specifies which tool to use. Required #file1#, #file2#, #folder1#, #folder2# : Use a path selected with one of the 4 buttons, the name of the variable represents the button. Optional #open# :Alternative way for path selection, use the currently opened file (on the main screen) Optional Note: At least 1 path is required. WARNING: THE GUI GIVES THE COMMAND DIRECTLY TO Wiimms SZS Tools WITHOUT CHECKING! If any errors happen it's because you entered the wrong attributes.