
What is your (business) dream?

I would like to travel around the world and help out the small family business in poorer countries to be more succesfull and be able to help the community. Masterplan

• Passion

At the moment I am very passionate about is golf. The other things I am very passionate about are too big at the moment to be considering. In my opinion every person has a certain input in the world that should be respected and listened to! I have been to south-east Asia last year and for me that was an eye opener beyond the expectations I had ever imagined. It thought me that without a lot of material possession you can be very happy and satisfied. Of course we as human beings will always have this urge to become bigger and do more. But the problem is that you will forget about the small things in life, which are the things you can get so much satisfaction and happiness from.

• Talent

I got talent for sports, which is easily explainable since my whole family is a sports family. My grandma played for the Dutch volleyball team, my granddad, my dad and his brothers were all very well hockey players. I focus mostly on golf, furthermore my talents are based on the way I am and handle people and situations around me. I am pretty laidback easy and very open in accepting different kinds of people and ideas those people have. I will never judge them on what they say but I might think about what they said and use that in order to understand what that person is like. Another thing, which I sometimes don’t understand myself, is that people often look up to me as a leader. For instance I was captain of my hockey team and I hated it at first, cause I can’t say I am a person people should look up to and use as their example on how they want to become themselves, but I can get the best out of people, cause your team is as weak as your weakest team member. So to understand how I became team captain is a funny story. We were standing with our team and the coach asked: ‘who wants to become captain’. 2 guys volunteered to become captain and we started a vote. Almost nobody voted.. then the coach said: ‘who wants Tjebbe to become captain’. I was standing ‘hell no! I don’t want to be captain, I commentate on the referees too much and on the coach himself’. But I got an unanimous vote from our team. And that was the start of what was going to be my most fulfilling hockey year of my entire hockey career!

• Business dream.

my business dream is more an ideal then a business dream. When I was younger there were already things happening in the world that I found very unjust. I mean children don’t choose where they grow up or where they come from. I am lucky the dices fell and I am born in, what in my eyes is for sure one of the best countries in the world, The Netherlands. That doesn’t mean that I can give everybody who is from ‘lesser upbringing or origin’ a cold shoulder, cause that one person who lives in Laos, who can’t pay to go to college, can have the cure for cancer in his brain. Also, nobody in this world is worth less than others. We are all equal, but not the same. That is what makes it so amazing to spend time with people from other cultures, backgrounds, upbringing, religion, sexes, etc. So what I want to do with my life is start up a company that helps people all over the world to upgrade life and help people with a very big ideal, which makes them feel it is unachievable, that it can be achieved. If we would change our view of society to focus on an united world, we could battle HUGE problems in the world, with ease! That’s why I always say, I want to become super rich. So I can use that money to start helping people and find people with similar mind sets to help me in achieving my goal, because I will not be able to do this on my own. I want to form a team of people who think alike and still believe in making a difference in a world which seems to grow harder and less sensitive every day.

• Definition of success

For me the definition of success I a very big saying. Depends on your goals and how big those goals are, some days you just got to be happy with what you achieve. I notice this a lot in golf, which is a sport in which you got to stay at the top of your game every single time again. Basically there is not a single moment you can just say: ‘fuck this’, then it is already too late. You play 18 holes ,which takes about 4 to 5,5 hours, but sometimes you play 36 or even 54 holes and you got to stay focused and at the top of your game for the whole time. You don’t play against another team but you solely play against yourself.

• Long term goal

One of my first long term goals is to get underneath handicap 7 in golf. As well is finishing this study! I already did 2 other studies which didn’t turn out that well. 1 study I quitted because it wasn’t really my thing and I was too young in my own eyes to start studying. The other I missed 2 points to be granted access to the second study year, which was a major sit back for me at that time. A weird one which is completely personal is to find myself back, this one is going very well at the moment and I am very glad about that. I lost myself when I finished high school and all my friends hadn’t and I started studying with all these ‘grown ups’ who were way more serious and developed than I was at the time, I thought at least. But if I look back at those years right now, the only difference was the experience of life because I was only 17. Make sure I’ll be able to study abroad next year is another goal. Really want to go to Buenos Aires to study and to be able to do that, I got to push my lazy mind to just make a routine, make sure that I do all the assignments, I pay attention to what I get taught in lectures and use that for the future assignments we have to do.

• Short term goals

Get into school routine. After 1 year of travelling and being free, getting back into a certain routine is quite hard. Luckily our kick-off week helped me a lot. 9-5 are though days or me. But I feel satisfied if I really learned something. Find a room in Amsterdam to live at, after the travel I did, I got used to living on my own and take care of myself, I would love to keep up that trend since it makes me more serious in every expect of my life. Also I want to be good at the study I’m doing, I want to have the feeling that I understand what my teachers are trying to teach me since the classes really tickles my brain.

• Actions

Start studying on the side as well as studying for study. Keep up with the class and maybe even upfront.

• Commitment

Since I really like this course and I made a deal with myself to finish this study, I’ll get my motivation out of that thought and all the opportunities that it can create for myself.