", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "
", "
", "
", "
" ); $sm1 = array( ":?:", ":D", ":?", ":cool:", ":cry:", ":shock:", ":evil:", ":!:", ":frown:", ":idea:", ":arrow:", ":lol:", ":x", ":mrgreen:", ":|", ":P", ":oops:", ":roll:", ":(", ":)", ":o", ":twisted:", ":wink:" ); $sm2 = array( "question", "biggrin", "confused", "cool", "cry", "eek", "evil", "exclaim", "frown", "idea", "arrow", "lol", "mad", "mrgreen", "neutral", "razz", "redface", "rolleyes", "sad", "smile", "surprised", "twisted", "wink" ); $sm3 = array( ": ?:", ":D", ":?", ":cool:", ":cry:", ":shock:", ":evil:", ":!:", ":frown:", ":idea:", ":arrow:", ":lol:", ":x", ":mrgreen:", ":|", ":P", ": oops :", ":roll:", ":(", ":)", ":o", ":twisted:", ":wink:" ); // UBB Code Insertion and Replacing UBB tags with the appropriate HTML tag for ($i=0; $i<=15; $i++) { $yourmessage = str_replace($ubb1[$i], $ubb2[$i], $yourmessage); } // Inserting smiley faces for guestbook users for ($i=0; $i<=22; $i++) { $yourmessage = str_replace($sm1[$i], "\"$sm3[$i]\"", $yourmessage); } return $yourmessage; } // Message Cleanup function -------------------------------------- function clean_message($yourmessage) { $i = 0; $rep1 = array( "<", ">", "\n", "'" ); $rep2 = array( "<", ">", "
", "'" ); // Disable HTML Code in message body --------------------------------------------------------------- // Replacing Brackets to disable the insertion of HTML in the Guestbook and breaking long words $yourmessage = wordbreak($yourmessage, 40); for ($i=0; $i<=2; $i++) { $yourmessage = str_replace($rep1[$i], $rep2[$i], $yourmessage); } $yourmessage = str_replace('"','"', $yourmessage); return $yourmessage; } // Function to breakup log words in message ------------------------- function wordbreak($text, $wordsize) { if (strlen($text) <= $wordsize) { return $text; } # No breaking necessary, return original text. $text = str_replace("\n", "", $text); # Strip linefeeds $done = "false"; $newtext = ""; $start = 0; # Initialize starting position $segment = substr($text, $start, $wordsize + 1); # Initialize first segment while ($done == "false") { # Parse text $lastspace = strrpos($segment, " "); $lastbreak = strrpos($segment, "\r"); if ( $lastspace == "" AND $lastbreak == "" ) { # Break segment $newtext .= substr($text, $start, $wordsize) . " "; $start = $start + $wordsize; } else { # Move start to last space or break $last = max($lastspace, $lastbreak); $newtext .= substr($segment, 0, $last + 1); $start = $start + $last + 1; } # End If - Break segment $segment = substr($text, $start, $wordsize + 1); if ( strlen($segment) <= $wordsize ) { # Final segment is smaller than word size. $newtext .= $segment; $done = "true"; } # End If - Final segment is smaller than word size. } # End While - Parse text $newtext = str_replace("\r", "\r\n", $newtext); # Replace linefeeds return $newtext; } # End of function - Word Break // Function to filter out bad words ------------------------------------------ function swapBadWords($string) { global $gbBadWords; // Count the number of array element of the bad word array $nBadWords = sizeof($gbBadWords); for ($i = 0; $i < $nBadWords; $i++) { // Grab the first letter of bad word $banned = substr($gbBadWords[$i], 0, 1); // Replace remaining letters of bad word for ($j = 1; $j < strlen($gbBadWords[$i]); $j++) { $banned .= "*"; } // chars replaced with *. $string = str_replace($gbBadWords[$i], $banned, $string); } return $string; } // Function to detect if form submitted using injection ------------------------ function check_referer($referers) { // If there are any referrers in the list ... if (count($referers)) { $found = false; // Use the browsers referrer header. $temp = explode("/",getenv("HTTP_REFERER")); $referer = $temp[2]; if ($referer=="") { $referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; list($remove,$stuff)=split('//',$referer,2); list($home,$stuff)=split('/',$stuff,2); $referer = $home; } // Check agains list. for ($x=0; $x < count($referers); $x++) { if (eregi ($referers[$x], $referer)) { $found = true; } } // Refererer is blank. if ($referer =="") $found = false; if (!$found) { // You might alter this to print some sort of error of your own. echo "You are submitting entry from an unauthorized domain.

"; } return $found; } else { return true; } } // Function to detect spam keywords ------------------------------------------ function spamDetect($string) { global $gbSpam; // Count the number of array element of the bad word array $nSpam = sizeof($gbSpam); $tmpString = str_replace(" ", "", $string); $tmpString = strtolower($tmpString); for ($i = 0; $i < $nSpam; $i++) { $cSpam += substr_count($tmpString, $gbSpam[$i]); } if ($cSpam > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } ?>