'; ?> test


Enter your username and password for "" on

'; switch ($data['group']) { case 'url': echo 'URL Error (' . $data['error'] . '): '; switch ($data['type']) { case 'internal': $message = 'Failed to connect to the specified host. ' . 'Possible problems are that the server was not found, the connection timed out, or the connection refused by the host. ' . 'Try connecting again and check if the address is correct.'; break; case 'external': switch ($data['error']) { case 1: $message = 'The URL you\'re attempting to access is blacklisted by this server. Please select another URL.'; break; case 2: $message = 'The URL you entered is malformed. Please check whether you entered the correct URL or not.'; break; } break; } break; case 'resource': echo 'Resource Error: '; switch ($data['type']) { case 'file_size': $message = 'The file your are attempting to download is too large.
' . 'Maxiumum permissible file size is ' . number_format($GLOBALS['_config']['max_file_size']/1048576, 2) . ' MB
' . 'Requested file size is ' . number_format($GLOBALS['_content_length']/1048576, 2) . ' MB'; break; case 'hotlinking': $message = 'It appears that you are trying to access a resource through this ... from a remote Website.
' . 'For security reasons, please use the form below to do so.'; break; } break; } echo 'An error has occured while trying to browse through the ....
' . $message . '

'; break; } ?>